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 Message Boards » » ever had a money order lost in the mail? Page [1]  
All American
2715 Posts
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if so, how did it turn out?

this happened to my tenants. they do have the receipts, but i don't think they were filled out when they purchased them.

course of action, tww?

9/29/2012 9:04:57 PM

15294 Posts
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kill them

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

9/29/2012 9:08:12 PM

All American
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9/29/2012 9:09:00 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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doesn't matter if they were filled out at purchase - it's like $25 or something to call up the issuing company and have them send another.

9/29/2012 9:10:16 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"this happened to my tenants"

9/29/2012 9:22:53 PM

All American
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^pretty valiant troll effort, but the story is true. however, it's almost equally my problem, because i need that money. it's my understanding the process can take forever.

9/29/2012 9:29:42 PM

16786 Posts
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They use every excuse in the book to buy time.

They need to call the company to cancel the money order. They have to have the Money Order Number, Date, Time, and Place of Purchase.

Then they have to wait like 1-6 weeks for a reissue.

9/29/2012 9:30:27 PM

114637 Posts
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ever had a money order lost in the mail.....on weed??

9/29/2012 9:30:46 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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^^^ did they send you the money order receipt or something? receipt for mailing too?

why the hell didn't they just write a check like normal people?

9/29/2012 9:31:56 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"did they send you the money order receipt or something? receipt for mailing too?"

when you buy a MO, you fill it out and it has 2 carbon copies you're supposed to retain for your records.

It has instruction for lost/stolen MO on it.

People use money orders because you pay cash in advance to purchase them. The person receiving a money order doesn't have to worry about a Money Order bouncing because it's already paid for.

It is a substitute for sending cash through the mail because it has that 1 degree more worth of protection. Only the person who's name is on the check can cash it so if someone steals it, it is virtually no good.

9/29/2012 9:37:25 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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USPS money orders haven't come with carbons for many years. There's the MO itself and a stub that you fill out separately.

9/29/2012 10:02:47 PM

All American
4518 Posts
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My money is on they cashed the mo themselves

9/29/2012 10:05:27 PM

26647 Posts
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Money orders are for poor people who bounce checks.

Congrats on being a slumlord.

9/29/2012 10:31:49 PM

114637 Posts
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^I bounce checks like you on the basketball court

9/29/2012 10:34:47 PM

16786 Posts
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Oh yah? that ain't nothin'.... I bounce czechs like this

9/29/2012 11:23:26 PM

114637 Posts
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9/29/2012 11:55:41 PM

41759 Posts
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I have had rent checks lost in the mail from my tenants, had one arrive 60 days after it was mailed once, by that time I had gone and picked up another check from them.

They should have sent it with tracking...a priority mail envelope is like 4.95 to send if you print the label online and its free tracking.

I personally would never trust mailing certified funds without tracking, too much shit goes wrong with the mail.

9/30/2012 12:36:41 AM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"They should have sent it with tracking...a priority mail envelope is like 4.95 to send if you print the label online and its free tracking."

Last time I used USPS delivery tracking it was 85 cents. Green label.

9/30/2012 1:14:23 AM

All American
24527 Posts
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they already cashed it. next time get tenants that can pass a credit check.

9/30/2012 1:46:18 AM

41759 Posts
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^^ its free online, or get the green label at the PO either way its cheaper than replacing a MO with no proof it was lost.

9/30/2012 7:53:31 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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The key is to not accept a money order as rent.

9/30/2012 7:58:11 AM

All American
10774 Posts
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they spent the rent on hookers and blow

9/30/2012 9:20:35 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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Quote :
"The key is to not accept a money order as rent."

i'd much rather have a money order than a check. money orders don't bounce. they could claim the check was "lost in the mail" just as easily.

[Edited on September 30, 2012 at 9:27 AM. Reason : adfs]

9/30/2012 9:26:42 AM

All American
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^money orders printed in Nigeria bounce

9/30/2012 9:29:09 AM

All American
24527 Posts
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^^if a check is "lost in the mail", you tell them to write another check because it doesn't cost them anything. a money order is technically money that's already spent, so it's hard to tell them to just cough up another month's rent.

9/30/2012 10:29:33 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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^ This.

9/30/2012 11:42:19 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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Quote :
"so it's hard to tell them to just cough up another month's rent"

maybe for you

9/30/2012 12:31:17 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"if a check is "lost in the mail", you tell them to write another check because it doesn't cost them anything. a money order is technically money that's already spent, so it's hard to tell them to just cough up another month's rent."

If they have the money orders and a receipt for the money orders with a delivery tracking on it, there should be no problem.

As a landlord, you should have enough money to cover their rent until the situation gets sorted out.

If you find out that were lying, then you charge them extra.

If they can't afford the extra you charge, then they shouldn't be renting your house, they need to either get more income or go to a house more affordable.

Responsibility is a bitch.

9/30/2012 1:08:22 PM

41759 Posts
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They have to go to where they got the money order from and sign a loss affadavit, which also has to be notarized I believe. There is a waiting period and then the money order can be replaced.

In the mean time they are behind on rent...this is not your problem its theirs, they need to figure out how to pay you.

10/1/2012 8:56:34 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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i'm just posting to move this out from between my locked topics

10/1/2012 9:06:36 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » ever had a money order lost in the mail? Page [1]  
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