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All American
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Man arrested after 11-year-old girl gives birth to his baby

Quote :
"A family was devastated after their daughter was raped and became pregnant by their neighbor.

The family trusted their neighbor who came over to their house many times. Little did they know that his intentions were evil and he was sexually abusing their daughter.

It all came to light when the 11-year-old girl who lives in Houston, Texas, learned she was seven months pregnant. The girl admitted to having sex with her 21-year-old neighbor Devon Deandre Davis-Williams.

Davis-Williams has been arrested and charged with continuous sexual abuse of a child, according to arrest records.

Investigators said Davis-Williams who lives across the street from the victim and went to the home every day while her mother was at work. Davis-Williams also communicated with the girl through text messages.

The girl's mother took her to the doctor and found out she was seven months pregnant.

Police arrested him and seized the girl's cell phone to record all text message conversations between her and Davis-Williams.

The baby was delivered by cesarean section, according to Sara Marie Kinney, a spokesperson at the Harris County District Attorney’s Office.

Davis-Williams is held on a $50,000 bond."

1) Why was the 11 yo girl alone at home?

2) Why wasn't she in school?

3) If she was not alone, who else was at home, and how did they let this happen?

4) Why does an 11 yo have/need a cell phone?

This is so fucked up. Hope they lynch the motherfucker. Forget lynching, he will be out in 3-5 years on good behavior.

4/16/2013 3:07:57 AM

Art Vandelay
45180 Posts
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Guess what the ethnicity is, just take a wild shot.

4/16/2013 3:14:59 AM

All American
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4/16/2013 3:47:27 AM

All American
9196 Posts
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1) latchkey kid
2) school prolly ended at 3PM but work usually ends at 5PM
3) idk
4) to let mommy know right away whether there's some serious problem (though obvi. she didn't call her about this)

4/16/2013 4:51:18 AM

All American
35321 Posts
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1) Dude, I was babysitting at 11 years old.

2) The way I was reading it I was assuming it was afterschool

3) If it was the time period between school being out and work being out, chances are no one else was at home and no one allowed it to happen.

4) I work with 11 year olds that have iPhones. I've stopped asking questions about why kids have cell phones these days.

4/16/2013 6:01:22 AM

balls deep
89885 Posts
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I, too, was a latchkey kid

4/16/2013 6:42:36 AM

13089 Posts
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Get em while they young and fresh

4/16/2013 9:16:55 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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Quote :
"latchkey kid"

i don't know why, but I hate this term/label.

4/16/2013 9:27:21 AM

Double Entendre
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My first thought was what age did she start her period?

I, too, was a latchkey kid.

4/16/2013 10:12:22 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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kids these days are starting earlier and earlier. hippies and whatnot blame hormones in meat, others blame obesity and other things.

4/16/2013 10:24:04 AM

balls deep
89885 Posts
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In this case, I put little to no blame on the child and parents, as they were victims; and almost all, if not all, on the child rapist.

4/16/2013 10:27:38 AM

13089 Posts
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Rapist must have a small dick, I'd like to think that fucking a 11 year old is like a grown woman and a horse....

4/16/2013 10:36:46 AM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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i dont even want to read shit like this

4/16/2013 10:46:30 AM

13089 Posts
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7 months pregnant at 11. So is it safe to say she lost her virginity at 10? Can a 10 year old enjoy sex? Does she even know what happened to her?

4/16/2013 10:55:39 AM

All American
7323 Posts
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that's gonna be some real awkward parent/teacher conferences.

4/16/2013 10:58:50 AM

45912 Posts
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You think they get to sit with each other on the bus?

4/16/2013 10:59:55 AM

41759 Posts
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Bring 'em Young Child Care

4/16/2013 11:00:08 AM

All American
9012 Posts
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was he hot as fuck at least?

4/16/2013 11:07:24 AM

All American
6307 Posts
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Quote :
"You think they get to sit with each other on the bus?"

Considering the guy was 21, I hope he's not still riding the bus to school

4/16/2013 12:41:21 PM

All American
39518 Posts
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what is the point of this thread?

4/16/2013 12:44:37 PM

balls deep
89885 Posts
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^ obviously to blame the parents for their child being raped

4/16/2013 12:59:58 PM

13089 Posts
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It kinda is the parents fault, how does you daughter get raped repeatedly and you not sense it? I know she had to have been bleeding in her panties. I wonder how old the girls parents are.

4/16/2013 1:11:21 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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Quote :
"7 months pregnant at 11. So is it safe to say she lost her virginity at 10? Can a 10 year old enjoy sex? Does she even know what happened to her?"

when i was 11, we were friends with a slutty 9 year old. (of course this was in Myrtle Beach so i'm sure that was closer to normal.)

4/16/2013 1:18:21 PM

45912 Posts
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Quote :
"Considering the guy was 21, I hope he's not still riding the bus to school"

I don't know if you're being facetious or if my joke went that far over your head...

