comments are like some bizarre mix between Reddit grammar nazis and the YouTube illiterate
1/25/2013 9:24:45 AM
speaking of, jurassic park is coming out again, though in "real 3d"
1/25/2013 12:30:49 PM
bwahahaha DINO PEOPLE
1/25/2013 4:38:05 PM
^^that'd be awesome if they would re-render it funny-lookin' now
1/25/2013 5:44:03 PM
Jurassic Park was amazing for 1993, but that is a good idea. Have they ever done that with other movies?It would be even cooler if they redid old games. I've been wanting to play Metal Gear Solid from ps1 again.
1/26/2013 7:53:13 PM