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 Message Boards » » Had an interesting commute to work this morning... Page [1]  
All American
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5/9/2012 9:21:46 AM

no u
103356 Posts
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this bullshit is why we need to fix the unemployment problem

to give the goddamned hippies something productive to do

5/9/2012 9:23:33 AM

All American
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5/9/2012 9:38:27 AM

385 Posts
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there will always be something for the hippies to protest

it has nothing to do with being jobless*

5/9/2012 9:39:55 AM

11687 Posts
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5/9/2012 9:41:05 AM

All American
9417 Posts
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Since when is blocking traffic and beating a drum while smelling terrible not productive?

5/9/2012 9:43:25 AM

All American
11577 Posts
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Guys guess where this is?

5/9/2012 9:50:40 AM

All American
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5/9/2012 10:46:24 AM

All American
27287 Posts
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Where do you even get a giant ball like that?

5/9/2012 10:47:25 AM

All American
26690 Posts
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Do you work for BofA?

[Edited on May 9, 2012 at 10:52 AM. Reason : ]

5/9/2012 10:51:53 AM

All American
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the hippies must wake up late. When I was driving through there at 6:45 there were no hippies.

5/9/2012 11:06:50 AM

All American
8704 Posts
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hahah that picture totally looks like something the protesters would put out

upper office guy staring down on the plebeian hordes

5/9/2012 11:10:11 AM

All American
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^^^I'm not technically a BofA employee but they're a client of my software company and I work on site.

Here I made it B&W for effect:

5/9/2012 11:14:01 AM

All American
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5/9/2012 11:28:27 AM

All American
11462 Posts
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is that the opening scene from "man on a ledge"?

5/9/2012 11:30:07 AM

All American
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It's my feet.

5/9/2012 11:35:13 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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"Housing for people not profits."


5/9/2012 11:36:35 AM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Thats actually a really interesting notion. Housing is a basic necessity and something everyone wants. There is plenty available for everyone to have. Why not make it some sort of government controled thing? Its not like the government would mess it up. They just collect huge taxes on it and people sign up through them.

5/9/2012 11:43:03 AM

All American
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5/9/2012 11:43:52 AM

All American
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So what do these people want? To not have to pay mortgages on homes they can't afford?

5/9/2012 11:48:43 AM

The E Man
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There are millions of homeless people.

There are millions of peopless homes.

Is it really that hard to make the most logical connection?

Banks can't make it because there is no potential for profit so they rather see kids on the street than make a profitless deal. This is why banks must go.

5/9/2012 11:59:20 AM

All American
9053 Posts
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islamic loans for all!!!

5/9/2012 12:00:15 PM

All American
26690 Posts
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yes, obviously.

5/9/2012 12:00:26 PM

Double Entendre
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5/9/2012 12:02:28 PM

All American
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ironically, this is taking place when BoA is announcing loan forgiveness for many underwater homeowners.

wonder if they will protest when they realize the forgiven amount is counted as income for tax purposes

5/9/2012 12:02:33 PM

All American
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The real question, is who will they protest?

[Edited on May 9, 2012 at 12:03 PM. Reason : ]

5/9/2012 12:03:29 PM

1183 Posts
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neodata686 is part of the problem! He's a witch, burn him!

[Edited on May 9, 2012 at 12:09 PM. Reason : Monty Python]

5/9/2012 12:09:13 PM

All American
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What's funny is my software company deals with customer experience. Aka we tell the bank how to treat customers better.

5/9/2012 12:46:10 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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Quote :
"Since when is blocking traffic and beating a drum while smelling terrible not productive?


5/9/2012 12:47:48 PM

All American
7863 Posts
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Quote :
"hahah that picture totally looks like something the protesters would put out

upper office guy staring down on the plebeian hordes"

haha, love this.

5/9/2012 12:49:59 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
"Thats actually a really interesting notion. Housing is a basic necessity and something everyone wants. There is plenty available for everyone to have. Why not make it some sort of government controled thing? Its not like the government would mess it up. They just collect huge taxes on it and people sign up through them."

All houses are different. Some are better built, some are bigger, some are in better locations. They all have different values.

Hopefully, you're trolling. With shit like "Its not like the government would mess it up"....yeah, you're trolling.

5/9/2012 12:53:16 PM

All American
6511 Posts
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sarcasm not= trolling

5/9/2012 12:57:45 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"There are millions of homeless people.

There are millions of peopless homes.

Is it really that hard to make the most logical connection?

Banks can't make it because there is no potential for profit so they rather see kids on the street than make a profitless deal. This is why banks must go."

1) Homes require maintenance. So putting people in homes who don't have jobs is only going to further deteriorate the homes.

2) Some people do have jobs, work really REALLY hard, and make payments that take upto 75% of their paycheck just to keep their home. It wouldn't really be fair to give someone a free house when you have someone who paid for theirs next door.

5/9/2012 1:00:30 PM

All American
4080 Posts
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Quote :
"There are millions of homeless people.

There are millions of peopless homes.

Is it really that hard to make the most logical connection?

Banks can't make it because there is no potential for profit so they rather see kids on the street than make a profitless deal. This is why banks must go."

Makes sense to me. I wouldn't want to lose profits either because someone can't make their payments on time. Not my fault.

5/9/2012 1:00:41 PM

16786 Posts
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This isn't a "bank-existing" problem, this is a "government problem, which is owned by the banks," problem.

[Edited on May 9, 2012 at 1:04 PM. Reason : .]

5/9/2012 1:03:57 PM

All American
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Got a video from the inside of the protest uploading. I'll post in a minute.

5/9/2012 1:11:57 PM

595 Posts
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Quote :

5/9/2012 1:13:53 PM

All American
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Not my video but let me know if this FB one works.

5/9/2012 1:17:37 PM

All American
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K here's from me. Someone embed?

5/9/2012 1:26:28 PM

595 Posts
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5/9/2012 1:55:35 PM

All American
4328 Posts
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commute? how do you get to work?

[Edited on May 9, 2012 at 2:00 PM. Reason : .]

5/9/2012 1:59:50 PM

All American
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Had to walk through all that and go through a different entrance.

5/9/2012 2:16:01 PM

All American
31140 Posts
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^^ Rope swings and power line shimmying. Clearly.

I kind of want to drum battle that chick with the snare.

[Edited on May 9, 2012 at 2:20 PM. Reason : s]

5/9/2012 2:19:03 PM

All American
4328 Posts
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well, the thread title says 'interesting commute' and there wasn't much mention of that within

just thought i'd axe

5/9/2012 2:21:14 PM

148873 Posts
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Quote :
"Guys guess where this is?"

5th and College

what do i win

5/9/2012 2:28:14 PM

68205 Posts
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5/9/2012 2:52:37 PM

All American
11577 Posts
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How is that relevant at all?!

^^Next question: What did they recently add outside of Starbucks near Trade and Tryon?

5/9/2012 3:16:36 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Had an interesting commute to work this morning... Page [1]  
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