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 Message Boards » » 5th grader busted for bracket pool Page [1]  
All American
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Quote :
"OMAHA, Neb. (CBS Houston) — An elementary school plays bracket buster to one fifth grade boy.

Columbian Elementary in Omaha shut down an NCAA tournament pool put together by 11-year-old Max Kohll, the Omaha World-Herald reports.

“I got in trouble because I was filling out a bracket with my friends and we bet money,” Kohll told the World-Herald. “We each brought $5 each.”

When Kathy Nelson, the school’s principal, found out about the pool, she put an immediate stop to it and called Kohll’s mother about the situation. Janet Kohll was quite amused at what her son did.

“My policy has always been you get in trouble at school, you get in twice as much trouble at home, but this was just too funny,” she told the paper.

Max did not receive any disciplinary action from the principal for setting up the pool.

“It’s not ok to gamble,” he told the paper. “It’s like illegal, sort of.”

Max has North Carolina going all the way."

I say expel him.

3/18/2012 6:23:04 PM

All American
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3/18/2012 6:23:21 PM

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Quote :
"It’s like illegal, sort of.”"

3/18/2012 6:24:07 PM

All American
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a kid that age winning like 50 bucks would be all like

3/18/2012 6:25:06 PM

All American
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I wanna know how the newspaper found out. If the kid isn't punished, and the Mom laughed at it, who told the journalist??

3/18/2012 6:28:27 PM

16786 Posts
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TSA Nabs Suspected Al Queda Terrorist At O'Hare International Airport, A toddler in a wheelchair

3/18/2012 6:43:52 PM

All American
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my vagina ain't handicapped!

3/18/2012 6:56:44 PM

148876 Posts
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Quote :
"We each brought $5 each."

3/18/2012 7:01:58 PM

All American
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To me, we each brought $5 each to me

3/18/2012 11:17:57 PM

All American
18474 Posts
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I ran my schools bracket pool from fifth grade till I was a senior and no one ever bothered me. Hell in high school several teachers were in it haha

3/18/2012 11:21:27 PM

All American
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^this is normal

3/18/2012 11:22:38 PM

All American
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I always wanted to run a bracket and do it through multiple high schools, and just pocket the money and tell everyone that the winner was some fictional person from another school, but I was too much of a pussy to ever do it. Seems like it would be easy to do, though. Damn these morals.

3/18/2012 11:25:14 PM

All American
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dude was just pissed his bracket was busted and the kid wouldn't refund his cash

3/18/2012 11:25:16 PM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"I always wanted to run a bracket and do it through multiple high schools, and just pocket the money and tell everyone that the winner was some fictional person from another school, but I was too much of a pussy to ever do it. Seems like it would be easy to do, though. Damn these morals."

"god damn kenny mcfarkleson wins every year"

3/19/2012 2:07:30 PM

All American
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Shit, I got 3 days of ISS during 6th grade for selling my snacks during lunch periods and making bank on loans and interest charges.

Then I got in trouble the following year because I had employed 2 friends in making origami and selling them for $1 a piece. Made $100 a week and that was my cut. I got 2 days of ISS for that, but it was so worth it since I used my money to buy an n64 and goldeneye.

Then I got expelled in 8th grade because the school lost my lock for my locker and I had to pay for it; so I paid it in $5 worth of loose pennies and dumped it all over the main office counter. Actually, that put me on suspension, but then when I threw a chair at someone because they owned me a dollar two days later, that's what got me kicked out.

Then in 9th grade, a bully tried to steal my trapper keeper (which had about $50 of loose money for other side stuff at the time) during the end of PE/health class. I was determined to get it back so I warned the fool (who was quite a bit taller than me) and picked up my nicely sharpened no.2 pencil in a threatening gesture; gave him my ultimatum and he goes "I dare you, go ahead stab me" with the teacher still in the room.

No hesitation, split second later, I stabbed his hand and recovered my prized trapper keeper; the teacher left the room laughing his ass off and the bully running off like a girl, saying how he's going to get lead poisoning. hah, good times. That and another incident involving chair throwing in 9th grade, saved me from other bullying during HS.

I also go in trouble one time for bringing a real grenade to "show and tell" once in elementary. This was before the columbine shit.


3/19/2012 2:48:23 PM

Garage Mod
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bookie in the making

3/19/2012 3:51:07 PM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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I used to mix kool-aid and sugar together and take it to school and eat it

kids kept asking me for some, so I started selling it

teachers thought I was selling pills or something

they kept coming back for another hit like every 5 minutes

3/19/2012 5:33:44 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I also go in trouble one time for bringing a real grenade to "show and tell" once in elementary"

3/19/2012 5:36:23 PM

All American
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I got busted for making draino bombs in elementary school

3/19/2012 5:40:20 PM

wear sumthin tight
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3/29/2012 3:19:02 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » 5th grader busted for bracket pool Page [1]  
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