this whole super pac/running for president story arc has been ingenious
1/21/2012 7:51:53 PM
I have enjoyed it...any news on how "herman cain" did in the primary?
1/21/2012 7:55:51 PM
He's shown the folly of Citizen United ruling (today is the 2nd anniversary of that ruling) more clearly than most good government/clean elections advocates.
1/21/2012 7:56:54 PM
this is good for some laughs
1/21/2012 8:00:56 PM
sc primary hasnt happened yethe's polling second or third in most polls, how hilarious and scary would it be if he actually won
1/21/2012 8:01:54 PM
^ um, it's happening now I thought?[Edited on January 21, 2012 at 8:07 PM. Reason : link]
1/21/2012 8:05:14 PM
oops, looks like gingrich won look like cain did too well[Edited on January 21, 2012 at 8:10 PM. Reason : .]
1/21/2012 8:08:13 PM
well it looks like only 13% have reported...maybe the other 87% are cain supporters.
1/21/2012 8:11:48 PM
true, he had 3300 people at his rally so you have to assume he's going to get more than 800 votes
1/21/2012 8:15:57 PM
2300 so far. more than Perry, lol
1/21/2012 8:39:09 PM
Colbert single-handedly got Rick Perry out of the race
1/21/2012 8:50:15 PM
Go Gingrich!
1/21/2012 8:52:18 PM
too many goddamn links ittdid anybody watch mine? i think Tyson stole the show personally
1/21/2012 10:07:16 PM[Edited on January 21, 2012 at 11:39 PM. Reason : .]
1/21/2012 11:38:53 PM