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 Message Boards » » Is there such a thing as smell pollution? Page [1]  
All American
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I live close to a grocery store and every few days a stench is coming from the fish they dispose of into their dumpster. Is there such a thing as smell pollution? I want to complain and try to get them to dispose of it differently so that the smell isn't so bad but not sure if I even have a right to do so.

It sucks right now, but I am also thinking from a prospective buyer's point of view. If the smell had been particularly bad the day I came to look at the house, it may have been taken into consideration for my buying decision.

2/29/2012 7:52:07 AM

37776 Posts
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Just tell those dumpster diving people. They'll clean it out for you.

2/29/2012 7:54:08 AM

no u
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2/29/2012 7:55:16 AM

All American
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I tried googling "proper fish disposal" and "grocery store meat disposal" and "smell pollution laws"

No dice. This is why I turn to TWW, for lmgtfy

2/29/2012 7:58:41 AM

All American
7863 Posts
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call the local planning office and see what they have to say about it.

if its that bad it should fall under some type of nuisance ordinance.

2/29/2012 8:01:14 AM

All American
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Nice, I actually just saw some article from Wilmington that said something similar.

It definitely is a nuisance.

2/29/2012 8:03:25 AM

All American
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Yes, if the smell is too bad, it's a nuisance. But the question was whether you were there first, or the grocery store.

2/29/2012 8:03:27 AM

All American
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I was not the builder, but the grocery was definitely here first. Why does that matter though?

If I move in to a place next to some party people, I can still call the authorities on their loud party music even if they lived there first.

2/29/2012 8:05:55 AM

All American
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there is the possibility that theyre disposing of these things incorrectly, creating a health hazard, etc.

also they could have inadequate dumpsters or some other equipment deficiency.

they might be fine on all above points but still pissing off town inspectors, in which case they will receive small fines until its taken care of.

if the fines arent enough to make them change their ways they will just keep paying them and youll have to deal with it (burn it down).

in all seriousness though your approach at that point would probably be to organize some little protesting community movement to generate a lot of negative press for them and see if the store manager folds.

[Edited on February 29, 2012 at 8:13 AM. Reason : -]

2/29/2012 8:12:19 AM

All American
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i'd like to report this intersection:

every morning, someone nearby is burning coffee, condoms, and tires- all at the same time. please fix this, tww

[Edited on February 29, 2012 at 8:22 AM. Reason : embiggen Ø]

2/29/2012 8:22:28 AM

no u
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just fart a lot in their general direction

a good ol' fashioned stink war

2/29/2012 8:23:03 AM

All American
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I can't find it anywhere but I wonder if there is some measurable level of smell that causes it to be a nuisance

2/29/2012 8:30:59 AM

All American
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I was told the city shut down a compost facility at the corner of Chapel Hill Rd and Nowell Rd. for the overwhelming stench that went into the neighborhood across the street.

Have you tried the planning and development office as someone else has suggested?

2/29/2012 8:37:25 AM

45912 Posts
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so you moved next door to a stinky workplace and you expect them to change?

2/29/2012 8:55:57 AM

11583 Posts
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troll alert

2/29/2012 9:01:14 AM

All American
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I don't really buy the "I was infringing on the rights of your property before you bought it so piss off" argument in very many cases. Airports, yes. Rotting meat, no. I'd recommend the OP pursue the issue until he gets resolution or finds out he has no rights in the matter.

2/29/2012 9:04:08 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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you need to stop being a little bitch, honestly.

you should have checked this out before you moved there.

2/29/2012 9:09:47 AM

45912 Posts
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I moved next to a swamp and it stinks. I think the government should fill it in because it's not right for something existing beside me to stink even though nothing illegal is going on.

2/29/2012 9:14:02 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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Do grocery stores have to follow similar health regulations as restaurants? I know restaurants can get in trouble if their dumpster sits with putrid meat in it for long periods of time. Maybe try calling the Health Department?

2/29/2012 9:14:20 AM

All American
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VOC pollution, volatile organic contaminant, even bakeries have to abide by the standards. I am not sure what the standard here in NC is tho.

2/29/2012 9:33:51 AM

soup du hier
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obligatory "your mom's vagina"

2/29/2012 9:39:29 AM

Dick Danger
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ive never noticed a smell at TW alexander and 54 and i drive by there every morning

maybe its your car

2/29/2012 9:41:38 AM

All American
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If you're having trouble finding things, I think it's because you're searching for smell pollution. Try smell with the right of quiet enjoyment (which is what you're alleging is infringed upon). If the smell interferes with your right of quiet enjoyment of your land, you would have an argument for nuisance. However, it has to be bad enough that EVERYONE around you is affected. They don't take into account any particular sensitivities of your nose. And yes, they will take into account that you willingly moved there, with the grocery store there first. However, if they're breaking some sort of regulation or ordinance, that would tip the scales in your favor.

It's very difficult to win on a public or private nuisance.

[Edited on February 29, 2012 at 9:44 AM. Reason : ]

2/29/2012 9:42:44 AM

All American
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how close is the grocery store exactly?

2/29/2012 10:13:40 AM

148877 Posts
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1st world problems itt

2/29/2012 10:40:50 AM

All American
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2/29/2012 11:16:49 AM

All American
31140 Posts
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Quote :
"I moved next to a swamp and it stinks. I think the government should fill it in because it's not right for something existing beside me to stink even though nothing illegal is going on."

Not even close.

2/29/2012 12:13:02 PM

All American
1131 Posts
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Drive down 17 South in SC into Georgetown. You will know Smell Pollution (paper mills, yuck).

2/29/2012 2:41:21 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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my wife believes in the idea of smell pollution.

especially after I consume mexican or indian food.

2/29/2012 2:43:49 PM

All American
6511 Posts
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Quote :
"Do grocery stores have to follow similar health regulations as restaurants? I know restaurants can get in trouble if their dumpster sits with putrid meat in it for long periods of time. Maybe try calling the Health Department?"

This is more along the lines of what I was looking for. Does anyone happen to know more about this type of rule?

2/29/2012 4:42:58 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Is there such a thing as smell pollution? Page [1]  
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