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 Message Boards » » DO NOT TEXT AND DRIVE WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY!!!!! Page [1]  
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2/1/2012 10:25:31 AM

83" of class
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Quote :



2/1/2012 10:26:57 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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I wonder if cops ever get into wrecks while they are looking to see if another driver is texting.

2/1/2012 10:27:15 AM

32337 Posts
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i thought that this was already something to not do?

2/1/2012 10:28:14 AM

All American
9053 Posts
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lol, like they're not going to pop a chub at the opportunity to give you a ticket for it any other day

2/1/2012 10:40:29 AM

All American
3260 Posts
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silly - cops are too busy reading tww on those fancy laptops in each cruiser.

2/1/2012 11:02:43 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Other common driving distractions include eating, reading and adjusting the radio."

should have included: "children"

2/1/2012 11:04:19 AM

41759 Posts
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Anyone else ever gone flying by a cruiser parked beside the road, not gotten pulled, and wondered if the cops wife was texting him or something?

2/1/2012 11:04:53 AM

5290 Posts
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i usually assume they're looking at a billboard of "Casino le Fantastique Sally" while beating their meat and choking themselves

2/1/2012 11:10:49 AM

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2/1/2012 11:11:40 AM

68205 Posts
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i eat and drive all the time #roadwarrior

2/1/2012 11:32:35 AM

All American
31140 Posts
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You can still e-mail and post on FB, right?

2/1/2012 11:33:59 AM

68205 Posts
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no, but tweeting is allowed because of the character limit

2/1/2012 11:35:13 AM

All American
1003 Posts
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Quote :
"Distracted driving is just as dangerous as impaired driving"

So why are DUI laws so harsh compared to distracted driving?

Oh, yeah! MADD!

2/1/2012 2:03:41 PM

All American
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2/1/2012 2:08:22 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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"I was just dialing a phone number officer"

2/1/2012 2:16:51 PM

All American
6157 Posts
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Bluetooth and voice-to-text FTW

2/1/2012 2:20:24 PM

All American
3001 Posts
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Quote :
"You can still e-mail and post on FB, right?"

I believe you can read email and read facebook. However, no typing out text is what the law forbids.

2/1/2012 2:22:41 PM

All American
21537 Posts
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Quote :
""I see a lot of people driving with their elbows on the steering wheel, texting with one hand," Highway Patrol Sgt. Jeff Gordon said."

that sounds harder than just using, i dunno, the other non-texting hand to hold the steering wheel

folks need to get them some swype

2/1/2012 2:23:00 PM

All American
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I have to text with 2 hands

But I don't drive with my elbows. I use my knees

2/1/2012 2:24:12 PM

All American
6157 Posts
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The only wreck I have ever been in was texting and driving while leaving the bar.

2/1/2012 2:28:29 PM

All American
28747 Posts
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How the fuck do they plan on catching people? How can you verify someone is texting while on the goddamn highway?

2/1/2012 2:28:37 PM

All American
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That's the hard part. It's pretty difficult to. My sister had her texting while driving ticket thrown out because the cop wrote "looking at phone while driving" and that's not prohibited by statute.

I guess it would be pretty obvious though, if a cop pulls up beside you and you've got both hands on the phone and your thumbs are going like mad. It's not hard to see what other people are doing in their cars.

2/1/2012 2:30:41 PM

All American
6157 Posts
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I got pulled over for texting and driving once, but I actually wasn't texting and driving...I was just adjusting my GPS. I showed the cop and he at 1st didnt believe me, but I had to show him my last text was over 15 mins prior and he let me go with a "verbal warning".

But to ask how are they going to catch people?

Unmarked cop cars and people with bright as fuck phones at night....Trust me you can spot a smart phone from a distance(that is unless you mistake their gps)

2/1/2012 2:39:38 PM

All American
9053 Posts
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Just another reason to stop people and poke around for other "violations" to get that tax $$...The safety bs is just a smoke screen.

2/1/2012 3:03:51 PM

275 Posts
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State Troopers? Or State Revenue Collectors?

2/1/2012 3:09:01 PM

All American
9053 Posts
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one is a subset of the other

2/1/2012 3:26:21 PM

All American
7631 Posts
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Somebody got ticketed for eating some fries while driving today.

2/1/2012 7:46:03 PM

1310 Posts
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gonna be funny if they pull someone over for what they think is eating and the person is chewing gum

2/1/2012 7:47:34 PM

114652 Posts
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Quote :
"i thought that this was already something to not do?"

buzz killington

2/1/2012 7:53:50 PM

All American
11921 Posts
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Quote :
"i eat and drive all the time #roadwarrior"

Same here. I don't want to wake up 10 minutes earlier just to eat breakfast in the house.

2/1/2012 11:40:05 PM

41759 Posts
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I saw SHP with a car pulled over on Kaplan today....wth?

Since when does SHP patrol Kaplan Drive?

2/2/2012 4:58:56 PM

1310 Posts
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since pedophiles with golden porches moved in

2/2/2012 4:59:57 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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since when is it against the law to eat while you are driving??

i eat a bowl of cereal on the way to work every morning.

[Edited on February 2, 2012 at 5:10 PM. Reason : ]

2/2/2012 5:10:03 PM

All American
33197 Posts
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^^^since forever- didn't you used to live off Kaplan? People speed all the time there, and cops get them from time to time. As a guy who was at kentwood a lot, I saw people getting pulled all the time. And I'm glad- I've seen people flying down that road.

missed SHP. dunno about all that, but it is close enough to the interstate that it doesn't really surprise me. If I were HP and in an area and saw someone driving like a dickhole, I'd get him too. Also, dude man could have pulled off and not actually pulled over until kaplan

[Edited on February 2, 2012 at 5:17 PM. Reason : e]

2/2/2012 5:16:25 PM

All American
3001 Posts
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Quote :
"since pedophiles with golden porches moved in"

I tried to find an image of a golden porch, but I could not.

2/2/2012 5:20:23 PM

41759 Posts
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Alright remember kids, if a law enforcement member asks to see your phone advise them a warrant will be required for that!

2/2/2012 7:56:02 PM

1310 Posts
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haha golden porches. i'm gonna say it was an iphone autocorrect mistake as to deflect.

2/2/2012 7:57:38 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » DO NOT TEXT AND DRIVE WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY!!!!! Page [1]  
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