catalyst All American 8704 Posts user info edit post |
It may not last forever, this is true, but ponies have been around since 1980. It's only the recent line that converted like 99% of us. It's lasted over 30 years. kids grew up and because adults who still cherish their childhood ponies. Who's to say that we wont keep fluttershy, applejack, rainbow dash, rarity, twilight sparkle, pinkie pie, luna, celestia, derpy, doctor whooves, and all the rest in our hearts for the rest of our lives? We are the one who made the fandom big. And when the show goes off the air for good (hopefully not till season 8 or something like that), we will have left a very long legacy. Tons of pmv's, music, fanfics, pics, OC's, and more. We've met tons of friends, made new relationships, and become better and nicer people (99% of us most likely). It's gonna be something I will always look back on fondly and carry till my dying day, and when I lay in that casket, I will have the core 6 with me. That's what MLP means to me, and to many others. 1/23/2012 2:21:38 PM