This craigslist chick is lookin to attract an STD to get back at her husband, what is this world coming to?
3/30/2012 11:48:07 AM
hope she sticks with the bacterial variety
3/30/2012 11:55:50 AM
Pretty sure this is some kind of felony
3/30/2012 12:02:56 PM
HIV or herpes preferred - lmao
3/30/2012 12:04:24 PM
User hasn't posted in a year... makes multiple threads before lunchtime.^^Also yes, it is definitely a crime.[Edited on March 30, 2012 at 12:07 PM. Reason : ]
3/30/2012 12:07:13 PM
3/30/2012 12:27:52 PM
3/30/2012 12:29:14 PM
3/30/2012 12:30:18 PM
Fake Craigslist post is fake.
3/30/2012 12:48:27 PM