Post them here
4/9/2012 8:29:13 AM
80% badass stuff. Some of it was gay and some meh, but def. worth it.
4/9/2012 8:36:28 AM
4/9/2012 8:36:53 AM
damn this is a retired NINJA^ that's cool... dude looks like a bear.[Edited on April 9, 2012 at 8:59 AM. Reason : ]
4/9/2012 8:39:01 AM
White people shit.
4/9/2012 9:13:09 AM
how insightful
4/9/2012 9:24:23 AM
Just sayin
4/9/2012 9:43:44 AM
that last guy just put that entire planking fad to shame
4/9/2012 3:41:47 PM