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 Message Boards » » The pizza guy prevailed Page [1]  
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Quote :
"A Domino’s Pizza driver shot a would-be robber in Central Florida.

Byron Park, 54, a Domino’s Pizza delivery driver, had just finished a delivery to a room at the Days Inn and was sitting in his vehicle counting his money and tip. He was waiting for his next delivery call when former felon Fredrick Kelly, Jr. approached him with a knife, threatening to kill him and demanding his money. What the robber got, though, was not what he’d planned on.

Fredrick Kelly, Jr. was given a bullet from Byron Park’s firearm at almost point blank range. The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the shooting which happened in West Melbourne shortly before midnight on Friday. Brevard County spokesperson Lieutenant Tod Goodyear said in a release that Byron Park had his life threatened as he pulled a gun he kept in his car and fired the weapon toward Fredreck Lorenza Kelly, Jr.. The 32-year-old was pronounced dead at the scene after the Domino’s Pizza driver shot the robber.

The body was delivered to the Brevard County Medical Examiner’s Office for an autopsy. The would-be robber had a long list of previous criminal charges which included armed robbery and other violent crimes, as well as false imprisonment.

Sheriff Wayne Ivey stated, “Preliminary evidence in the case demonstrates that the intended victim of the robbery acted in self defense while being robbed by a violent criminal who was armed with a knife. The suspect in this investigation was released from prison in 2009, after serving a reduced sentence for similar violent crimes.”

The general manager at the Days Inn in West Melbourne had no comment on the situation.

Read more at[quote]

8/27/2013 11:35:25 AM

26632 Posts
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delivery guys don't get paid enough

8/27/2013 11:40:34 AM

All American
12297 Posts
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wow, and now there's more info coming out...

Quote :
"NEW YORK - A man was charged with withdrawing $2 million from an account after a bank confused him with a man who has the same name.

Benjamin Lovell was arraigned Tuesday on grand larceny charges. The 48-year-old salesman said he tried to tell officials at Commerce Bank in December that he did not have a $5 million account. He says he was told it was his and he could withdraw the money.

Prosecutors said the bank — which advertises itself as America's Most Convenient Bank — confused Lovell with a Benjamin Lovell who works for a property management company.

The lesser-funded Lovell gave away some of the withdrawn money and blew some of it on gifts, but lost much of it on bad investments, prosecutors said.

The district attorney's office did not immediately have information on his lawyer. Calls left with"

8/27/2013 11:42:38 AM

11094 Posts
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This thread delivers?

8/27/2013 11:54:46 AM

Not an alcoholic
8015 Posts
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I bet the delivery driver started the confrontation, and followed the felon provoking his aggressive behavior. Unfortunately we'll only hear one side of this sad story

8/27/2013 12:35:33 PM

114617 Posts
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What the robber got, though, was not what he’d planned on.
What the robber got, though, was not what he’d planned on.
What the robber got, though, was not what he’d planned on.
What the robber got, though, was not what he’d planned on.

8/27/2013 1:04:32 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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Quote :
"when former felon Fredrick Kelly, Jr. "

i thought once a felon, always a felon.

8/27/2013 1:22:04 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Quote :
"Benjamin Lovell was arraigned Tuesday on grand larceny charges. The 48-year-old salesman said he tried to tell officials at Commerce Bank in December that he did not have a $5 million account. He says he was told it was his and he could withdraw the money."

lol. sounds like the bank fucked up big time there.

8/27/2013 1:35:53 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
11612 Posts
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I was just coming to make a post about this.

Quote :
"This thread delivers?"


8/27/2013 1:36:02 PM

148844 Posts
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too bad he didn't kill Papa John

8/27/2013 1:43:00 PM

41758 Posts
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Quote :
" What the robber got, though, was not what he’d planned on.

Fredrick Kelly, Jr. was given a bullet from Byron Park’s firearm at almost point blank range. "

8/27/2013 1:50:47 PM

All American
23525 Posts
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I bet he didn't tip either

8/27/2013 5:48:52 PM

All American
1913 Posts
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Florida again

8/27/2013 6:07:57 PM

41758 Posts
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Florida man gets ya every time.

8/27/2013 6:38:38 PM

All American
11472 Posts
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Good for the pizza guy. The Kelly guy was a dreg of society and the world is a better place without his ass running around robbing people and committing felonies.

8/28/2013 9:48:38 AM

All American
7207 Posts
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Quote :
"The body was delivered to the Brevard County Medical Examiner’s Office for an autopsy. The would-be robber had a long list of previous criminal charges which included armed robbery and other violent crimes, as well as false imprisonment. "

By the delivery guy?

8/28/2013 6:27:46 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » The pizza guy prevailed Page [1]  
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