EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
Nothing. I'm not catholic. 2/22/2012 5:58:43 PM
DivaBaby19 Davidbaby19 45208 Posts user info edit post |
I thought about staying on this no solid food diet I've been on the past week and a half, but then I remembered I'm not catholic either  2/22/2012 6:00:52 PM
uther Starting Lineup 78 Posts user info edit post |
Shit, screwed that up. 2/22/2012 6:00:57 PM
tacolu Suspended 1136 Posts user info edit post |
Just another reason I'm glad I am not religious. 2/22/2012 6:02:10 PM
se7entythree YOSHIYOSHI 17379 Posts user info edit post |
nothing because i don't believe in this shit 2/22/2012 6:07:22 PM
tacolu Suspended 1136 Posts user info edit post |
It's absolutely fucking amazing so many people live their lives based on a myth. 2/22/2012 6:08:34 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148877 Posts user info edit post |
 2/22/2012 6:09:46 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |

2/22/2012 6:10:03 PM
LunaK LOSER :( 23634 Posts user info edit post |
EMCE 2/22/2012 6:12:56 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
UNPOSSIBLE! 2/22/2012 6:16:08 PM
SchndlrsFist All American 5528 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "nothing because i don't believe in this shit" |
2/22/2012 6:27:50 PM
thegoodoctor All American 1670 Posts user info edit post |
It doesn't matter if you follow religion at all.
Think of it this way, if there is something in your life which you think you would be better off without like... cigarettes, or cheeseburgers, or chocolate, or watching tv 4 hours a day.... then think of this as a chance to stop doing those things for the short period of 40 days.
If you can't make it 40 days then maybe you should think about why you got to be so dependent on whatever. Or if you made it 40 days and think that maybe you never need this again, then good for you. Or if you make it 40 days and decide that you don't really want to give up whatever forever then good for you.
It's just an experiment in self control and a bunch of people trying to live a little healthier. It just gives people the excuse to get rid of something without being judged by other people. You can just say you did it for Jesus and they'll leave you alone.
I'm giving up alcohol because I'm tired of needing it. 2/22/2012 7:05:19 PM
simonn best gottfriend 28968 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "then think of this as a chance to stop doing those things for the short period of 40 days." |
i literally always have that opportunity on the table. literally always.] 2/22/2012 7:26:02 PM
CassTheSass cupid 35382 Posts user info edit post |
I'm catholic but I don't know what to give up. Every year I say I will and then I can never think of anything. 2/22/2012 7:29:38 PM
piddlebug ow 2293 Posts user info edit post |
I am not catholic. I am giving up fried food same as I did the last 2 years. It helps me learn to try other things at TOBIR and once I stop eating it for 40 days I eventually don't miss it and it lessens how much of it I eat going forward. For a while.... 2/22/2012 7:31:11 PM
merbig Suspended 13178 Posts user info edit post |
Christianity. 2/22/2012 7:31:57 PM
willembahh All American 2378 Posts user info edit post |
Lent 2/22/2012 7:37:27 PM
grimx #maketwwgreatagain 32337 Posts user info edit post |
facebook 2/22/2012 7:37:48 PM
ncsuapex SpaceForRent 37776 Posts user info edit post |
Im giving up lint. 2/22/2012 7:38:16 PM
LivinProof78 All American 49373 Posts user info edit post |
i can never come up with anything...
i don't have any consistent bad habits....
other than cussing...i should really give up cussing....forever though...not just for lent 2/22/2012 7:57:26 PM