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 Message Boards » » North Korean Cannibals Page [1]  
68205 Posts
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North Korean parents 'eating their own children' after being driven mad by hunger! Taste like chicken?

Quote :
"A starving man in North Korea has been executed after murdering his two children for food, reports from inside the secretive state claim.

A 'hidden famine' in the farming provinces of North and South Hwanghae is believed to have killed up to 10,000 people and there are fears that incidents of cannibalism have risen.

Quote :
"Undercover reporters from Asia Press told the Sunday Times that one man dug up his grandchild's corpse and ate it. Another, boiled his own child for food

And people get pissed off at living in the good ole usa ... just imagine how it is for these people.

1/29/2013 6:50:10 PM

All American
23078 Posts
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You're a man and you are out there protesting because you want to marry your boyfriend?

You're mad because you might not be able to get that $1800 AR in a few months?

Shit don't seem so bad compared to articles like these.

1/29/2013 6:55:33 PM

All American
4328 Posts
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^yep. i constantly see whiny people on facebook bitching about gun control, etc, how they can't wait to buy a one-way ticket out of this "cesspool of a country".

annoying fucks like that have no clue how good they have it.

1/29/2013 6:57:17 PM

All American
23078 Posts
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Don't get me wrong, I firmly believe if my right to have them, but for a lot of folks that complain, shit just ain't real like it is in places like N. Korea.

1/29/2013 6:58:23 PM

All American
52910 Posts
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DPRK may very well be the most fucked-up, dysfunctional, disaster of a country on Earth.

1/29/2013 8:46:58 PM

All American
4518 Posts
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You are all banned from r/Pyongyang

North Korea is best Korea!

1/29/2013 9:10:57 PM

5290 Posts
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I'm not so sure, guys

this seems like rather a modest proposal

1/29/2013 9:14:05 PM

balls deep
89886 Posts
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It's only a matter of time before that country collapses

1/29/2013 9:16:17 PM

All American
4673 Posts
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1/29/2013 9:32:35 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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too bad they don't have any oil. we could go save the day if they did.

1/29/2013 9:33:22 PM

balls deep
89886 Posts
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Yeah, If North Korea had oil with the liberate the fuck out of them

Shit, do they have any rare earth minerals?

1/29/2013 9:36:39 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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shit, i heard they had unicorns

drones are probably on the way now

1/29/2013 9:37:53 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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I heard that human flesh tastes more like pork than chicken; it's known as the "long pork" and I once saw in a Current.TV program on the DPRK that some people on the border with China sell human meat as pork.

1/30/2013 4:45:55 AM

All American
28605 Posts
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Quote :
"It's only a matter of time before that country collapses"

It would seem, but people have been saying that since the 50s (or so i was told)

1/30/2013 9:35:30 AM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Economically they were ahead of the ROK until the 1970's. Shit didn't really hit the fan until the Soviet collapse and they could no longer get everything at friendship prices.

1/30/2013 10:01:12 AM

All American
31140 Posts
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Quote :
"You're a man and you are out there protesting because you want to marry your boyfriend?
You're mad because you might not be able to get that $1800 AR in a few months?
Shit don't seem so bad compared to articles like these."

Quote :
"^yep. i constantly see whiny people on facebook bitching about gun control, etc, how they can't wait to buy a one-way ticket out of this "cesspool of a country".

annoying fucks like that have no clue how good they have it."

I agree with the sentiment about people who bitch about the mundane bullshit that is part of everyday life, but gay marriage and gun control are legit political issues that deserve our attention. The gun control opposition would ask why anyone would want America to become more like a shithole such as North Korea.

Quote :
"Number of Privately Owned Firearms
The estimated total number of guns held by civilians in North Korea is 130,0001

Rate of Civilian Firearm Possession per 100 Population
The rate of private gun ownership in North Korea is 0.62 firearms per 100 people"

1/30/2013 10:01:25 AM

All American
47007 Posts
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And I'm sorta calling bullshit on your gun owning friends talking about leaving this cesspool of a country bit
that's like, the opposite of what their mindset generally is...

Im genuinely curious. got a screenshot?

And though I do not exactly doubt the OP's linked story, south korea has long been accused of spreading dehumanizing propaganda about the north. I mean its not like the north has any real voice on the planet outside the occasional batshit crazy nuke test or shooting civilian hot air balloons down that stray into their airspace

1/30/2013 10:30:16 AM

All American
9417 Posts
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1/30/2013 11:53:29 AM

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