Do any of you carry a fleshlight with you for every day carry? If so, what brand/model do you carry and why?
1/24/2012 12:54:21 PM[Edited on January 24, 2012 at 12:56 PM. Reason : .]
1/24/2012 12:56:15 PM
^ NSFW ^[Edited on January 24, 2012 at 1:06 PM. Reason : ಠ_ಠ]
1/24/2012 1:06:01 PM
^^i used to have to carry around 2 before
1/24/2012 7:53:02 PM
1/24/2012 7:56:55 PM
^wish i could think of things like that
1/24/2012 7:58:08 PM
lol whose signature is that?[Edited on January 24, 2012 at 8:01 PM. Reason : is it a celebrity endorsement?]
1/24/2012 8:00:12 PM
^^^ that is so brilliant, ohmygod.
1/24/2012 8:03:34 PM
to think you used to have to lug one of these around
1/24/2012 8:07:48 PM
How do you clean one of these things?Is there, like.....a spit valve?
1/24/2012 8:08:53 PM
i'm going to be honest, i'm starting to wonder if i should buy a'd be embarrassing i guess, but it's not like i'm trying to act like i don't jerk off.
1/24/2012 8:13:14 PM
lol lots of reviews on amazon
1/24/2012 8:27:03 PM
1/24/2012 8:31:01 PM
This is so weird.
1/24/2012 8:34:21 PM
what is that machine boner posted
1/24/2012 9:00:26 PM
1/24/2012 9:08:58 PM