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148877 Posts
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mmmmmmmmmm, I ♥ 90-Minute IPA

2/27/2012 6:20:30 PM

3870 Posts
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Lots of stoned 50 year old douchebags are

2/27/2012 6:21:51 PM

All American
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2/27/2012 6:23:25 PM

balls deep
89893 Posts
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Good stuff

This isn't very far from my house:
I used to go there all the time for dinner/drinks with friends, afterhours customer meetings, etc... food isn't bad either.

Sigh...lately, I've been laying off the beer though. Trying not to get a gut, haha.

2/27/2012 6:23:57 PM

148877 Posts
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if i went there i'm pretty sure i'd need a cab-ride home

i still haven't had the 120-minute since its illegal in NC

[Edited on February 27, 2012 at 6:29 PM. Reason : never had the 75-minute either, just 60- and 90-]

[Edited on February 27, 2012 at 6:30 PM. Reason : V like a boss]

2/27/2012 6:28:54 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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[Edited on February 27, 2012 at 6:30 PM. Reason : F]

2/27/2012 6:29:42 PM

balls deep
89893 Posts
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Quote :
"i still haven't had the 120-minute since its illegal in NC

aha, Ive seen the 120 at the beer-deli down the street from me. 1 bottle is like 9 bucks...gotta ask the cashier for it though..they dont keep it on the shelf

2/27/2012 6:33:22 PM

148877 Posts
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its 18% ABV right? a 4-pack is like 17+ domestic light beers lol

2/27/2012 6:36:04 PM

Shitter Pilot
10238 Posts
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I've had the 120 NC.

2/27/2012 6:40:31 PM

balls deep
89893 Posts
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something like that. You only need a bottle, and you're set. It's easy to over do it, haha. More than a few, and it'll sit you down for the night.

2/27/2012 6:44:56 PM

All American
6759 Posts
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went to dogfish when i was in dc

so good

2/27/2012 7:29:49 PM

16786 Posts
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I got palo santo, burton baton, world wide stout, immort ale, 60, 90, midas touch, Red & white, squall, pangaea, and my antonia in stokk.

2/27/2012 8:27:27 PM

Bobby Light
All American
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Most overrated brewery since the existence of beer.


2/27/2012 8:31:31 PM

16786 Posts
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okay, I'll bite.

What does Bobby Light drink?

2/27/2012 8:36:39 PM

All American
1380 Posts
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^x9 That's a bowfin aka "blackfish"

This is a dogfish

2/27/2012 9:13:42 PM

Bobby Light
All American
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I drink good beer.

Not that hot-fermented swill. Most of their beers taste like rocketfuel because they ferment way too warm. (they have to ferment warmer than optimal temp to speed up the process to keep up with demand).

2/27/2012 9:22:02 PM

Dick Danger
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^^ thats not a bowfin thats a buglemouth bass aka "grindle trout"

see what i did there?

2/27/2012 9:52:11 PM

All American
1620 Posts
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90-Minute IPA horse piss in a bottle. i fixed it for you man

[Edited on February 27, 2012 at 9:59 PM. Reason : .]

2/27/2012 9:58:37 PM

All American
26447 Posts
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^^^ dodged the question

2/27/2012 10:40:25 PM

148877 Posts
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glad to see i can agree with skokiaan when its not about ncsu basketball

2/27/2012 11:37:13 PM

15294 Posts
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Mah nigga. Drinkin dat 60 minute IPA right now

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

2/27/2012 11:40:20 PM

148877 Posts
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i'm drinkin that Magic Hat #9 at the moment

2/27/2012 11:41:01 PM

15294 Posts
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I go through phases with magic hat. I'll drink it like every other weekend for like 3 months and then i won't drink it at all for like a year and a half. It actually reminds me a bit of the 60 minute ipa

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

2/27/2012 11:43:17 PM

148877 Posts
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i was just gonna go to the gas station for some beer earlier, but figured i'd instead hit up the grocery store and grab some food...the Harris Teeter I went to didn't have Dogfish (and the store that has Dogfish 90 minute across the street doesn't sell food)

2/27/2012 11:44:34 PM

15294 Posts
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What a god damn disgrace.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

2/27/2012 11:47:18 PM

All American
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My friend's wife works in marketing there and makes the drive downstate every day. They get a free case with every paycheck.

I don't have the heart to tell her how much I can't stand Dogfish beer. I still have Punkin Ale in my fridge from October. But my father always taught me never to complain about free beer, but to gripe at will if the temperature is unsuitable.

2/28/2012 7:24:25 AM

All American
4127 Posts
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Sam is the man. Gets me fucked up faster than the usual all the time.

2/28/2012 10:13:06 AM

63151 Posts
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one of the things i miss about moving from delaware

2/28/2012 10:16:12 AM

All American
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Sam is actually a complete douchebag with complete disregard for his employees. He doesn't know anyone's names and is normally too busy traveling and putting on a doucheshow for the cameras. He doesn't really care about the beer itself. He doing his best to walk the fine line of remaining a boutique craft beer image while raking in big beer business profits and still pointing the finger at Anheuser and Miller like they are the enemy.. And the quality is definitely suffering. He tells a story in his book and show that he sold beers to bars from the back of his broke down car when in reality his wife's father (very wealthy) funded his entire operation from the start because he was an unemployed hippy and he didn't want his daughter to live her life in hippy poverty. Employee turnover is extremely high. Everyone who is initially hired is all like OMG I WORK FOR DOGFISH AWWSUM!!!1 DREAM JERB! But end up quitting after a few month because it sucks so bad to work there. They are basically skating by on their name at this point.

2/28/2012 10:33:41 AM

Bobby Light
All American
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doesnt surprise me in the least. Unfortunately.

2/28/2012 3:27:01 PM

Eaton Bush
All American
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Pikey? Have you met Sam or are you just spouting some 3rd hand bs you heard?

I like Dogfish. I'm not an IPA fan, but I really like all of their beers.

3/2/2012 1:17:20 AM

16786 Posts
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I agree with:

1) And the quality is definitely suffering.
2) Sam is actually a complete douchebag

3/2/2012 2:59:37 AM

Eaton Bush
All American
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Based on?
Other than IPA, I have not had a DF that I did not like.

I haven't met Sam, so really can't say if he is a douche. Have you met him?
I do know people are overcritical of him and I think that some of that goes with success. There are always haters.
Just like there are snobs in wine, there are snobs in beer.Don't listen to the hype or the hate. Just enjoy the beer. Then again, don't drink DF... more for me.

3/2/2012 4:45:31 AM

All American
6421 Posts
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Quote :
"Pikey? Have you met Sam or are you just spouting some 3rd hand bs you heard?

I like Dogfish. I'm not an IPA fan, but I really like all of their beers."

I've met him. Not like we went out to dinner or anything or hung out like that. Like I said, my friend's wife works there. Dogfish sponsors events like 5Ks and other types of seemingly charitable stuff to bolster community support that I've gone to with them. Sam comes, gives his little 30 second schtick, shakes a few hands, and then disappears. That is if he shows up at all. He just comes off as a fake politician or a sleazy used car salesman. I'm definitely not hating on the success of Dogfish. I am all for successful small business. I just don't like Sam as a person. He just irks me and makes my skin crawl for some reason.

3/2/2012 6:27:23 AM

Eaton Bush
All American
2342 Posts
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fair enough.

3/2/2012 6:52:28 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Dogfish Page [1]  
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