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 Message Boards » » Amber Alert Page [1]  
All American
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Quote :
"THIS IS AN AMBER ALERT: The Asheville, NC Police Department has issued an Amber Alert for Amayei Robert Collington. Amayei is a 2 year old black male, approx 3 feet 6 inches tall, and weighing 45 pounds. He has black hair and brown eyes. Amayei was last seen wearing a red baseball cap with a white "P" on the front, a navy blue coat with a bear on the back, a blue & white shirt with stripes, blue jeans, and black Air Jordan tennis shoes.

The abductor is Durrell Marquise Norris. Durrell is a 25 years old black male, approx 6 feet 2 inches tall, and weighing 160 pounds. He has dreadlocked black hair and brown eyes. Durrell was last seen wearing a Black Carhartt coat, a black shirt, blue jeans, black tennis shoes. He also has a tattoo of the word "Darkece" on his right forearm, and "In God we trust " on his abdomen.

The vehicle that Durrell is known to be driving, is a Silver 2011 Dodge Charger with AL license tag number 58J6A2.

Anyone with information regarding this abduction, please call the Asheville Police Department immediately at (828) 271-6134 or call 911.

You can view pictures of both Amayei and Durrell at the link below."

2/15/2012 6:49:53 PM

1136 Posts
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This will not end well.

2/15/2012 6:51:03 PM

Sup, B
53288 Posts
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not white or cute (redundant), don't give a fuck

2/15/2012 6:53:04 PM

3870 Posts
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I got an alert on my phone that said this was over and the kid is safe.

2/15/2012 6:54:39 PM

All American
16417 Posts
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kid looks pretty cute to me. should see my fb newsfeed everyday for true horror.

2/15/2012 6:56:23 PM

All American
10774 Posts
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how the hell does a 2yr old weigh 45lbs?

2/15/2012 6:56:56 PM

1136 Posts
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Well he is 3'6"

I dont know a lot about kids, but that seems tall for a 2yo

2/15/2012 7:02:32 PM

4725 Posts
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hide ya kids

2/15/2012 7:05:54 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
"I got an alert on my phone that said this was over and the kid is safe."

Oh, well in that case

Quote :
"Bound, naked in a Subaru: Valentine's Day role-playing ends badly

It began shortly after noon on Tuesday, when someone at the New Seasons Market in north Portland reported that they had seen a naked female with duct tape on her mouth tied up in the back of a blue Subaru Legacy.

The man driving the car had told the witness they "were just having some fun," police said in their report, but the woman in the back of the car "seemed hazy."

The witness phoned in the license plate to the car, and the search was on.

Authorities in Washington state were alerted, in case the car traveled north across the state line on Interstate 5. Portland police began combing the city's streets, while a patrol car zeroed in on the address where the car was registered.

By 12:56 p.m., the Subaru drove up, and when officers closed in, Harbar told them the couple was "doing some Valentine's Day role-playing," the police report said. Police confirmed from Pelzner "that she was voluntarily bound and nude in the back of the Subaru," it said.

2/15/2012 7:08:22 PM

Eaton Bush
All American
2342 Posts
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Quote :

not white or cute (redundant), don't give a fuck"


2/15/2012 7:08:36 PM

All American
63547 Posts
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Quote :
"He also has a tattoo of the word "Darkece" on his right forearm"

Umm that's not a word.

2/15/2012 8:39:31 PM

114652 Posts
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post this on 4chan

2/15/2012 8:41:37 PM

3870 Posts
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2/15/2012 8:42:39 PM

1136 Posts
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^^^Proabably the name of one of his kids.

You know most black people always have ridiculous names.

2/16/2012 3:59:31 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Maybe it's his gang's name.

2/16/2012 7:28:37 PM

15294 Posts
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At least name your niglet something I can yell in the woods when you shack up to fill that void of not having a father

I'm Krallum and I approved this message

2/16/2012 7:31:16 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Amber Alert Page [1]  
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