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 Message Boards » » The Internet in 2015: The Zettabyte Era Page [1]  
All American
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Quote :
"Today we live in a world of petabytes and exabytes but according to the latest findings from the Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI), we’ll need to add the term “zettabyte” to our vocabulary by 2015.

So, how much exactly is a zettabyte?

A zettabyte is roughly 1000 exabytes. To place that amount of volume in more practical terms, an exabyte alone has the capacity to hold over 36,000 years worth of HD quality video…or stream the entire Netflix catalog more than 3,000 times. A zettabyte is equivalent to about 250 billion DVDs.

By 2015, the majority of global Internet traffic (61 percent) will be in some form of video—Internet video-to-PC, Internet video-to-TV, mobile video, et al.The “dawn of the Zettabyte era” will be an unprecedented online milestone that will occur in our lifetime."

Also good:

Quote :
"Comparisons for scale

A zettabyte is equal to 1 billion terabytes.

The world’s technological capacity to receive information through one-way broadcast networks was 0.432 zettabytes of (optimally compressed) information in 1986, 0.715 in 1993, 1.2 in 2000, and 1.9 (optimally compressed) zettabytes in 2007 (this is the informational equivalent to every person on earth receiving 174 newspapers per day).[8]

According to International Data Corporation, the total amount of global data is expected to grow to 2.7 zettabytes during 2012. This is 48% up from 2011.[9]

Mark Liberman calculated the storage requirements for all human speech ever spoken at 42 zettabytes if digitized as 16 kHz 16-bit audio. This was done in response to a popular expression that states "all words ever spoken by human beings" could be stored in approximately 5 exabytes of data (see exabyte for details). Liberman did "freely confess that maybe the authors [of the exabyte estimate] were thinking about text."[10] A revised theory is that if you made an audio recording of the conscience and words of all humanity since the dawn of time and multiplied the data 4 times you would reach this 1 ZiB[11]

Research from the University of Southern California reports that in 2007, humankind successfully sent 1.9 zettabytes of information through broadcast technology such as televisions and GPS.[12]

Research from the University of California, San Diego reports that in 2008, Americans consumed 3.6 zettabytes of information.[13]"

[Edited on February 25, 2012 at 3:51 AM. Reason : IBTLD]

2/25/2012 3:47:17 AM

All American
1164 Posts
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a cup of coffee to the great wall of china. That's quite a strange comparison to make.

2/25/2012 4:14:29 AM

All American
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i thought so too, but i guess for those volumes, those are the objects most people know about.

you can substitute any number of things of roughly equal volume for the cup of coffee... but the great wall of china? not many things in the world with that much volume that many people are familiar with.

2/25/2012 4:22:49 AM

45912 Posts
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yeh, I wouldn't use the great wall; people know it's long, but people are too stupid to convert that to volume. they used a common volume estimator and a length estimator, bad form. They should use one of my favorite, brought to you by WRAL.... school buses!

also, in 2015, VZW will still be charging $80 for 2gb

2/25/2012 8:15:41 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Also in 2015, I still will not be able to get high speed internet access where I live.

2/25/2012 9:12:35 AM

37709 Posts
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What a stupid article, the world will be gone in 2012

2/25/2012 10:02:38 AM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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1) dude found a new word
2) dude likes to make charts

2/25/2012 10:14:47 AM

All American
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By the time we get old, the world will have gone into the unofficial SI prefixes...
Yottabyte (YB): 1000ZB, 10^24 B
Xennabyte (XB): 1000YB, 10^27 B
Wekabyte (WB): 1000XB, 10^30 B
Vendekabyte (VB): 1000WB, 10^33 B
Udekabyte (UB): 1000VB, 10^36 B, or 10^18 EB

They can't go any higher with this pattern, because unlike the smaller prefixes, "T" is already taken by tera-; however, just FYI, "t" does stand for "treko-" which is 10^-39, 1000th of "udeko-"

of course when dealing with data-storage, we more commonly use the binary-related prefixes (Microsoft uses the binary ones but claims they're the decimal ones), so like an udebibyte (UiB) would be 2^120 B, or about 1.329*10^36 B; similarly, 1UB is about 770.372ViB

2/25/2012 12:54:52 PM

5608 Posts
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I don't have an 11 oz cup of coffee on my desk.

2/25/2012 1:02:25 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » The Internet in 2015: The Zettabyte Era Page [1]  
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