ClassicMixup All American 3877 Posts user info edit post |
Let's ask the audience:
How do you take your coffee?
How many cups do you drink per day?
Preferred coffee chain?
Personal answers:
How do you take your coffee? Black
How many cups do you drink per day? 5-8
Preferred coffee chain? Dunkin 1/26/2012 4:13:32 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
How do you take your coffee? Black
How many cups do you drink per day? 1-2. That's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down from what it used to be. Preferred coffee chain? Starbucks but only because they're on my way to work. 1/26/2012 4:14:44 PM
modlin All American 2642 Posts user info edit post |
Black 3-4 Foldgers 1/26/2012 4:14:56 PM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
How do you take your coffee? Black. How many cups do you drink per day? 24-48 oz. Preferred coffee chain? don't have one. 1/26/2012 4:18:20 PM
A Tanzarian drip drip boom 10996 Posts user info edit post |
black 3-4 mugs (which is about 6 on the carafe) usually peet's 1/26/2012 4:18:36 PM
richthofen All American 15758 Posts user info edit post |
Splash of half and half. Occasionally one sugar, usually none.
Call it 2. (16 oz travel mug comes with me to work most mornings)
Chain? Starbucks. They may be evil, but their stuff is good. I prefer local places though--Bean Traders near my house, Open Eye if I'm in Chapel Hill/Carrboro, Global Village near NCSU. Still stop by the Mission Valley Cup A Joe sometimes as well, though that is probably more out of habit/familiarity than quality of coffee anymore. 1/26/2012 4:18:43 PM
stuck flex All American 4566 Posts user info edit post |
Black with a scoop of stevia, 2-3 cups per day. 1/26/2012 4:18:44 PM
dmspack oh we back 25920 Posts user info edit post |
How do you take your coffee?
How many cups do you drink per day?
2-3 mugs (amounts to 4-6 cups on the coffee pot)
Preferred coffee chain?
I don't go to many...Dunkin Donuts is probably the one I go to most, but I just go there out of convenience (and I don't go often either). And as for what brand of coffee I buy...usually the cheap store brand.
[Edited on January 26, 2012 at 4:23 PM. Reason : as] 1/26/2012 4:22:30 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
With a little bit of Hazelnut coffee mate (the liquid stuff, not powdered) 1 or 2 Usually just cheap stuff like folgers or JFG. I could count the number of times I've bought coffee at Starbucks on 1 finger. 1/26/2012 4:23:18 PM
AxlBonBach All American 45553 Posts user info edit post |
How do you take your coffee?
Skim Milk.
How many cups do you drink per day?
Only on weekends.
Preferred coffee chain?
Starbucks. 1/26/2012 4:25:45 PM
Dr Pepper All American 3583 Posts user info edit post |
- creamer added until it's milk-chocolate colored - ~36oz - Folgers 1/26/2012 4:53:34 PM
skywalkr All American 6788 Posts user info edit post |
Americano, at least three shots Heavy whipping cream or straight up Usually the espresso brand on sale at whole foods that week
Having an espresso machine has made regular drip coffee tast like water to me now /coffee snob
As for chain, I like a local place in Dallas. Starbucks does the trick but I will usually pick some local hippy joint first if it is available.
[Edited on January 26, 2012 at 5:28 PM. Reason : .] 1/26/2012 5:26:31 PM
craptastic All American 6116 Posts user info edit post |
How do you take your coffee?
I prefer about 1 part coffee to 17 parts sugar and creamer
How many cups do you drink per day?
I rarely drink it
Preferred coffee chain?
Starbucks 1/26/2012 5:32:32 PM
smoothcrim Universal Magnetic! 18976 Posts user info edit post |
don't drink that shit, but when I do, a ton of milk and sugar to where it tastes like baileys 0.002 $cheap
[Edited on January 26, 2012 at 5:44 PM. Reason : .] 1/26/2012 5:43:35 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Still stop by the Mission Valley Cup A Joe sometimes as well, though that is probably more out of habit/familiarity than quality of coffee anymore." |
haha I was going to say, whenever I stop in there these days the coffee is total shit. 1/26/2012 5:44:55 PM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
How do you take your coffee? half and half, sweeten with either classic syrup/honey/agave nectar decaf for now iced
How many cups do you drink per day? Maybe one a day
Preferred coffee chain? starbucks or whatever my friend Tessa buys
I wish I had the balls to drink it black. I love half and half too much! If I ever did paleo I would struggle with not being able to drink half and half with my coffee.] 1/26/2012 5:55:29 PM
skywalkr All American 6788 Posts user info edit post |
Just do primal instead and add grass fed heavy cream. Better than half and half anyways  1/26/2012 6:16:12 PM
Kickstand All American 11772 Posts user info edit post |
Usually 2 creams and I sugar
1 to 2 cups/day
I mix it up, but prefer Starbucks
I would like to add that black coffee with just sugar is some of the worst tasting stuff ever.  1/26/2012 6:16:13 PM
pdrankin All American 1508 Posts user info edit post |
how do i take it: with cream (because I'm impatient and don't want to wait for it to cool) how much: 2 cups chain: dunkin 1/26/2012 6:54:29 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
I don't like black coffee at all but maybe that's because I get cheap coffee. Friend of mine has a french press and some really good coffee and I like it black. 1/26/2012 6:56:46 PM
Marlo Veteran 275 Posts user info edit post |
I like my coffee the same way I like my women.
From behind. 1/26/2012 7:11:07 PM
elduderino All American 4343 Posts user info edit post |
How do you take your coffee? Cream & sugar. This is fucking America.
How many cups do you drink per day? Never more than two, usually one, and almost only when I work.
Preferred coffee chain? Dunkin', Dunkin', and Dunkin'. In Canada, Horton's. Fuck Starbucks. 1/26/2012 7:39:46 PM
Dr Pepper All American 3583 Posts user info edit post |
man, black coffee is good, especially with a keurig. never had it black before then..... once you go black 1/26/2012 7:59:31 PM
skywalkr All American 6788 Posts user info edit post |
K cups =  1/26/2012 8:52:52 PM
Skwinkle burritotomyface 19447 Posts user info edit post |
splash of half and half and a bit of sweetener of some kind 2-4 Most independent places. I don't like Starbucks or Caribou, and I try to only go there if I have to. On a daily basis I drink HT brand, Dunkin' or something at home, and Folgers at the office. 1/26/2012 9:28:20 PM
Byrn Stuff backpacker 19058 Posts user info edit post |
How do you take your coffee? Black or w/ Jameson's and Bailey's or a toffee latte or espresso depends on how I'm feeling
How many cups do you drink per day? One in the morning if I have any two or three if I'm grading/working several if I make a pot on my own
Preferred coffee chain? Starbucks w/ my girl McDonald's or Kangaroo if I'm just getting coffee on my own BikeCoffee if I'm in Durham  1/26/2012 10:24:28 PM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
Black - any kind even shitty gas station coffee. 1/26/2012 10:25:35 PM
dmspack oh we back 25920 Posts user info edit post |
^Pretty much sums up my opinion as well. I really don't have much preference when it comes to brands. It's all good to me. 1/26/2012 10:29:01 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "K cups = " |
Agreed but they're the only things we have at work. And I don't want to be that guy that brings a French press into work. 1/26/2012 10:44:15 PM
DjGohan All American 2585 Posts user info edit post |
with cream 3-6 per day prefer to make my own with counter culture or Larry's, but will do Starbucks when out 1/27/2012 9:08:42 AM