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 Message Boards » » Another Poll Skew request for my wife!!! Page [1]  
All American
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Okay folks. The VitaCake company has put together an online/Facebook poll for one of four women to win a case of Mini Vita-Cakes (healthy snacks).

Well, the company selected my wife as one of the four finalists.

So, TWW, I call on you to click on the link below and DO YOUR STUFF!!!

My wife's "recipe" is Deb's VitaCake Shake (should be bottom left).


5/4/2012 6:43:01 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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5/4/2012 6:44:22 PM

All American
63547 Posts
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the top two look ewww

I guess I voted

that ish didn't confirm with me but it did kind of break

5/4/2012 6:46:31 PM

All American
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yeah...didn't understand it until I scrolled up...then it said it did...then I think it let me vote again

5/4/2012 6:49:09 PM

All American
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umm I think I voted like 5 more times

just scroll up and click Submit Another Response

good news -your wife's weird low cal snack cake milkshake totally won!

5/4/2012 6:58:32 PM

All American
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5/4/2012 7:55:26 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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sure, i'll pole skew your wife.

5/4/2012 8:35:20 PM

Bee Hugger
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This thread confused me, because usually your wife is requesting my pole.

^ dammit, beat me to the easy joke

[Edited on May 4, 2012 at 8:41 PM. Reason : a]

5/4/2012 8:41:20 PM

All American
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Cake and healthy don't belong in a sentence together lol.

5/4/2012 8:45:59 PM

All American
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^ self-contradicted


5/4/2012 8:50:09 PM

All American
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5/5/2012 7:53:09 AM

37776 Posts
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the fuck

5/5/2012 7:54:12 AM

Status Name
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5/5/2012 8:25:23 AM

All American
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I'll vote only if you'll let me skew your wife.

5/5/2012 8:26:36 AM

All American
63547 Posts
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ugh jesus those top two items look NASTY

fucking snacky-cake slime and a dry ass snack cake with a frozen banana poop on it

5/5/2012 3:26:22 PM

45912 Posts
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I'll skew your wife's poll.

5/5/2012 5:47:08 PM

13178 Posts
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I will vote for the opposition. I'm not going to do your bidding in your quest for poon.

5/5/2012 5:50:59 PM

All American
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merbig must be feeling bad about himself today

5/5/2012 6:04:36 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Cake and healthy don't belong in a sentence together lol."

It is not as simple as that. Practically, 99% of the time they don't. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Do bread and healthy belong in the same sentence? Some breads would be considered healthy by you, right? What makes them healthy? They are made with coarsely ground whole grain flour, perhaps have seeds in them, no hydrogenated or palm fat, no chemicals for taste/preservation, etc, and no sugar. What if you make cake in the same way, but with a very low amount of sugar?

And if you take the very valid viewpoint that basically anything made from pulverized grains is unhealthy (high glycemic index), then any bread is not healthy (I am not even going into Paleo here). So, what about a flourless cake? Italian flourless chocolate cake is made from ground almonds instead of grain flour, and has eggs and cocoa powder. Wouldn't you call that healthy? I have not made any such cakes, but have had them a few times.

Just some things to think about.

Anyway, what are the ingredients of this snack cake? I went to the website and looked a bit, but couldn't really find the ingredients list.

Found it... looks alright, but they need to increase the fat and protein content to dampen the effect of the sugar and increase satiety. They do have 6 grams of fiber in 32 grams, which is impressive for any food (~20% fiber by weight).

[Edited on May 5, 2012 at 6:37 PM. Reason : ]

5/5/2012 6:31:49 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Italian flourless chocolate cake is made from ground almonds instead of grain flour, and has eggs and cocoa powder. Wouldn't you call that healthy?"

No because even flourless cake has shitloads of refined sugar in it. People should treat dessert like dessert and eat it occasionally as a treat. It's like people who chow down on frozen yogurt by the bucket because it's "healthier" than ice cream.

5/5/2012 6:49:40 PM

All American
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As I said, sugar is under your control, if you are making it.

Some people like their cakes to be only about 1/3rd as sweet as what people typically eat/like/make.

A flourless chocolate cake with a small amount of sugar, *is* healthy. All the fat (good fat) and protein content would slow digestion and release of sugar into blood stream.

[Edited on May 5, 2012 at 7:26 PM. Reason : Not talking about what is served in restaurants]

5/5/2012 7:25:55 PM

All American
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5/6/2012 9:16:30 AM

All American
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5/7/2012 5:12:47 PM

All American
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Update: Thanks everyone! My wife won the contest. She gets six months worth of those vitalicious cakes.

5/18/2012 2:47:10 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Another Poll Skew request for my wife!!! Page [1]  
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