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 Message Boards » » Alicia Silverstone eats Page [1]  
All American
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food and (chews rather) then feeds her child like a bird would.

So Alicia is like my girl crush, but this is weird. How many people would support their spouse doing this? anybody know a good reason to even do this?

Quote :
"Many parents post videos of themselves feeding their young children. But actress Alicia Silverstone went one step further. A video, posted to YouTube on March 20, shows her feeding her now 11-month-old son, Bear Blu, by chewing food and passing it directly into his mouth from hers."

Quote :
"He literally crawls across the room to attack my mouth if I’m eating. This video was taken about a month or 2 ago when he was a bit wobbly. Now he is grabbing my mouth to get the food!""

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""It doesn't seem like a hygienic practice," one doctor told the site."

I am already iffy on the whole kid thing, this is just too weird for me.

3/28/2012 11:46:09 AM


21814 Posts
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Quote :
"then feeds her child like a bird would"

I believe birds actually regurgitate the food, I hope she's not doing that

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3/28/2012 11:50:09 AM

State Oz
All American
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It's pretty funny considering.. daddy's dick has been in that mouth.

3/28/2012 11:51:14 AM

19447 Posts
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The kid is named Bear Blu. I would expect some oddball parenting.

3/28/2012 11:51:18 AM

15294 Posts
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I was expecting spiders.

0/5 charmanders

I'm Krallum and I approved this message

3/28/2012 11:53:53 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I believe birds actually regurgitate the food, I hope she's not doing that "

very astute of you . No regurgitation, but feeding a baby is already messy, what benefit is mouth feeding your child going to do except spread bacteria.


3/28/2012 11:54:24 AM

16786 Posts
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None of our business how she wants to feed her child unless it's killing him.

3/28/2012 11:55:29 AM

All American
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she posted it, and she can do whatever she pleases. However, I didn't realize this was a thing.

3/28/2012 11:56:13 AM


21814 Posts
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The only benefit I can see is Alicia Silverstone getting her name in the news.

I think what we have here is a mixture of psychoness and celebrity looking for attention

3/28/2012 11:57:26 AM

Byrn Stuff
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Meh, it'll be good for his immune system. It's odd but not

3/28/2012 12:05:57 PM

11097 Posts
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Maybe she is just use to swapping something else.

3/28/2012 12:11:39 PM

15294 Posts
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Don't knock it till you've tried it

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/28/2012 12:11:41 PM


21814 Posts
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Quote :
"Meh, it'll be good for his immune system. It's odd but not "


3/28/2012 12:13:03 PM

16786 Posts
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Hell, even I would eat regurgitated food from AS's mouth back in the clueless years.

3/28/2012 12:13:19 PM

All American
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Pre-chewing would create more surface area of the food which would aid in digestion, thus more nutrients can be absorbed by the child. I sorta think it's a great idea.

[Edited on March 28, 2012 at 12:16 PM. Reason : /]

3/28/2012 12:15:58 PM

Byrn Stuff
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Minka, I doubt there's any proof out there, and I don't mean it seriously, but I can't imagine this is terribly detrimental to the kid's health.

3/28/2012 12:16:12 PM

All American
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Also, another consideration is that the puts his vitamins in the food and chews to make sure he ingest it all, and/or to all but eliminate the possibility of a choking hazard.

3/28/2012 12:18:36 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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home-made baby food sans blender.

3/28/2012 12:22:51 PM

All American
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If she has cavities, or otherwise not so great oral health, she could predispose him to gum disease, however.

3/28/2012 12:26:58 PM

All American
10774 Posts
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so this bitch has never heard of a food processor eh

3/28/2012 12:56:00 PM

35382 Posts
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i've heard of anorexics who will chew food and then spit it out......maybe this is a way for her to do that but not waste food

3/28/2012 12:58:20 PM

All American
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hmmm sunrise adams

3/28/2012 1:01:10 PM

Thots and Prayers
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damn good for the kiddo. My mom made me chew my own food like a goddamn animal.

3/28/2012 1:11:23 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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if alicia silverstone was my wife, i'd let her feed our baby however the fuck she wanted to.

3/28/2012 1:47:01 PM

Mr. Joshua
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If Alicia Silverstone was my wife I'd make her get the fuck back to work to support my lifestyle.

3/28/2012 1:52:13 PM

Art Vandelay
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3/28/2012 2:00:37 PM

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3/28/2012 2:08:50 PM

All American
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I guess after Batman & Robin she has to do whatever she can to get back in the spotlight. Why else would she post a video of her doing this?

3/28/2012 2:57:12 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Somebody is forgetting a little film called Blast from the Past.

3/28/2012 3:01:14 PM

All American
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^Good call. I actually kinda liked that movie.

I liked Batman & Robin too, but only because it was so bad that it is a good movie to laugh at.

3/28/2012 3:04:38 PM

All American
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3/28/2012 11:34:09 PM


15145 Posts
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why is the video like a mile tall?

3/28/2012 11:41:36 PM

All American
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Brazilian Cannibals Make Empanadas With Human Meat

Quote :
"Three people in Brazil killed and ate at least three women as a ritual of their religious sect. The cannibals, who have confessed to the crime, say that a voice told them to kill evil women. It's unclear if the voice also told them to use the extra human meat to stuff empanadas, which they then sold to their unwitting neighbors.

One of the murderers, Jorge Beltrao Negromonte da Silveira, wrote a book on his sect's activities, Revelations of a Schizophrenic. (That title makes him sound remarkably self-aware.) The book details the murder of Jessica, a 17-year-old killed in 2008.

Looking at the now lifeless body of the evil adolescent, I feel relieved. I grabbed some sheet metal and begin to remove all the skin and then I divide her up...we dine on the flesh of evil as a purification ritual. We bury the remainder in the patio.

The other murderers were Da Silveira's wife Isabel Cristina Oliveira da Silva, and his mistress Bruna Cristina Oliveira da Silva. All three were living together along with a five-year-old girl, thought to be 2008 murder victim Jessica's daughter.

[Edited on April 14, 2012 at 7:15 PM. Reason : ...]

4/14/2012 7:13:16 PM

37776 Posts
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The kid is named Bear Blu. I would expect some oddball parenting.

4/14/2012 7:20:02 PM

1136 Posts
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Celebrities are the new blacks.

Naming their kids all sorts of fucked up names.

4/14/2012 7:23:25 PM

All American
6786 Posts
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thanks for sharing

4/14/2012 9:10:34 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Alicia Silverstone eats Page [1]  
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