4/16/2013 1:18:41 PM

13089 Posts
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now we know who rides the short bus itt

4/16/2013 1:24:56 PM

45912 Posts
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[Edited on April 16, 2013 at 1:28 PM. Reason : WTF WRONG THREAD]

4/16/2013 1:28:33 PM

114629 Posts
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>Little did they know that his intentions were evil

who is writing these things these days

a female mystery author or something? :3


>sex abuse of a child

how is it ever sex abuse if she agreed to it :|

4/16/2013 1:37:24 PM

All American
9012 Posts
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I saw BB replied to this thread and I opened it to see what texas rattlesnake joke he made

I was left questioning both BB, myself & tww as a whole

4/16/2013 1:48:42 PM

All American
23525 Posts
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did he get her pragnet with his texas rattlesnake? is that how babby fromed?

4/16/2013 1:50:38 PM

balls deep
89885 Posts
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Quote :
"how is it ever sex abuse if she agreed to it :|"

She was 10.

4/16/2013 1:58:51 PM

114629 Posts
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I was just kinda trolling, sorry

you know, since it's the fashionable thing to do these days

4/16/2013 2:20:45 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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Quote :
"I don't know if you're being facetious or if my joke went that far over your head..."

probably assumed you didn't read far enough to know the guy was 21.

4/16/2013 6:45:30 PM

45912 Posts
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My joke, like the one above mine, was in reference TO THE NEWBORN.

4/16/2013 9:37:00 PM

Thots and Prayers
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Quote :
"Guess what the ethnicity is, just take a wild shot."

Well, it might not be that obvious. Remember-- White Trash are often similar to latinos. they tend to average only about 12 years between generations.

4/16/2013 10:51:06 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Its scientifically proven that at 11:59 on the day before the 18th birthday, an entire section of the human brain activates. This happens to be the section of the brain that controls the body. 3 years later the liver becomes activated and 4 years after that the part of the brain responsible for advanced motor skills becomes activated.

4/16/2013 10:57:56 PM

All American
47007 Posts
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the same study also determined that any variation in laws from state to state or country to country is caused by lack of proper education

4/16/2013 11:01:10 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Quote :



[Edited on April 16, 2013 at 11:32 PM. Reason : also TWENTY FIVE YEAR OLD GRANDMA]

4/16/2013 11:23:59 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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Quote :

My joke, like the one above mine, was in reference TO THE NEWBORN."

then you should have worded it in the future tense (like the one above yours did), a newborn doesn't ride the bus right now. what do i do now to show that i think i'm smarter than you? do i facepalm? am i doing it right? do i look smug enough yet?

4/16/2013 11:30:21 PM

45912 Posts
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Others understood it to mean the child.

Grammar Nazi aside, it doesn't make any sense to think it was in reference to the 21 year old. It was clearly a reference to two people being in school.

[Edited on April 16, 2013 at 11:34 PM. Reason : .]

4/16/2013 11:33:06 PM

114629 Posts
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Quote :
"Its scientifically proven that at 11:59 on the day before the 18th birthday, an entire section of the human brain activates. This happens to be the section of the brain that controls the body. 3 years later the liver becomes activated and 4 years after that the part of the brain responsible for advanced motor skills becomes activated."

that was just perfectly awful to read

4/17/2013 4:50:26 AM

All American
9012 Posts
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come on simonn, clearly you were supposed to assume the 11 year old girl was going to be held back 8-9 times so the 2 can be on the bus together

4/18/2013 1:17:02 PM

45912 Posts
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11 year old + 6 or 7 years would probably be a jr/sr
6-7 year old would be in grade school.

math, it's fucking magic

4/18/2013 1:18:42 PM

All American
9012 Posts
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guess my school was weird not having high schoolers ride the bus with elementary kids, but it was also weird for not having juniors & seniors ride the bus anyway since they were driving

4/18/2013 1:21:30 PM

45912 Posts
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taking the joke a little too literal.

[Edited on April 18, 2013 at 1:35 PM. Reason : o]

4/18/2013 1:28:07 PM

All American
43429 Posts
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^^^yeah. I, too, picked up on the original joke.

[Edited on April 18, 2013 at 1:31 PM. Reason : ^]

4/18/2013 1:31:16 PM

All American
30652 Posts
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Quote :
"how does you daughter get raped repeatedly and you not sense it?"

Yeah, it's totally the parents' fault for not having the extremely common and well-documented "rape sense."

Lots of folks get raped at a young age and keep it a secret for a long time. Are you going to blame the parents of Sandusky's victims for not just miraculously being able to tell their little boys just got plowed by an old man? That's ridiculous.

4/18/2013 5:33:49 PM

114629 Posts
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Quote :



4/18/2013 7:10:10 PM

114629 Posts
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I meant jewish

oh well

that's what drinking does for me :3

4/18/2013 8:11:26 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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Quote :
"Grammar Nazi aside, it doesn't make any sense to think it was in reference to the 21 year old. It was clearly a reference to two people being in school."

given your history of blatant racism, it makes a lot of sense to assume that you were joking that a 21 year old black man would still be in high school. especially considering that that's the only scenario that is physically possible at this point in time.

4/24/2013 4:43:44 PM

All American
3260 Posts
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all i know is if the girl was 7 months preggers & no one could tell...she was a fatty to begin with & prob. had big boobs.

also - who the hell reads ''?

[Edited on April 25, 2013 at 9:05 AM. Reason : r]

4/25/2013 9:05:18 AM

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