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Mr. Joshua
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4/10/2012 12:11:46 AM

All American
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how would you ever look up a number without one?

4/10/2012 12:12:36 AM

16786 Posts
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as a business, we get 2 THICK YELLOWBOOK about every 4 months for several different yellow book companies.

Talk about waste of paper and ink, they go right to the garbage. I'm confident that I'm not the only business that chucks em as the come.

Damn, I just thought about something. I could donate them to the driving school across the street for the Asian drivers.

[Edited on April 10, 2012 at 12:14 AM. Reason : .]

4/10/2012 12:13:57 AM

Not an alcoholic
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or you could recycle them..

4/10/2012 12:21:19 AM

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4/10/2012 6:55:49 AM

balls deep
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I think the last time I used a phone book was when I ripped out the pages to crumple up, and stuff in a package to insulate a delicate item

4/10/2012 7:08:49 AM

All American
10774 Posts
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old people must still use them as they can still sell ads

4/10/2012 7:21:07 AM

All American
6421 Posts
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I use them to stuff paper into my charcoal chimney starter because I don't get a newspaper.

4/10/2012 7:40:54 AM

All American
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^oh, that's a good idea... i'm always scrounging around to find paper to burn for that purpose! (I have been using old worksheets my students have turned in the past few times)

4/10/2012 8:02:47 AM

All American
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Some guy rang my doorbell last week and tried to give me a phone book. At first I took it, but then he wanted me to sign for it. I'm assuming they get paid by the number of confirmed deliveries, but I told him I didn't want it when he insisted on my signature. They go straight into the recycle bin at my house anyway.

4/10/2012 8:11:59 AM

All American
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I bet they use those signatures to convince advertisers that people still care about that shit. What a waste

4/10/2012 9:08:41 AM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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i leave this crap outside right where they deliver it.

4/10/2012 9:11:31 AM

45912 Posts
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I used to wait until my neighbors took theirs inside/removed it/whatever, then I'd put mine at their door and when that disappeared, I'd find another one somewhere and continue the process until I couldn't find anymore.

[Edited on April 10, 2012 at 9:13 AM. Reason : .]

4/10/2012 9:13:33 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Some guy rang my doorbell last week and tried to give me a phone book. At first I took it, but then he wanted me to sign for it. I'm assuming they get paid by the number of confirmed deliveries, but I told him I didn't want it when he insisted on my signature. They go straight into the recycle bin at my house anyway."

seriously? that's weird. some kid ran up onto my porch and threw the phone book down... my dog was not happy about it.

4/10/2012 9:13:41 AM

All American
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^ Yes. Guy and a girl with a pickup truck full of phone books walking up and down the street trying to get people to sign for them.

4/10/2012 9:37:10 AM

Fuckwads SS '15
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yeah, we have to sign for the phone books that we get at our office.

and then their boss calls us later in the same week to make sure that we did indeed receive the phonebook

4/10/2012 9:40:03 AM

All American
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Opt out links:

4/10/2012 9:44:45 AM

All American
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I usually keep a few around for various tasks. If the smoke alarm goes off when I'm not home, my gf stands on the phonebook so she can reach the button to silence it. I've also used them as weights when epoxying things together.

4/10/2012 9:55:56 AM

41759 Posts
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Threw mine straight in the recycling bin.

4/10/2012 10:39:41 AM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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^ ditto.

4/10/2012 10:45:33 AM

I'm Eggscellent
12777 Posts
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^,^^ mine came the day I had set out the trash so I didn't even have to take them inside

4/10/2012 10:51:39 AM

play so hard
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4/10/2012 10:52:52 AM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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^^^^^ thx

this is the most important link from that - opt out here:

4/10/2012 10:53:30 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
28521 Posts
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I usually rip them in half before putting them in the recycling bin.

4/10/2012 11:11:22 AM

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4/10/2012 12:25:22 PM

Fuckwads SS '15
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Is he bragging that he can rip a phonebook in half?

4/10/2012 12:28:37 PM

All American
4328 Posts
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i went to high school with a girl who was like 100lbs and could rip a phonebook in half

there's some sort of trick to it

4/10/2012 12:30:21 PM

41759 Posts
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I eat mine, chew, then shit them out before putting in the recycle bin.

4/10/2012 12:31:57 PM

13178 Posts
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I use them to bullet proof my car.

4/10/2012 12:34:03 PM

148873 Posts
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I use them similar to merbig, but I tie them to my body under my clothes

730 player

4/10/2012 1:00:05 PM

45208 Posts
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we got some little rinky dink yellow page phone books in my building the other week

what's the point?

4/10/2012 1:05:41 PM

148873 Posts
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those little miniature phonebooks were cool, like 14 years ago when they first came out and hadn't blown up yet

4/10/2012 1:08:00 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
28521 Posts
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Quote :
"Is he bragging that he can rip a phonebook in half?"

hell yeah i am. i'm so macho.

you impressed?

4/10/2012 1:25:40 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » new phone books were delivered today Page [1]  
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