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All American
5697 Posts
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is the top comment you?

[Edited on March 26, 2012 at 2:43 PM. Reason : their edit: clearly not]

3/26/2012 2:43:03 PM

All American
27287 Posts
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Obviously not her.

3/26/2012 2:47:34 PM

All American
5697 Posts
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so what he ^^ said.

3/26/2012 2:49:09 PM


21814 Posts
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Quote :
"very interesting story. I know that this stuff happens first-hand, and if anyone is willing to read beyond this paragraph, I'll tell you about the insane Australian woman I virtually dated, and what to look out for so you don't get burned too.

It was a few years ago. I was just starting my career as a 3D artist by making crap for the virtual environment of Second Life. I had my own store, where I sold some texture packs and sculpted prims. Life was good. Eventually, I had saved enough money to buy my own island, which I then turned into my little corner of paradise see here and here.

There is a point to this. It's all in the set-up

Anyways, after a few weeks of having this island, a woman comes along by the in-world name of Muse Baxton. She and I start talking about anything and everything. It turned out she was also into creative stuff and used to own a large clothing store in-game. I took a real shine to her and she appeared to really like me as well. We would hang out together in-game and talk all the time, work together, it was great. As time went on, we fell in love with one another and spent virtually all day together, except when she had to go to work (my job was becoming Second Life, so I was always already at work).

After a month of us being in an official internet "relationship", and discussions about someday saving enough money to fly to Australia to visit her, I get a random notice from her "insane, jealous, crazy ex-boyfriend" telling me point-blank that she was not who she said she was. He told me about her being a fraud, her lying and string of ex-boyfriends who had all been cheated, and about her having a fiance in real life whom she lived with and would bang after getting "worked up" through the internet. Essentially, the dude started telling me that I was her marital aid.

I brushed it all off and accused him of lying. Eventually, Muse Baxton and a friend of hers invested in my little company (considerably. to the tune of around 1200$, which for a video game ain't bad) and I was sailing. I was making serious money, I had lots of land, I had a great virtual girlfriend who I was GOING TO MEET and with whom I spoke on voice all the time.

Then one day, she vanished for three weeks. Couldn't get ahold of her via cell phone, email, IM, landline, or carrier pigeon. After three weeks she shows up in-world and just says "sorry, I went on holiday and my aunt dropped my cell phone in the water). It didn't hold up, but I was younger and stupider back then. I let it slide.

Things got a bit shaky as time went on, but I didn't think much of it. One day, however, she disappeared for another four weeks without informing anyone, even her best friend. I spent a lot of time awake in front of my computer, waiting for her to come back online. I left her voicemails, emails, what have you, to no avail. As time went on, I started questioning her exes and her best friend, which eventually led to them all breaking down, giving me her real home phone no., and telling me how everything was a sham.

I called the new phone number and heard a gruff Aussie man pick up on the other end. Not wanting to give anything away, I posed as a survey taker for her web hosting service (she had several websites with them) and asked some simple questions: "Hello, is Melissa C. available? How many people live in your home? are you a customer?" etc etc. Through this fake questionnaire I got all the information I needed: Not married, but engaged. He didn't know where she was and hadn't heard from her in a few weeks either.

I was furious. I have honestly never been as angry at any other point in my life as I was right then. Had she been right next to me, I honestly believe I would have beaten the shit out of her.

When she came back online, she had already been briefed by her friends that I knew everything. Her response was to invent a story about her fiance pressuring her into group sex and her not wanting to betray me. I simply said "shut up. Nothing you could ever say, ever, would make me believe you" and walked away.

She disappeared from Second Life one last time, but not before all of her friends abandoned her both in real life and virtually, and she tried to get 50% of my store. Not only did she get nothing, I never had to repay any of the invested money since nothing had ever been signed.

TL;DR: Girl pretended to love me for almost a year. she kept disappearing randomly for long periods of time. turned out she was engaged and sexually active the entire time, and was using my emotions for fun and profit.

Quote :
"Slightly different story happened with me. Overheard my mom one night talking on vent with some guys she met on wow. She would only go on vent late at night (my dad worked nights) when we thought I would be asleep. I overheard her changing her voice to sound younger and gave it a flirty tone. The computer was technically mine (was a gift for graduation) but she took it over with her WoW addiction but I went through some folders and found some crazy pictures.

These pictures that she had saved in some random word documents with different descriptions for each one were of me. They were random pictures (innocent) I had saved to "my" computer that she found and gave them different captions and issued them out as herself. It was really disturbing.

I allowed it to go on since I was scared and did not know what to do. She would ask me about my day frequently (she NEVER did this before, we have a rocky relationship) and late at night recite it as her day events to the guys online.

One day I found her pw to her fake fb with my pictures but my older sister's first name. Apparently one of the guys she was stringing along for months wanted to come "rescue" her from her "abusive parents". He was not taking no for an answer and she wrote him a letter. I took the letter, having enough and confronted her in front of my father.

It did not end well.

3/26/2012 3:15:18 PM

All American
14180 Posts
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yeah, what the fuck is that shit?

3/26/2012 4:03:58 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
28526 Posts
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I didn't read the second one, too busy dying laughing from the second life one.

3/26/2012 6:09:58 PM

All American
6157 Posts
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I can't read shit that isn't bold. Must not be important.

3/26/2012 6:22:21 PM

Sink the Flagship
9818 Posts
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good God, people are such losers. haha virtual girlfriend for a year.

3/26/2012 6:40:44 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
28526 Posts
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Quote :
"I spent a lot of time awake in front of my computer, waiting for her to come back online. "

3/26/2012 7:45:43 PM

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