Flyin Ryan All American 8224 Posts user info edit post |
Better ranking than our football team.
Quote : | "The latest Academic Ranking of World Universities (Shanghai ranking) is out and NC State Engineering moved up two places from last year to #27 in the world. If you take out non-US universities above us, this places us #20 in the US, and ahead of several universities that are ranked above us by US News & World Report. Unlike the US News Ranking, the Shanghai ranking is based entirely on quantitative metrics. For more info:" |
(and yes, university rankings can be incredibly overrated, I agree) 9/10/2013 7:48:34 AM
richthofen All American 15758 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "and ahead of several universities that are ranked above us by US News & World Report. Unlike the US News Ranking, the Shanghai ranking is based entirely on quantitative metrics. " |
As mentioned, the metrics are not the same, but this stands in stark contrast to the last US News rankings where we were dead last in the ACC, behind even Florida State. I wonder if this is primarily due to the ranking differences or if our non-engineering programs are just that bad. 9/10/2013 9:44:18 AM
Flyin Ryan All American 8224 Posts user info edit post |
^ Didn't know that re us being last in the ACC.
This is from N.C. State's press release on it in regards to non-engineering programs:
Quote : | "NC State improved in the field of “engineering/technology and computer sciences” on a prestigious international scorecard of universities, jumping two spots from last year to rank No. 27 in the world for 2013. The Center for World-Class Universities at Shanghai Jiao Tong University has published a list of the world’s top 500 universities every year since 2003. In recent years it has identified the top 200 universities in specific fields, such as engineering, social sciences, economics and business, and medicine. Known as the Shanghai ranking–or more formally as the Academic Ranking of World Universities–the lists are based on a methodology that tracks six objective indicators. Unlike the better known ranking of “Best Colleges” marketed by U.S. News & World Report, the Shanghai ranking does not include subjective measures of an institution’s reputation.

Dean Louis Martin-Vega leads NC State’s innovative College of Engineering. Instead, metrics include the number of alumni and faculty winning a Nobel Prize or Fields Medal, number of highly cited researchers selected by Thomson Scientific, number of articles published in the journals Nature and Science, number of articles indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index, and per capita performance with respect to the size of an institution. Good News Across the Board NC State’s position on the engineering list is on the rebound. In 2007 and 2008, the university ranked in the top 25, then fell to 34th in 2009. It has improved every year since then, ranking 32nd in 2010, 30th in 2011 and 29th last year. Engineering isn’t the only bright spot for NC State in the Shanghai ranking this year. The university scored in the top 75 for mathematics, the top 75 for economics and business, and the top 100 for both social sciences and computer sciences. Overall, NC State ranks among the top 200 world universities for 2013. It debuted on the list in 2003 at No. 99." |
9/10/2013 9:54:39 AM
UJustWait84 All American 25825 Posts user info edit post |
That's great and all, but it ain't no Stanford, MIT or Cal Tech. Quite a bargain for a public institution, but let's not get crazy 9/10/2013 10:12:33 AM
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
so wait, when you don't include and reviews are university ranks decently? 9/10/2013 10:43:40 AM
UJustWait84 All American 25825 Posts user info edit post |
this is exactly what I was talking about  9/10/2013 10:55:04 AM
TKE-Teg All American 43431 Posts user info edit post |

9/10/2013 10:58:30 AM
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
well its a math and science ranking, not english
(haha, i changed the sentence from ".com, the reviews are decent) 9/10/2013 11:49:42 AM
LastInACC All American 1843 Posts user info edit post |
They ranked themselves "51-75 Shanghai Jiao Tong University". Therefore Not credible.
and also this
Quote : | "As mentioned, the metrics are not the same, but this stands in stark contrast to the last US News rankings where we were dead last in the ACC , behind even Florida State. I wonder if this is primarily due to the ranking differences or if our non-engineering programs are just that bad." |
[Edited on September 10, 2013 at 11:59 AM. Reason : my name] 9/10/2013 11:57:24 AM
fenway All American 3135 Posts user info edit post |
From what I've heard the past couple of administrations didn't bother much with where State placed in any rankings (I agree the rankings are pretty much composed from bullshit to make up these lists, but they do mean a lot to how a university is perceived by the public), sounds like Woodson and his administration are putting more of a focus on things like these rankings. Hopefully we keep moving up. 9/11/2013 12:43:26 AM
rflong All American 11472 Posts user info edit post |
Under Fox we made steady improvement in the rankings IIRC, but after her, it's been mainly downhill. Ultimately the US News ranking system is seriously flawed as it puts too much emphasis on student selection which automatically hurts large schools like NC State which are growing their student population.
Oh well who gives a fuck really. Ultimately most people I know do not give me any shit about going to NC State because I am living a pretty great life for a guy in his early 30s. The only person to ever say anything negative to me about NC State was my wife's cousin who went to UNC. His ass could not even find a good job when he left UNC so he joined the peace corp and then came back and went to Duke for his masters. Now he works as some lap dog doing god knows what at a liberal think tank. /cool story bro
[Edited on September 12, 2013 at 2:08 PM. Reason : df] 9/12/2013 2:07:42 PM
NyM410 J-E-T-S 50085 Posts user info edit post |
Don't worry guys, next year Louisville will be ruling the shitter. 161? Do you have to be able to read at UL? 9/13/2013 8:25:42 AM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
We'll make the Final Four at the Engineering Olympics. No doubt. WOLFPACK IN THE HOUSE 9/13/2013 12:51:16 PM