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 Message Boards » » i drink way too much soda Page [1]  
All American
4328 Posts
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sucks to be me

6/23/2012 5:54:34 PM

Burn it all down.
18410 Posts
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first world problems

6/23/2012 5:55:52 PM

148871 Posts
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move to New York City then, they've decided how much soda you can drink for you

6/23/2012 5:58:51 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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I drink nothing but water and it still sucks

6/23/2012 6:03:26 PM

13178 Posts
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^^^^ Agreed.

6/23/2012 6:08:17 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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Quote :
"move to New York City then, they've decided how much soda you can drink for you"

b/c poor young children are capable of making this decision.

meanwhile, the rate of childhood diabetes is surging. let's do nothing, this is freedom we're talking about god dammit!

6/23/2012 8:43:36 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Yes, because soda is so much cheaper than tap water.

6/23/2012 8:46:20 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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way to take the least significant word of that post and dwell on it.

6/23/2012 8:52:19 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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It's what I do.

6/24/2012 10:49:23 PM

All American
10165 Posts
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I can't stand this anti-soda campaign

it's fucking soda...people have been drinking it for like 100 years and science has yet to directly link it to any health detriments that are not obvious and easily avoidable

I really hate the direction America is going in

(okay, so you might get diabetes if you drink shitloads of it...but I've never knowingly met anybody who got diabetes from drinking soda)

[Edited on June 24, 2012 at 11:03 PM. Reason : q]

6/24/2012 10:55:36 PM

All American
3942 Posts
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Quote :
"(okay, so you might get diabetes if you drink shitloads of it...but I've never knowingly met anybody who got diabetes from drinking soda)"

lol as if you would know even if they did, dickhead, you're not a doctor or a scientist.

6/25/2012 3:28:45 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Quote :
" it's fucking soda...people have been drinking it for like 100 years"

Yeah, except until the last 20 years or so people drank it in moderation (like 1-2 a week). Now people drink the shit like it's water.

Moderation is the key to everything. Well except alcohol. With that, it's the more the merrier.

6/25/2012 8:57:43 AM

All American
9974 Posts
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The proposed law in new york is you can not buy a soda over 16oz.

so if you want 20 oz of soda your fat ass has to buy two drinks.

People drink several of those dollar arizona ice teas a day and it blows my mind.

6/25/2012 9:04:11 AM

All American
13893 Posts
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Actually the law as proposed would be that you can't buy larger than a 16 ounce container. You could still get free unlimited refills.

6/25/2012 10:36:08 AM

5052 Posts
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anyone ever try that SodaStream thing?

6/25/2012 10:38:28 AM

All American
9974 Posts
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^^ yes but I am pretty sure it includes bottles and cans as well. Also not many placed outside of chains give free refills.

6/25/2012 11:00:15 AM

148871 Posts
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god forbid someone want to buy a 2-liter and drink off it over a week to save money, nope, buy a bunch of individiual sodas for more money!

NYC also wants to ban salt

and hence you can't donate food to homeless shelters because the city wants to test the food you donate to HOMELESS SHELTERS for salt content, etc

best city in the world! save the children!

6/25/2012 11:03:54 AM

All American
28622 Posts
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6/25/2012 11:11:57 AM

All American
3895 Posts
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Sounds like a bunch of Yankee problems, ITT. This is the south. They'll take our 1/2 gallon sodas and sweet teas from our cold dead hands.

6/25/2012 11:16:09 AM

All American
13893 Posts
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Quote :
"god forbid someone want to buy a 2-liter and drink off it over a week to save money, nope, buy a bunch of individiual sodas for more money!"

The law would only apply to restaurants, not stores. Not that I'm a supporter of the law, just clarifying.

6/25/2012 11:32:09 AM

148871 Posts
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ah my bad, i misunderstood

for clarification

Quote :
"Bloomberg is seeking to outlaw the sale of any cup or bottle of sweetened drink larger than 16 ounces at city restaurants, delis, street carts and theaters.

The ban would not include beverages sold at grocery stores and convenience stores. Nor would it prohibit alcohol and dairy-based drinks like lattes, though coffee would be included."

6/25/2012 11:39:14 AM

All American
28622 Posts
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Good Night, Sweet Prince

6/25/2012 11:44:55 AM

All American
10165 Posts
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Quote :
"lol as if you would know even if they did, dickhead, you're not a doctor or a scientist."

I've known plenty of people with diabetes (as you probably have too)

none of them has ever mentioned that they got it from consuming massive amounts of soda/sugar...and it would be a reasonable thing for them to mention, as it would make for interesting conversation

purvey your brainless negativity elsewhere, sperm-swallower

6/25/2012 2:11:58 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Let's just outlaw fat people. Bam, no more fat people. God damn, the government should hire me to write the laws.

Quote :
"none of them has ever mentioned that they got it from consuming massive amounts of soda/sugar...and it would be a reasonable thing for them to mention, as it would make for interesting conversation"

Do you realize how fucking stupid this statement is? Are you trolling?

[Edited on June 25, 2012 at 2:17 PM. Reason : ]

6/25/2012 2:15:41 PM

All American
28622 Posts
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a lot of really fat people i'm acquantainted with drink lots of soda. some will drink a 20 oz mountain dew before 10am. andi see lots of fat kids drinking soda.

[Edited on June 25, 2012 at 2:27 PM. Reason : ^i'm on board. if you don't want to be fat, all you have to do is try (for most people)]

6/25/2012 2:15:45 PM

5052 Posts
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^ fuck you.

6/25/2012 2:34:57 PM

All American
2715 Posts
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FWIW, i've known people to be suddenly diagnosed with diabetes, and they do always seem to mention trying to figure out what caused it....never any mention of soda.

although some people may be embarrassed to admit that.

6/25/2012 2:37:13 PM

All American
28622 Posts
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^^you're fat, aren't you?

6/25/2012 2:37:33 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
"FWIW, i've known people to be suddenly diagnosed with diabetes, and they do always seem to mention trying to figure out what caused it....never any mention of soda.

although some people may be embarrassed to admit that."

That's because it's not a simple matter of "soda gave me diabetes". That's so simplistic and stupid that I can't even get over the fact that this is being discussed. Diabetes doesn't happen "suddenly". In adult onset diabetes, diabetes is developed through long-term bad habits and poor diet. Soda is one of many types of carbohydrates that tend to result in insulin resistance when consumed in excess.

[Edited on June 25, 2012 at 2:51 PM. Reason : ]

6/25/2012 2:50:24 PM

2258 Posts
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I drink baking soda. Will it give me diabetus?

6/25/2012 2:53:22 PM

16786 Posts
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Example of not knowing it well enough:

Quote :
""FWIW, i've known people to be suddenly diagnosed with diabetes, and they do always seem to mention trying to figure out what caused it....never any mention of soda.

although some people may be embarrassed to admit that.""

Correct use of Albert Einstein:

Quote :
That's because it's not a simple matter of "soda gave me diabetes". That's so simplistic and stupid that I can't even get over the fact that this is being discussed. Diabetes doesn't happen "suddenly". In adult onset diabetes, diabetes is developed through long-term bad habits and poor diet. Soda is one of many types of carbohydrates that tend to result in insulin resistance when consumed in excess."

[Edited on June 25, 2012 at 2:56 PM. Reason : .]

6/25/2012 2:56:20 PM

All American
10165 Posts
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Quote :
"Do you realize how fucking stupid this statement is? Are you trolling?

yes, and no
'twas a classic case of saying something dumb, and then trying to back up one's dumbness with a justification which was, inevitably, even dumber

6/25/2012 5:47:17 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » i drink way too much soda Page [1]  
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