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 Message Boards » » so I'm going to that Neil Tyson talk/QandA tonight Page [1]  
All American
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what should I ask him if I have the chance

4/26/2012 4:31:31 PM

All American
4328 Posts
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i'd probably ask him who the fuck he is

4/26/2012 4:34:53 PM

All American
39534 Posts
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how much of a boss he felt like after solving that rubik's cube in 25 seconds while talking to Jon Stewart last night

4/26/2012 4:35:14 PM

2258 Posts
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ask him if all you atheist nerds can jack off in his presence while he talks about the planets.

sorta tired of hearing about him on the internet.

4/26/2012 4:36:07 PM

All American
8704 Posts
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is Hillsburl in here?

4/26/2012 4:36:18 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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Does he ever get to hang out with Dr. Michio Kaku? Because that would be an epic conversation.

4/26/2012 4:45:34 PM

21958 Posts
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My husband and I are here!

4/26/2012 4:46:26 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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So jealous!!

4/26/2012 4:49:23 PM

21958 Posts
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The VIP event is a total geek fest.

4/26/2012 4:51:29 PM

All American
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4/26/2012 5:08:39 PM


18617 Posts
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Ask him for a bj.

4/26/2012 5:11:32 PM

All American
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I'm sure he still gets harassed for not displaying Pluto with the planets. Haha.

4/26/2012 5:12:45 PM

40981 Posts
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Quote :
"sorta tired of hearing about him on the internet."

4/26/2012 5:14:17 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Ask him why he got that stupid tattoo on his face.

4/26/2012 6:10:57 PM

All American
8570 Posts
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Ask him why he stepped down as Baron Administrator of Cloud City.

4/26/2012 6:18:33 PM

21958 Posts
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I'm sitting directly in front of his podium. If I threw my phone hard enough, I could thwack him in the head.

'How do you like your gravity now? !'

[Edited on April 26, 2012 at 7:19 PM. Reason : doh]

4/26/2012 7:19:27 PM

Black and Proud
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you should just give me your ticket imo

4/26/2012 7:20:54 PM

All American
4790 Posts
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Quote :
"ask him if all you atheist nerds can jack off in his presence while he talks about the planets."

actually, he doesn't like being associated with atheists or identified as one... even though he clearly is an atheist

I'd probably ask him if he avoids the atheist label because he thinks it's counterproductive to his role as a celebrity science educator (much like Carl Sagan, who also called himself an agnostic... even though both were probably aware of the difference between positive and negative atheism).

[Edited on April 26, 2012 at 8:24 PM. Reason : dfhdsfh]

4/26/2012 8:20:18 PM

All American
47007 Posts
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Quote :
"i'd probably ask him who the fuck he is"

reply 1 win

4/26/2012 9:06:29 PM

Queef Sweat
All American
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should ask him to talk about singularities and dark matter and whether they can be considered related concepts.

4/26/2012 9:32:10 PM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"actually, he doesn't like being associated with atheists or identified as one... even though he clearly is an atheist"

Even Richard Dawkins makes the claim that atheism should be a given unless otherwise specified - the "default" position. So non-atheist atheists are the possibly the truest atheists.

Quote :
"I'd probably ask him if he avoids the atheist label because he thinks it's counterproductive to his role as a celebrity science educator (much like Carl Sagan, who also called himself an agnostic... even though both were probably aware of the difference between positive and negative atheism)."

Honestly, all words are cultural. This is why people will walk around calling themselves Possibilianians.

The problem is that atheism only exists in the context of religions. Without religion there is no atheism. Whatever atheists believe, however, it's unclear how much of an impact it has on... well, the stuff that matters in the world. Until the larger context of atheism can be established, I might just prefer to be a pirate instead.

4/26/2012 9:37:11 PM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"I'd probably ask him if he avoids the atheist label because he thinks it's counterproductive to his role as a celebrity science educator (much like Carl Sagan, who also called himself an agnostic... even though both were probably aware of the difference between positive and negative atheism)."

Maybe it's because it isn't necessary to put that label on yourself. I prefer to just say I don't believe anything.

4/26/2012 9:39:15 PM

Queef Sweat
All American
1438 Posts
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Quote :
"Until the larger context of atheism can be established, I might just prefer to be a pirate instead."

4/26/2012 9:40:55 PM

All American
28747 Posts
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It was a really boring presentation.

4/26/2012 11:51:20 PM

All American
4790 Posts
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haha really?

4/27/2012 9:01:33 AM

21958 Posts
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The event went over by like an hour and a half. He loves to talk and answer questions with a few jokes here and there. Had they not pushed him to wrap it up, I think we'd still be there . If you follow him at all, he didn't talk about anything new. It wasn't bad.

4/27/2012 9:59:48 AM

All American
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Quote :
"If you follow him at all, he didn't talk about anything new. It wasn't bad."

Yea, I've noticed with several of the people I enjoy listening to and look up to, they pretty much make the same points repeatedly.

But I'd go just to hear the guy talk. I'm still kicking myself that I didn't go when he came out to ECU.

4/27/2012 10:24:37 AM

All American
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As a Physics major I already knew everything he talked about in his presentation.

Hell, anyone who knows the most minor facts about astronomy would know everything he talked about in his presentation.

4/27/2012 12:34:57 PM

21958 Posts
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Yeah. My husband also has a physics degree and he was disappointed that the talk wasn't more. . .intellectual. But Tyson is big on education and getting a message out to tthe general population. I'm not sure that his message is really intended for those who are already of a scientific bent. Some of his comments touched on that.

[Edited on April 27, 2012 at 2:04 PM. Reason : .]

4/27/2012 2:03:29 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » so I'm going to that Neil Tyson talk/QandA tonight Page [1]  
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