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 Message Boards » » Issues with DS9 Page [1]  
All American
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1) This is more of an issue with Star Trek in general. You've got important fuckers just running around all over the place without any sort of personal security. There are plenty of examples, but the Grand Nagus was terrible for this. So you have a giant mute manservant covering your ass - yea, that's plenty of security for the leader of a massive galactic power.

2) While I'm on the topic of the Nagus, what gives with the Tower of Commerce being the tallest building in the Ferengi Alliance? These are supposed to be extravegant money grubbing assholes and the largest building they can muster is 40 fucking stories? I mean, I realize Ferenginar is a marshy shithole, but even if they can't find any bedrock on that janky planet, you'd think they'd manage a massive phallic symbol of opulence somewhere.

Fuck me, I had a list of these things on my mind earlier and those are the only two I remember.

8/15/2013 6:57:25 PM

Save TWW
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1) to be fair, DS9 did have a security force led by a shape shifting alien. And not too many people gave a shit about the Ferengi. The federation didn't even recognize them before the beginning of TOS.

2) Ferengi are short, so they don't need as tall of buildings

8/15/2013 7:08:05 PM

All American
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1) Doesn't answer flying over in a tiny shuttle as if there's no danger anywhere. What bout Dukat? He constantly came out of nowhere without security. It happened plenty on TNG as well.

8/15/2013 7:23:34 PM

play so hard
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8/15/2013 7:46:00 PM

All American
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1) Why Chief O'Brien is the only non-commisioned officer we ever see, yet he's the damn station engineer. Give the man a promotion!

8/16/2013 10:26:16 AM

All American
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The only good parts were when this guy was trying to scam people out of money.

[Edited on August 16, 2013 at 10:58 AM. Reason : -]

8/16/2013 10:57:49 AM

All American
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How the fuck did Zek know Quark and his family from day one? He just shows up on the station and knows this ex cargoship cook dickpipe? The leader of a vast alliance knows some measly piece of shit on a janky space station?

8/16/2013 11:56:13 AM

All American
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The only ds9 I know is the Citroen DS9.

8/17/2013 7:42:35 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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a black guy in charge? how realistic is that?

8/17/2013 8:33:25 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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Quote :
"1) This is more of an issue with Star Trek in general. You've got important fuckers just running around all over the place without any sort of personal security. There are plenty of examples, but the Grand Nagus was terrible for this. So you have a giant mute manservant covering your ass - yea, that's plenty of security for the leader of a massive galactic power."

personal security costs lots of latinum.

8/17/2013 8:34:25 AM

All American
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This is Page 1 material you pissy twatwaffles

O'brien, in whispers, tells Jake that he used to fuck around with transceivers when he was a kid. However, every other time he mentions his ability he said he didn't know shit until setlikk iii when they needed to bitch out but couldn't because the transporter wasn't working. o'brien claims that's the first time he ever dealt with that shit.

Also, give that man a fucking field commission. Nog is his superior officer FFS.


8/23/2013 1:31:02 AM

All American
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Quote :
"a giant mute manservant "

pretty sure you're thinking of Lwaxana Troi

my big issue is odo dumping kira to go be part of the blob again. wtf

it was the saddest ever, that episode where they found the other changeling that had been sent out and had no knowledge of anything to do with their species. I guess we have to surmise that he was infected with the virus when he melded with odo, and since he was going off all half-cocked to explore and look for others that were sent out into the alpha quadrant, that he probably didn't meet any from the delta quadrant in time to be cured... and could have passed on the disease if he did encounter others like him.

8/23/2013 1:43:38 AM

All American
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Speaking of Odo, he's always name dropping his so called friends in star fleet security.


8/23/2013 1:46:02 AM

All American
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like sisko woulda really let jake dodge joining starfleet and laze about in those horrible 2370's clothes, writing motherfucking stories.

8/23/2013 1:49:11 AM

All American
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and he even let him do study abroad in a god damn enemy occupied space station!

8/23/2013 1:50:44 AM

All American
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seriously, i wouldn't be surprised if the costume maker vomited on some of those later costumes.


[Edited on August 23, 2013 at 2:06 AM. Reason : lol]

8/23/2013 1:58:34 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Issues with DS9 Page [1]  
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