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All American
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Quote :
"BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — The calls have all been similar pranks: A frantic man urges hotel desk workers or guests to set off a fire sprinkler, sound an alarm or bust windows. It's always the same: Do it now!

And, authorities said Thursday, they did. Eight cases have been reported in four states in recent days, and authorities say felony charges could be filed against whoever is making the calls.
In Alabama, a Marine roused from his sleep got "knocked silly" by a blast of water after being persuaded to set off the sprinkler in his room; there was no fire.
A motel in Arkansas sustained $50,000 in damage when a worker fell for a similar ruse.
A man was even convinced to drive his truck through a door of a hotel lobby in Nebraska, supposedly to turn off a fire alarm. And in California, a duped worker activated a sprinkler at the front desk, dousing computers, phones and other electrical equipment.
"It's happening all over," said Fire Marshal Ed Paulk of Alabama, where four hotels have been targeted by the calls since last week, resulting in thousands of dollars in damage. "We're actively trying to track this and find out who is doing this."

Paulk said investigators suspect more than one person is behind the calls, and some could be inspired by Internet sites about phone pranks.
In York, Neb., Police Chief Don Klug said a man with a deep voice phoned a Hampton Inn around midnight on May 27 and scared a desk worker into pulling a fire alarm. During the confusion, the caller then convinced the worker the only way to silence the noise was to break lobby windows.
"A trucker was standing there, and he offered to help and drove his truck through the front door," said Klug. The damage was estimated at $300, he said.

'He was knocked silly'
Desai, the Alabama hotel manager, said seven rooms were flooded when a caller got the sleeping Marine to set off the sprinkler in his room.
"He was knocked silly by the force of the water," said Desai. "He was not a dummy, he just woke up in the middle of the night not realizing what was going on."
Six other guests also got the calls but did nothing, he said.
A couple hours later in San Luis Obispo, Calif., a worker caused major damage by following a caller's instructions to activate a sprinkler at the front desk of a Comfort Inn and Suites.
And in Conway, Ark., a caller convinced a worker at a Holiday Inn Express to set off an audible fire alarm and, with help from a guest, broke windows in an attempt to turn it off. She also was duped into turning on a sprinkler, flooding the lobby and causing major damage; about 150 guests were in the parking lot when police arrived.

A Holiday Inn Express in Little Rock, Ark., got a similar call around the same time, a police report said, but no one fell for the prank there.

people are really gullable, break windows to turn off the alarm?

"bulls are stampeding toward your motel ma'am"

"This is Larry how can I help you?"
"you called me"
"no you called me, what can I help you with"
hang up --- 'larry' calls again
"This is Larry how can I help you?"
"Larry, get off my god damn phone"

"sir the hotel has broken off from the core of the earth and has achieved orbit after the earthquake"
"Oh my gosh"

"a mental escaped convict is in the hallway, make as much noise as possible" (this one makes me feel a little bad)

on a similar note, people got scared by a little girl that looks like she came from the movie 'the ring'


"Is this your son's boy boyfriend"
hang up--- I am calling that motherfucker back


pinball sex


"terrorist activity"
"There has been terrorist searches on your wifi"
"I am black, I am not an ethopian terrorist"
"apparently you think you are a hood ass nigga"

"I am over here having sex, that is what I am doing and you are interrupting"

3/26/2012 5:38:53 PM

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this was a lot of effort to get 0 replies

3/26/2012 8:04:21 PM

598 Posts
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na, all bs aside. I can see the "lol" but really its just

3/26/2012 8:15:26 PM

All American
1003 Posts
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[Edited on March 26, 2012 at 8:36 PM. Reason : This is my 700th post ]

3/26/2012 8:36:07 PM

All American
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Quote :
""A trucker was standing there, and he offered to help and drove his truck through the front door," said Klug. The damage was estimated at $300, he said."

Uh, doubt it.

3/26/2012 10:37:50 PM

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3/27/2012 12:17:32 AM

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