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26647 Posts
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cancer cells.

Quote :
"Thanks to the available findings of a 2006 study showing that cannabis actually reduces the number of cancer cells, medical marijuana users can now feel even better about the widely abolished pain relief ingredient found in the plant.

The relationship between marijuana and cancer has always been up for debate, but with the use of a specially crafted oil made from the buds of the Cannabis Sativa plant, scientists confirmed that the plant’s primary psychoactive chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) destroys any and all malignant cancer cell growths in several patients. "

5/3/2012 7:26:39 PM

40980 Posts
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5/3/2012 7:37:32 PM

40980 Posts
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[Edited on May 3, 2012 at 7:37 PM. Reason : double post suspend]

5/3/2012 7:37:32 PM

37776 Posts
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It's true. I'm cancer free

5/3/2012 7:37:58 PM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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so are any legit news sources reporting this?

5/3/2012 7:40:46 PM

16786 Posts
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Anyone have cancer on TWW that we can test this one?

5/3/2012 7:42:58 PM

26647 Posts
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5/3/2012 7:43:45 PM

40980 Posts
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^^ i think that's how jackleg beat cancer

5/3/2012 7:45:25 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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is cancer really that much worse than potheads?

5/3/2012 7:48:01 PM

16786 Posts
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5/3/2012 7:55:25 PM

All American
1966 Posts
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Good to know marijuana can be useful for things other than getting people high.

5/3/2012 9:36:13 PM

All American
2613 Posts
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i <3 this threads

5/3/2012 9:48:52 PM

16786 Posts
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Baking Soda is Proving to be an Effective Treatment for Cancer

University of Arizona Cancer Center member Dr. Mark Pagel will receive a $2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to study the effectiveness of personalized baking soda therapy to treat breast cancer. In other words, clinical trials on the use of oral sodium bicarbonate for breast cancer treatments are about to start![1] Obviously there are people in the know who have understood that sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), that same stuff that can save a person’s life in the emergency room in a heartbeat, is a primary cancer treatment option of the safest and most effective kind.

5/5/2012 1:55:47 PM

All American
6603 Posts
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Connecticut passes medical MJ bill last night

[Edited on May 5, 2012 at 3:02 PM. Reason : that makes 16 states + D.C.]

5/5/2012 3:02:24 PM

68205 Posts
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One of the new studies examined patient data from dozens of large, long-term randomized controlled trials involving tens of thousands of men and women. Researchers at the University of Oxford found that after three years of daily aspirin use, the risk of developing cancer was reduced by almost 25 percent when compared with a control group not taking aspirin. After five years, the risk of dying of cancer was reduced by 37 percent among those taking aspirin.

A second paper that analyzed five large randomized controlled studies in Britain found that over six and a half years on average, daily aspirin use reduced the risk of metastatic cancer by 36 percent and the risk of adenocarcinomas — common solid cancers including colon, lung and prostate cancer — by 46 percent.

Daily aspirin use also reduced the risk of progressing to metastatic disease, particularly in patients with colorectal cancer, the studies reported.

5/5/2012 3:36:51 PM

All American
9257 Posts
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Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is the yellow spice most familiar in Indian curries and found in American prepared mustard. People whose diets are rich in turmeric have lower rates of breast cancer as well as prostate, lung and colon cancers, and recent research at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston suggests that curcumin, an active component in turmeric, may help prevent the spread of breast cancer. In studies of mice, researchers found that curcumin helped stop the metastasis of breast-cancer cells to the lung. Human studies following up on this finding are in progress.

5/5/2012 3:45:37 PM

148873 Posts
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5/5/2012 3:47:42 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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So if I eat marijuana, turmeric, aspirin, and baking soda daily I'll be invincible.

5/5/2012 3:55:14 PM

All American
11299 Posts
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(to cancer)

5/5/2012 4:14:05 PM

All American
580 Posts
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anyone seen the rick simpson documentary. THC is the cure

5/6/2012 10:40:32 AM

114644 Posts
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Smoking weed is NOT good for you, it is carcinogenic and its toxic effects when smoked will outweigh any “benefit”. This article is not an invitation to smoke, it just means that extracts of this plant can be used as medicine.

If you would like to get the benefits without the carcinogens use a vaporizer to get to your beloved THC without burning anything, or cook it into your food.

Also keep in mind that you are still increasing the very real risk that you will develop schizophrenia or other anxiety disorders, USE verses ABUSE my friends =]

5/6/2012 1:06:18 PM

16786 Posts
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This has been a Public Service Announcement by BubbleBobble

5/6/2012 1:47:01 PM

16786 Posts
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Cancer Feeds on Fructose, America's #1 Source of Calories

Quote :
"High-fructose corn syrup is the primary source of calories in the United States. In addition to containing mercury, a known carcinogen, cancer cells actually feed on high-fructose corn syrup after it is metabolized by the liver. A recent study, published in the Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets, examined the link between refined sugar and cancer. The results add further evidence to the reports of many health experts and scientific studies that have drawn the connection between excess sugar consumption and the development of cancer."

5/6/2012 9:56:13 PM

16786 Posts
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5/8/2012 1:33:30 PM

All American
3958 Posts
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Wow, there's no misinformation in here at all

5/8/2012 1:58:39 PM

114644 Posts
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or is there?

5/9/2012 12:54:34 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Marijuana Kills Page [1]  
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