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 Message Boards » » Maybe I don't get lacoste Page [1]  
hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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3/5/2012 12:17:40 AM

148873 Posts
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gator on my shirt, what did that lacoste me?

(stephanie tanner got some tig ol's)

[Edited on March 5, 2012 at 12:28 AM. Reason :]

3/5/2012 12:23:36 AM

All American
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I definitely don't get it.

$130 for their basic solid color polo shirts? Fuck that. And going all the way up to $200+ for some of their fancier ones with prints. Still made in poor countries such as Vietnam and Cambodia like all other clothes. So why are they so expensive.

Then I saw a nice little one for 3-4 year olds (solid color plain polo) and thought to myself... this must be about $70 or so. Checked the price, it is $187 . Couldn't figure out why... checked the label inside, it said "Made in France".


I will stick to Banana Republic polos... $40 regular, and around $25 on sale.

3/5/2012 4:59:55 AM

All American
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I picked up couple when in France- only cost me about 40-60 bucks a pop. just had to figure out my euro sizing

3/5/2012 7:24:52 AM

35780 Posts
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is Lacoste still popular?

3/5/2012 8:26:35 AM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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I never see a single customer when I walk by the Lacoste store at Crabtree.

3/5/2012 10:38:55 AM

All American
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vineyard vines' whale completely pwns the lacoste gator.

3/5/2012 10:50:43 AM

All American
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Got a bunch of hand-me-down Izod polos from my dad back in the day (when Izod was Lacoste). Won't pay for the new ones these days, but I'll pimp the hell out of the old ones on Casual Friday and the rare instances when I can make it out to a golf course.

3/5/2012 10:56:33 AM

All American
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Quote :
"is Lacoste still popular?"

they are still in business, aren't they?

3/5/2012 11:21:13 AM

All American
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So what's the new consensus on this company? $200 for polo seems way too high. Are these guys still douches or have they evened Out?

[Edited on March 5, 2012 at 4:22 PM. Reason : .]

3/5/2012 4:22:08 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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Sorry for not getting back to you jbrick.

Still douches.

4/11/2012 4:13:22 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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Im steppin out Lacoste
Alligators on my kicks

4/11/2012 4:14:07 PM

Sink the Flagship
9818 Posts
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I wore a Lacoste shirt to class today

who the fuck pays $130 for their solid polo? I paid wayyy less than that. I have some Lacoste and Burberry stuff but I hardly ever wear it.

Ralph Lauren ftmfw. Pants, belts, wallet, draws, undershirts, polos, suits, etc. I got it all.


4/11/2012 4:28:03 PM

35780 Posts
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Quote :
"So what's the new consensus on this company? $200 for polo seems way too high. Are these guys still douches or have they evened Out?"

i see what you did there!

4/11/2012 4:44:06 PM

63151 Posts
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remember when we were kids and lacoste was a run of the mill brand?

i do.

there's tons of pictures of little me strutting around with a lacoste polo and mother fucking ringer tube socks.

the 80s, man.

4/11/2012 4:52:29 PM

All American
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4/11/2012 6:09:35 PM

All American
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^^^ I even forgot what you posted that about.

Apparently nobody got it at the time...

4/11/2012 6:16:25 PM

All American
15540 Posts
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^^^I sure do

4/11/2012 11:40:53 PM

All American
43429 Posts
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Quote :
"remember when we were kids and lacoste was a run of the mill brand?

i do.

there's tons of pictures of little me strutting around with a lacoste polo and mother fucking ringer tube socks.

the 80s, man."

Likewise...WTF happened?

4/12/2012 12:26:55 AM

All American
7327 Posts
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Quote :
"vineyard vines' whale completely pwns the lacoste gator."

i like southern tide too. better quality than VV IMO

4/12/2012 12:35:04 AM

State Oz
All American
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I rock the whale, the skipjack, the dog, the mountain, the crocodile, and the moose.

If you want a Lacoste shirt at a good price, go to Macy's or Belk. There's always a sale, and you can usually get a shirt for $40-50 at one of those stores that costs $90+ at the Lacoste store. No one shops at the actual store because the department stores undercut the fuck out of them.

4/12/2012 2:35:25 AM

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