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balls deep
89893 Posts
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There. I said it.

2/27/2012 7:09:45 PM

37776 Posts
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Neither is running really fast

2/27/2012 7:10:13 PM

Burn it all down.
18420 Posts
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It's a competition.

2/27/2012 7:10:49 PM

Black and Proud
14179 Posts
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2/27/2012 7:14:00 PM

All American
1966 Posts
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You're not really human.

2/27/2012 7:20:58 PM

148877 Posts
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*changes channel from Daytona 500 to Monday Night Raw*

2/27/2012 7:22:52 PM

All American
1966 Posts
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Now that is true entertainment.

2/27/2012 7:25:47 PM

13178 Posts
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Trolling isn't really an art.

There, I said it.

2/27/2012 7:28:12 PM

All American
1966 Posts
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2/27/2012 10:20:14 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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"sport" is in the same class as "rivalry" where people go apeshit over whether or not the thing that they love is described as such... even though it doesn't change that thing either way.

2/27/2012 10:24:56 PM

All American
22489 Posts
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2/27/2012 10:27:19 PM

balls deep
89893 Posts
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I wonder if I lay on my couch long enough, maybe I can get someone to sponsor me.

2/27/2012 10:27:34 PM

All American
42569 Posts
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sport is not something that exists in nature or is defined using some quantifiable or universal laws.

all depends on the definition of "sport".

2/28/2012 6:11:28 AM

All American
10774 Posts
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its more of a sport than golf

2/28/2012 6:40:42 AM

balls deep
89893 Posts
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Don't get upset. I don't think poker is a sport either

2/28/2012 6:46:54 AM

All American
42569 Posts
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by my definition, the following are sports:

car racing

but the following are not:

board games

2/28/2012 7:23:58 AM

balls deep
89893 Posts
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Much like your face, your definition is stupid.

I'm much more willing to classify something as a sport if you're involved in some game of physical activity (using your own power) and skill, with a clear set of rules.

2/28/2012 7:37:44 AM

All American
42569 Posts
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1) I didn't state my definition.
2) You are one bigoted asstroll.
3) Grow up.
4) Fuck off.
5) Die.

2/28/2012 7:42:02 AM

no u
103356 Posts
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i think we can all agree that MMA isn't a sport though

2/28/2012 7:43:21 AM

balls deep
89893 Posts
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I don't think that terrorism can be defined as a sport either.

2/28/2012 7:46:49 AM

All American
42569 Posts
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But hitting on girls on the internet by making blatant sexual comments is definitely a sport (and an art and a science).

2/28/2012 7:55:13 AM

balls deep
89893 Posts
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Bedwetting is most definately not a sport. It's just gross. Even if it's olympic style bedwetting.

2/28/2012 7:57:44 AM

All American
42569 Posts
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But misspelling is definately a sport.

2/28/2012 8:00:01 AM

balls deep
89893 Posts
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Creeping girls out isn't really a sport. Sorry little guy....I'm afraid that with your frail, sickly, and boyish body, you'll never really be able to compete in sports.

Maybe it's best that you stick to building machines to help you move faster. Just don't build anything that will blow us up, ok?

2/28/2012 8:05:23 AM

45912 Posts
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to me, a sport is an activity that requires 1) a certain amount and type of physical skill/talent, 2) some level of physical fitness and 3) contains direct interference (i.e. defense) by the opposition. in this definition, running around a track isn't a sport. golf isn't a sport. cheerleading isn't a sport. those are games, activities, etc. nascar may barely meet the definition, but I'm on the fence there. your opposition can arguably be seen as interfering in your goal; leg races don't really have this; however, I challenge the physical fitness part (sure some drivers a fit, but in the old days, you had some fat rednecks driving... maybe they were physically fit otherwise, I don't know). real sports = soccer, football, basketball, tennis, baseball, etc.

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 9:20 AM. Reason : .]

2/28/2012 9:18:15 AM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
34079 Posts
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I agree with EMCE, but thats moreso because I'll agree with anyone who disagress with 0EPII1, rather than anything EMCE did to gain my loyalty.

