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 Message Boards » » Single Mothers Page [1]  
15294 Posts
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We all know it is very hard to be a single mother, especially these days. I'm sure there are other single mothers on here. I figured we should start a support group. Maybe meetings or parties for the kids.

This has been a Krallum presentation.

4/14/2012 5:14:48 PM

All American
42567 Posts
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You are a single mother?

4/14/2012 5:37:46 PM

All American
2131 Posts
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^this mug and his boys would probably stone you to careful with your answer mane.

4/14/2012 6:19:20 PM

All American
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They love a stone

4/14/2012 9:02:11 PM

All American
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4/14/2012 9:38:05 PM

All American
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^^^ I don't know who the hell you are, but I don't appreciate you making up things about me. Also, I am not a mug, I don't have boys, and Krallum is not a mane. Learn some English.

4/15/2012 3:45:21 AM

All American
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I almost made a CSI 4 pane meme for this thread something along the lines of:

Away Voice: Say David Caruso, did you hear about this thread?

Caruso: Yes, I did.

Caruso: Sounds like someone...

Caruso: Just cast the first stone.


It was funnier in my head.

4/15/2012 7:15:01 AM


15145 Posts
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If you look at demographics, single mothers are basically taking over the world. Most of us (having been to college) probably had 2 parents, but in a decade or so the majority of kids will be single-parent kids.

4/15/2012 11:01:42 AM

All American
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which is a terrible thing.

4/15/2012 11:13:08 AM

All American
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4/15/2012 11:44:19 AM

16786 Posts
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I thought this thread was about double mothers.

4/15/2012 11:48:50 AM

All American
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I think 75% of kids will be raised by a single parent in the near future.

4/15/2012 11:55:32 AM

All American
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4/15/2012 11:59:13 AM

15294 Posts
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I don't see how trying to create a support group is not a lounge worthy thread. Its not my fault people bring my shitty chit chat posting into the lounge. This is why tww is dying. Fuck the Mods. End the fed. Ron Paul, Bill Stills 2012

I'm Krallum and I approved this message

[Edited on April 15, 2012 at 12:07 PM. Reason : monetary reform]

4/15/2012 12:06:26 PM

All American
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^Love the way you tied that all together at the end. Legitimate lulz over here.

4/15/2012 2:53:57 PM


15145 Posts
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The human race couldn't continue itself if not for irresponsibility.

I'm getting closer to convincing myself that if people only reproduced when they had a relatively stable 2-person household with stable career(s) then the human race would just end.

4/15/2012 3:17:01 PM

148873 Posts
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4/15/2012 3:23:26 PM


15145 Posts
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Now, I don't follow pop culture very well, so correct me if I'm wrong. But to the extent of my knowledge, Beyonce would would unambiguously not fall into the single mother category.

4/15/2012 3:55:53 PM

148873 Posts
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yeah but that gif is from the video Single Ladies

4/15/2012 3:59:55 PM

16786 Posts
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she sings a song called "SINGLE LADIES (PUT A RING ON IT)"

4/15/2012 4:01:27 PM

15294 Posts
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Explain to me how this is not lounge worthy

I'm Krallum and I approved this message

5/8/2012 9:51:59 PM

All American
4328 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm getting closer to convincing myself that if people only reproduced when they had a relatively stable 2-person household with stable career(s) then the human race would just end."

no, it would just become a lot better

5/8/2012 9:58:48 PM


15145 Posts
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^ what's left of it would

5/8/2012 10:02:10 PM

soup du hier
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Umm responsible people do this, that's why we are being replaced by ignorant people who just fuck for fun without thinking of the consequences.

And then we are all like fuck yeah pulling down 200k a year between the two of us... Wait what the fuck we are pushing 40 and it's nearly impossible to conceive now... Shit wish we would have just had bunches of unprotected sex years ago.

[Edited on May 8, 2012 at 10:09 PM. Reason : .]

5/8/2012 10:07:05 PM

All American
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^ Good plot summary of Idiocracy.

5/8/2012 10:11:04 PM

soup du hier
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I read that and said hmm guess I should read it and then said well what's the point if I can rattle off the cliffs notes without reading it.

5/8/2012 10:18:24 PM

18598 Posts
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Quote :

that single mom is not nearly as hot IRL

5/8/2012 10:18:53 PM

All American
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^^ hard to read a movie

5/8/2012 10:24:27 PM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"Umm responsible people do this"

Total fertility rate has to be a good bit above 2.0 for population to be stable. I don't mean grow, I mean just keep the same number of people for the next generation.

Ok, and as a proviso, the USA is a mix of a college-educated population living a Western Europe type standard of living, and then red American which can barely be called a 1st world country. Plus, we even average in a huge population of immigrants that live like poor people. In spite of this, we still fall below replacement rate.

If you compare the population of the US that can use a computer with entire nations of the developed world, birth rates fall FIRMLY below replacement. I'm not talking about 1.1, 1.2 fertility rate. That means

1 generation = population halves

The problem isn't whether or not you can point to educated parents will full families, the problem is that I can point to a childless adult for everyone you find. The idea that sustainability of population is consistent with affluence is plain wrong. It's just not. I'm not really saying it's oh-so-terrible of a thing, I'm just being factual.

5/8/2012 10:32:43 PM

15294 Posts
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happy mothers day all <3

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

5/13/2012 7:40:03 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Single Mothers Page [1]  
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