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 Message Boards » » My boss is Michael Scott irl Page [1]  
8379 Posts
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Here I will list unintentionally awkward/funny things he's said

To our Mexican customer service rep: "What do they sing for birthdays in Mexico? La Cucaracha?

"They used to advertise based on fear. Like showing charred dead people in houses. Can we borrow your baby, Jill? You're young enough pop out another one." *laughs*

Impersonation of our Chinese supplier "Ching chong, bing bong"

"It doesn't matter how busy I am, I want you to shove it down my throat."

And finally, we are hiring an (attractive) ex-employee for contract work. My boss casually brings this up, in what I can only assume is an attempt to deter us young guys from talking to her "Yeah, she had two abortions last year, and what's that stuff that you get from havin sex? SSDs?"

[Edited on May 8, 2012 at 5:08 PM. Reason : .]

5/8/2012 5:07:10 PM

Double Entendre
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OMG! I knew they probably existed but I have not met one yet.

5/8/2012 5:12:36 PM

37776 Posts
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Have you people never worked in an office? All bosses are that guy.

5/8/2012 5:14:12 PM

385 Posts
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Quote :
"Impersonation of our Chinese supplier "Ching chong, bing bong""

5/8/2012 5:15:11 PM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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detached from reality and oblivious to society other than their own circles..


5/8/2012 5:15:45 PM

All American
11462 Posts
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like a boss

5/8/2012 5:21:13 PM

All American
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5/8/2012 5:25:29 PM

8379 Posts
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Hahaha forgot the best one. He had a perforated bowel last month, which he shared with us in great detail. Here's how he explained it to our new receptionist (different than the one above. Wonder why we keep losing them)

"Imagine if I took a pole and rammed it up your butt repeatedly" (complete with hand gestures)

She lasted two days after that

[Edited on May 8, 2012 at 5:37 PM. Reason : .]

5/8/2012 5:36:36 PM

All American
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5/8/2012 6:53:03 PM

All American
15858 Posts
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My boss is also something of a michael scott.

He harassed a homosexual (male) employee who worked in our office repeatedly until he got written up for it by HR (jokes about "going out with the girls" later, generally demeaning comments about his sexual interests, bunch of other shit).

He will make up stuff that "people have been saying" about you if he doesn't like your personality/dress/how you do things. He will tell it to you dead serious with a straight face that so and so mentioned that you've been doing "x,y,z" and when you go to confirm these details and to apologize to said person (knowing that you haven't been doing x, y, or z) they have no idea what you're talking about and are cool with you. Has done this to a few of my coworkers (and me).

He will talk shit about you behind your back to other people on your team during their performance review. I've had to notify other people what he actually thinks of their performance, and other people have had to do the same for me.

He used to make fun of employees in the other office who were foreign and had difficult-to-pronounce names during weekly meetings.

Does a bunch of other messed up stuff too, but I don't know if they're michael scott-isms. I kind of wish he was more tactless and clueless and less intentionally malicious about things. At least then you could laugh at it.

5/8/2012 8:59:52 PM

All American
4328 Posts
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sounds like yall could get him fired anytime you want, you must enjoy it

5/8/2012 9:01:41 PM

8379 Posts
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wow, apparently i am not alone. my boss does very similar things (pitting people against each other, trash talking various employees, etc)

Quote :
"sounds like yall could get him fired anytime you want, you must enjoy it"

he owns the company

5/8/2012 9:07:49 PM

18598 Posts
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Quote :
"Ching chong, bing bong"

what? how dare yuo

5/8/2012 9:09:33 PM

All American
15858 Posts
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^^ Honestly dude I think it's just the social circle some of those managers create for themselves.

He won't leave his office ever to check up on his team or see what people are doing and instead will email people constantly while monitoring the work tracking tools we have (spreadsheet + 2 different work trackers). He calls his employees that are literally 4' away through the wall. He leaves his door shut and wonders why he is socially isolated. He even had the nerve to demand from each of us at our performance review that we need to take him out to lunch with us once a month (who's gonna do that with all the other crazy shit he does?).

It's just a vicious cycle.

5/8/2012 9:28:26 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Ching chong, bing bong"

5/8/2012 10:18:25 PM

All American
920 Posts
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^Must be a Stephen Colbert fan.

5/8/2012 10:31:11 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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I would prefer a Michael Scott to my one boss that just makes assumptions and gets pissed at you for said assumptions even though it's very well likely whatever her defect is resides completely in her imagination. And yes, I have multiple bosses like in Office Space

5/8/2012 10:34:29 PM

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