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 Message Boards » » Women watching football Page [1]  
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9/21/2013 7:47:25 AM

37776 Posts
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Women that are that into sports are annoying as hell.

9/21/2013 7:53:40 AM

13089 Posts
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I've never met one that was into any man sports. My gf does not know what a first down is, sees racing as speeding cars etc.

You can't explain sports to a woman, it just never clicks.

9/21/2013 7:59:22 AM

balls deep
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Whatever, WolfpckGrl17 probably knows more about football than you. And she's a demon in the sack.

Would date again.

[Edited on September 21, 2013 at 8:07 AM. Reason : Jjj]

9/21/2013 8:06:59 AM

180 Posts
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Fuck you guys, I love sports.

9/21/2013 8:36:42 AM

37776 Posts
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Watch your language missy. This is a wholesome family messageboard.

9/21/2013 8:38:13 AM

All American
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That video pretty much sums up me and my friends Ashton and Stephanie. Even the fantasy football stuff, but minus the dropping food and still eating it and having boyfriends who know nothing about football....THAT would never happen! He'd have to be into the game as much as I am.

^^^ Damn right!

[Edited on September 21, 2013 at 11:52 AM. Reason : You know it.......]

9/21/2013 11:51:30 AM

Not an alcoholic
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Who made that video? No way you'd take Green Bay d over Chicago.

[Edited on September 21, 2013 at 11:59 AM. Reason : Probably a woman]

9/21/2013 11:57:34 AM

All American
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neither of those defenses has been amazing this year so far

Quote :
"Fuck you guys, I love sports."


9/21/2013 1:40:48 PM

148844 Posts
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pretty funny video

9/21/2013 1:45:01 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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Quote :
""Fuck you guys, I love sports.""

that's nice.

Please understand though, we don't want to share every interest with you. People need things that belong to them or to a group of friends. Shared interests and activities are an important part of a relationship, but so is maintaining your own unique identity and having your own interests.

[Edited on September 21, 2013 at 1:51 PM. Reason : jgjhjk]

9/21/2013 1:50:16 PM

All American
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Please understand this:

We have hobbies and interests, just like you do. Sometimes they happen to overlap. It has nothing to do with me wanting to share every little fucking thing with you guys. Thanks.

I realize it's shocking to you that a woman could actually like sports independently of men in her life: get over it.

[Edited on September 21, 2013 at 1:55 PM. Reason : It's part of my unique identity and interests.]

9/21/2013 1:53:19 PM

Not an alcoholic
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Women during football are to be seen, not heard

9/21/2013 1:54:05 PM

All American
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Yeah, I get that. Watch away, but quit trying to horn in on our fantasy football league or insist on tagging along to watch the game when your boyfriend has been invited but you have not. That's all I'm saying.

9/21/2013 1:58:16 PM

37776 Posts
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Seen getting food and beers. Amirite?

9/21/2013 1:58:49 PM

All American
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I'm actually glad I have a separate fantasy league

my husband's draft involves an endless auctioning process (solely built so they can keep players away from each other) that would drive me crazy

9/21/2013 2:02:50 PM

All American
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Auctions are the only way to do it. Snake drafts are for lazy people. Most of my friends are fucking lazy. God forbid you do research and employ some strategy in the draft instead of hoping you luck into the #1 pick.

9/21/2013 2:05:12 PM

All American
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I'd be better with it if it didn't devolve into "I KNOW MIKE IS GOING TO BE ALL OVER X, SO I'M GONNA BID SO HE HAS TO PAY MORE"

lame machismo "I'm so much smarter than you" bullshit

Fantasy football is a crapshoot: I don't take it so seriously

9/21/2013 2:08:57 PM

Not an alcoholic
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The league I'm in is over $1000 for the winner.. I'd like to make every player as expensive as I can for every other team. Why give somebody an advantage?

9/21/2013 2:10:22 PM

All American
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Exactly. You can be in as competitive or as non-competitive a league as you want, but in order to be a serious league you have to do something to make it more skill based and less of a crapshoot. Either through some kind of keeper system plus FAAB or via an auction.

It's the difference between playing candyland vs. playing chess. I don't really care for games that require more luck than skill.

9/21/2013 2:14:32 PM

148844 Posts
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There's way more luck than skill involved in fantasy football, unless you just draft a bunch of kickers and defenses like Ruxin did this year

You can have ADP, Arian, Megatron, AJ Green, Rodgers and Jimmy Graham, because you have great skill and play in a league full of retards, but they could all get hurt and you could finish in dead last

9/21/2013 2:42:57 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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Quote :
"There's way more luck than skill involved in fantasy football"

Way more? Nah.

I guess all your guys can get hurt and there are breakout stars at every position instead of projected players scoring a lot. Yeah, I guess that can happen, but by and large if you draft well and play intelligent match ups you will win more than you lose. It's not a guarantee of victory because shit happens, but if you draft value you'll do well.

[Edited on September 21, 2013 at 2:55 PM. Reason : sdfsdf]

9/21/2013 2:52:22 PM

All American
4095 Posts
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Quote :

9/21/2013 3:16:25 PM

All American
18941 Posts
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Quote :
"You can have ADP, Arian, Megatron, AJ Green, Rodgers and Jimmy Graham, because you have great skill and play in a league full of retards, but they could all get hurt and you could finish in dead last"

see also: everyone who had Tom Brady the year he busted his knee

Quote :
"in order to be a serious league you have to do something to make it more skill based and less of a crapshoot"

you're even admitting it's a crapshoot... I have no interest in my league being "serious" - it's for fun

Quote :
"I don't really care for games that require more luck than skill."

me either, which is why I don't take it seriously - there's really very little skill involved, considering all of the outside shit that can affect a player's performance (not even just injury to my own players: maybe a QB favors the left side of the field because of a cornerback injury in the first quarter and I picked the wrong WR to start)

[Edited on September 21, 2013 at 3:20 PM. Reason : oops]

9/21/2013 3:17:42 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I think the real lesson here is that people that care this much about spectator sports are annoying, regardless of gender, and that fantasy leagues are for tools.

9/21/2013 6:15:39 PM

13089 Posts
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A man that doesn't care about at least one sport is a queer.

Statement from a run of the mill computer science dweeb. "I care about programming, sex? whats that?"

9/21/2013 6:25:33 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Haha. There's nothing wrong with liking a sport. I enjoy college basketball. However, I do get tired of listening to some middle-aged fat guys talk about football nonstop during lunch and any other free time they may have for months on end. It's like watching somebody else play a sport is what they live for. They practically get off on talking about how strong some new recruit is or whatever. To me, it's a giant, "Who gives a shit?!" which of course I can't really say in such an environment. I've begin to think I'm in the minority, but that doesn't make me think I'm any less right.

9/21/2013 9:34:21 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Women watching football Page [1]  
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