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 9:23 AM. Reason : x]

2/28/2012 9:23:32 AM

balls deep
89893 Posts
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There is no direct defense in swimming. Would you consider that a sport?

What about underwear sniffing? What about underwear sniffing ON A TREADMILL!

2/28/2012 9:23:58 AM

no u
103356 Posts
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anything a woman can do isn't a sport

2/28/2012 9:28:17 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
28531 Posts
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Quote :
" i think we can all agree that MMA isn't a sport though"

Two guys hitting each other and wrestling in their underwear?

Sounds a lot like gay porn to me.

2/28/2012 9:31:17 AM

45912 Posts
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^^^swimming is not a sport.

I'm not saying that activities that aren't sports aren't physically demanding; or even more demanding than a sport; many are; however, I see human racing (run or swim) as not a sport, I classify it as racing, a completely different category; thus my on the fence stance about nascar.

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 9:36 AM. Reason : .]

2/28/2012 9:35:15 AM

All American
43429 Posts
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"There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games."

~ Ernest Hemingway

Anything that involves a considerable risk of death gets more respect from me. So while I don't enjoy NASCAR I respect what those drivers do more than baseball or football. And you're kidding yourself if you think race drivers (the competitive ones at least) aren't in amazing shape.

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 9:42 AM. Reason : k]

2/28/2012 9:41:49 AM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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yes, look at that classically athletic physique!

2/28/2012 9:44:56 AM

All American
24674 Posts
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like I always say, if you cant decide if something is a sport or not, quote Ernest fucking Hemingway

2/28/2012 9:44:58 AM

All American
43429 Posts
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the man knew his shit

2/28/2012 9:45:27 AM

All American
8704 Posts
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2/28/2012 9:50:37 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
28531 Posts
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yes, look at that classically athletic physique

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 10:01 AM. Reason : Jerks]

2/28/2012 9:51:22 AM

All American
42569 Posts
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hemingway was a fool... bullfighting is a "sport"?

bullfighting is cowardly cruel stupidity of the highest order.

mechanical bull-riding is more of a sport than "bullfighting".

and bull-riding is infinitely more of a sport than "bullfighting".

2/28/2012 10:02:20 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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I love watching EMCE and OPP going at it. It's like two middle-schoolers going back and forth with "yo mama" jokes.

And bull fighting is a sport. It might not be very humane...but it's definitely a sport.

2/28/2012 10:07:30 AM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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pillow fighting is a sport

on the same order as MMA

because it has fighting in it's name

2/28/2012 10:08:30 AM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
34079 Posts
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TWW fighting is definitely a sport, because it requires smarts, macho headgames, and is entertaining as fuck.

2/28/2012 10:12:52 AM

All American
8704 Posts
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Fuck you motherfucker I will smash your face in you pussy ass little tigershark.

2/28/2012 10:13:58 AM

balls deep
89893 Posts
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I don't think jbrick quite understands The Game

0epii1 knows of The Game ....he just fuckung sucks at it.

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 10:32 AM. Reason : K]

2/28/2012 10:19:22 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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I think I get it...but its entirely possible that I don't.

I enjoy watching OPP get riled up. I can almost feel the steam coming out of his ears through his posts.

2/28/2012 10:25:56 AM

All American
6576 Posts
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You can't deny E-Sports. This will be on ESPN within a year, I guarantee it.

2/28/2012 10:49:07 AM

All American
21497 Posts
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Did Slave Famous just say "macho head games"

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 11:16 AM. Reason : lol]

2/28/2012 11:16:06 AM

All American
6511 Posts
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2/28/2012 11:53:24 AM

All American
6786 Posts
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I'm gonna drive and I'm gonna go fayast and I'm gonna turn to the left sometimes!

2/28/2012 5:13:31 PM

balls deep
89893 Posts
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Just saying....

3/4/2012 4:54:44 PM

13178 Posts
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3/4/2012 4:58:50 PM

All American
33197 Posts
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set em up

3/4/2012 4:59:33 PM

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