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 Message Boards » » Crabs in Johnston County Page [1]  
All American
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Quote :
"MICRO, N.C. — Both lanes of I-95 Northbound were closed early Wednesday near Micro after a 15-foot box truck carrying live crabs overturned, authorities said. 

According to officials with the State Highway Patrol, 45-year-old David Coleman, of Maryland, lost control of the truck just before 4 a.m. Coleman, who suffered minor injuries, told troopers he lost control and flipped after he swerved to avoid a deer. 

As of 5:30 a.m., crews were on scene trying to clean up crabs that got out of the wooden boxes they are transported in. Another truck Coleman was traveling with returned to the wreck to help load the crabs. Authorities weren't sure what type of crabs the two trucks were transporting, but did say they were on the way to Maryland. 

The N.C. Department of Transportation expected the road to remain closed until around 6 a.m.

Charges are pending in the wreck, but authorities said Coleman was wearing a seat belt and that speed and alcohol were not factors in him losing control of the truck. No other information was released. "

3/14/2012 9:55:46 AM

All American
8704 Posts
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inb4 there have always been crabs in johnston county

3/14/2012 9:57:50 AM

40982 Posts
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yo there have always been crabs in johnston county

3/14/2012 9:59:51 AM

All American
45553 Posts
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the crabs were on the way to Maryland?

I would think Maryland harvests more than enough crabs out of the chesapeake to make this sort of thing unnecessary...


3/14/2012 10:48:35 AM

oh we back
25919 Posts
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Quote :
" yo there have always been crabs in johnston county"

that's what i assumed this thread was about


3/14/2012 11:24:00 AM

All American
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^^ Maybe they had a poor harvest this year.

3/14/2012 11:26:20 AM

In Pressed Silk
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crabs were overfished (overcrabbed?) in the Chesapeake. there are all kinds of limits and restrictions nowadays. also the water is warmer down here earlier in the year than in Maryland, allowing the crabs to come out of their mud caves and mate and make little crabbies for the summer.

it is odd, but in Maryland you will find that many places sell crabs from the brackish water of the NC intracoastal waterways. hell they even get crabs from the gulf too.

[Edited on March 14, 2012 at 11:27 AM. Reason : .]

3/14/2012 11:27:32 AM

All American
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yep, most of the crabs you eat in Maryland aren't really local.

3/14/2012 12:57:05 PM

All American
7323 Posts
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crabs are hea

3/14/2012 1:08:01 PM

All American
45553 Posts
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Quote :
"yep, most of the crabs you eat in Maryland aren't really local."

this is 100% dependent on where you eat.

3/14/2012 1:11:39 PM

63151 Posts
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when i go to maryland, i go to joe's crab shack

no better in the world

[Edited on March 14, 2012 at 1:16 PM. Reason : ew]

3/14/2012 1:16:21 PM

All American
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Quote :
"this is 100% dependent on where you eat."

This is true. Though, there are a BUNCH of places that sell crabs from other than the Bay - Bay crabs are too expensive. And in the winter time all you will eat is Louisiana's finest everywhere you go, which inlander tourist don't realize. They have put a restriction on crab dredging in the winter, which has led to increasing numbers of crabs in the bay. I think it's the best in like 20 years.

The cool thing about that is, they paid watermen to dredge up old ghost pots. over the past three years they have pulled up 30,000 ghost pots.

3/14/2012 7:05:47 PM

All American
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3/15/2012 7:18:34 PM

All American
5562 Posts
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Quote :
"Quote :
"yep, most of the crabs you eat in Maryland aren't really local."

this is 100% dependent on where and when you eat."


3/15/2012 10:12:14 PM

All American
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From the comments:

Quote :
"For those of you concerned with what types of crabs they were, where they were going, and why they were going to Maryland if Maryland crabs are so great, allow me to explain. They are Blue Crabs, you can obviously tell that from the picture if you know anything about crabs at all. And crabs are not allowed to be caught in Maryland waters during certain parts of the year. The crabbing industry is heavily regulated, and no harvesting is allowed during the winter months. Crab season does not begin until April in Maryland. Which means that the crabs must be shipped in from elsewhere during those times. It also means that no one is getting over on the consumer, because Maryland people know these cannot be Maryland crabs."

3/16/2012 3:01:24 AM

All American
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So anyone in Maryland eating Maryland Blue Crab this or that right is actually being lied to....

3/16/2012 11:13:40 AM

All American
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yes! (this was not always true. They used to let watermen dredge.)

if you get live blue crabs or freshly steamed crabs during the winter months in MD they are not from the bay. I say with certainty that this is not that well known for the average consumer.
However, if you are getting crab cakes then they may be md blue crab, but it won't be fresh.

Also, April is start of crab season (legally), but they don't start runnin in the mid/upper bay for another month or so. I'd wait till mid-may - but maybe earlier this year.

Hell, there are crab houses right on the bay that sells crab cakes made from Chinese crabs. Most people don't even know this. What pisses me off is 1) They don't advertise the crabs come from china 2) they charge you MD blue crab prices I.e. a $15 crab cake.

I only eat the ones I catch myself or a few places I know get live bay crabs. There's a crab house in bethesda that only sells md crabs a few times a week during the summer and they are charging $75 / dozen. fucking rip off and people don't realize it. At least they will tell you honestly -- if you ask.

[Edited on March 16, 2012 at 11:44 AM. Reason : .]

3/16/2012 11:42:26 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Crabs in Johnston County Page [1]  
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