slappy1 All American 2303 Posts user info edit post |
will have all day tomorrow then the tourney on sunday (might be counting my chickens before they're hatched, but GO BEARCATS)
any rec's for bars/restaurants? 3/16/2012 1:25:45 PM
Snewf All American 63547 Posts user info edit post |
Pete's Drive-In Pizza Village Mucho Mexico Town & Country Doug Saul's BBQ 3/16/2012 1:26:54 PM
HockeyRoman All American 11811 Posts user info edit post |
SATCO!!!! It's over near Vanderbuilt Mike's Ice Cream is really good too which is on Broadway. 3/16/2012 1:41:41 PM
slappy1 All American 2303 Posts user info edit post |
perhaps a sentence or two about what these places are/why I should go?
not to be too high maintenance or anything...
[Edited on March 16, 2012 at 1:55 PM. Reason : ..] 3/16/2012 1:54:43 PM
Snewf All American 63547 Posts user info edit post |
Pete's Drive-In is a classic lunch counter
Pizza Village is a small town pizza buffet joint that I remember from my childhood
Mucho Mexico is standard Mexican fare
Town & Country is a "home style" restaurant personally, I prefer restaurant style food when I go out to restaurants
Doug Saul's BBQ is good eastern NC BBQ
these are all restaurants in Nashville 3/16/2012 1:56:48 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
Jinxed 3/16/2012 2:06:38 PM
settledown Suspended 11583 Posts user info edit post |
thanks for the heads up
:/ 3/16/2012 2:16:17 PM
Krallum 56A0D3 15294 Posts user info edit post |
Go see across tunrdas
I'm Krallum and I approved this message./] 3/16/2012 2:30:34 PM
slappy1 All American 2303 Posts user info edit post |
^^yeah, because you've been really reliable and communicative as of late. 3/16/2012 2:32:46 PM
Snewf All American 63547 Posts user info edit post |
just so you know all of my recommendations apply to Nashville, NC
use at your own risk in TN 3/16/2012 2:43:03 PM
JT3bucky All American 23306 Posts user info edit post |
Go to broadway
tons of bars and grills there. its a cool little spot. 3/16/2012 2:57:57 PM
HockeyRoman All American 11811 Posts user info edit post |
SACTO - San Antonio Taco Company - Char-Grill style ordering and some of the best food that side of the Appalachians. If you go on a nice day you can sit outside. It's mexican, but not cheap (quality) omg my bowels mexican.
Mike's Ice Cream is a cute old fashioned-ish ice cream shop. They may have made some upgrades/changes after the Great Flood though. 3/16/2012 3:20:47 PM
Yodajammies All American 3229 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Go to broadway
tons of bars and grills there. its a cool little spot.
" |
False. Broadway is the Glenwood south of Nashville, but worse. Every bar is a honky tonk and they are all the exact same tourist trap. If you're looking to pay 9$ for a drink and get in a fight with some drunk asshole, this is the street to do it on. But I suppose if you had to stereotype Nashville's bar scene, this would be it.
I'd check out the Greenhouse - It's a bar in a converted greenhouse. Kinda dirty, kinda hipster, but the atmosphere is pretty nice. Their menu from the restaurant next door - The Food Company, and their burgers are actually pretty damn good. 3/16/2012 4:48:17 PM
JT3bucky All American 23306 Posts user info edit post |
well shes not a local, otherwise I would have said something completely different.
broadway is the touristy thing to do.
and I think that new place a block down, Big Shots? has dollar its cheap, and live music. 3/16/2012 4:50:18 PM
Schmitty All American 982 Posts user info edit post |
Broadway is fun because it's right there at the arena. Pregame with a bunch of St. Patty's hangovers, bball fans, and rednecks, watch the games, come back out and drink some more. It will be a zoo Saturday night. For cheap parking you can go to the library's garage (near 7th and Church St. area) for 4 bucks I think.
It's definitely touristy, but you can barhop all day and find something you like. More of the club/party bars are on 2nd Ave.
21st Ave and Hillsboro Village (21st Ave/Blakemore) have some good restaurants and sports bars (Sam's, Sportsmans Grille).
Division St./Demonbreun (pronounced De-mun-bree-un) has bars more of the young professional/cougar age 3/16/2012 5:20:29 PM
tacolu Suspended 1136 Posts user info edit post |
The White Trash Cafe 3/16/2012 5:43:19 PM
Yodajammies All American 3229 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "For cheap parking you can go to the library's garage (near 7th and Church St. area) for 4 bucks I think." |
QFT. 3/16/2012 9:24:55 PM
The E Man Suspended 15268 Posts user info edit post |
Lived in nashville for three years.
the gulch- best area. broadway is cute but very country. 2nd ave is the same. touristy. Whiskey kitchen- best bar and grill in the city
pied pipers ice cream sambucca restaurant and lounge
demonbreun street has some good bars/nightlife 3/16/2012 9:36:04 PM
slappy1 All American 2303 Posts user info edit post |
We are at a hooters off the highway - dont ask why. Our nice pregnant hipster waitress just told us to go to some bar crawl told us to go to east Nashville in the demonbeun area tomorrow? She said it would be much better for us than downtown 3/17/2012 12:52:47 AM
Schmitty All American 982 Posts user info edit post |
2 different areas. Demonbreun is near Vandy, East Nashville is across the river near the football stadium. 5 points (woodland and main st.) in east nashville has a few bars. definitely the more hipster/artsy area of town. depends on what you're looking for, but unless you've been to broadway before, I'd say it's worth a visit 3/17/2012 12:19:48 PM
jtw208 5290 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "San Antonio Taco Company" |
came here to post this
DO IT 3/17/2012 12:20:58 PM
slappy1 All American 2303 Posts user info edit post |
okay. we went to SATCO and I am in love.
to be honest, I am in love with the whole fucking city. I had SO much fun. what a great place. 3/20/2012 11:45:36 AM
ShawnaC123 2019 Egg Champ 46681 Posts user info edit post |
Go to the Big Bang for piano fun
but don't request Brick by BFF because they straight up said they wouldn't play it because it's about abortion.
Fucking southerners. 3/20/2012 1:17:05 PM
Schmitty All American 982 Posts user info edit post |
what all did you end up doing? I bet being at the Cincy/FSU game was fun. seemed like a grind the whole game 3/20/2012 2:24:57 PM
slappy1 All American 2303 Posts user info edit post |
Saturday we hung it at Tavern (love that place) with my cousin who lives across the street (doing his residency at vandy). Then went to rebar for a bit, then SATCO, then down to the strip where we had quite a bit of fun.
Sunday drove around a bit, then back down to the strip where we hung out at some of the open-air bars before we went to the game - which was fucking awesome, btw. I'm headed to Boston on thurs!
But in all seriousness, if I had a job offer in Nashville I'd move there tomorrow. Totally my kind of city on so many levels.
[Edited on March 21, 2012 at 12:41 AM. Reason : .] 3/21/2012 12:40:33 AM
JCTarheel All American 2430 Posts user info edit post |
Nashville is indeed a very fun city. 3/21/2012 12:51:07 AM
amac884 All American 25609 Posts user info edit post |
the dke house 3/21/2012 1:58:12 AM
paerabol All American 17118 Posts user info edit post |
what is the name of that breakfast/pancake joint next to belmont campus? that place is freaking stellar 3/21/2012 7:31:43 AM
The E Man Suspended 15268 Posts user info edit post |
pancake pantry. lines are a block long on saturday mornings 3/21/2012 7:52:25 AM