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My exchange student friend from Australia was telling me about the over the top cigarette warnings, so I asked for a pic. I wasn't expecting this though.

They also aren't allowed to put logos on the paper, only numbers and letter.

10/9/2013 1:27:20 PM

15294 Posts
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god damn being free rules

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

10/9/2013 1:28:56 PM

311 Posts
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Quote :

10/9/2013 1:30:13 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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God damn, that makes smoking look even more tuff.

10/9/2013 1:31:59 PM

All American
14180 Posts
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The canadian packs have a variety of gross horrible stuff, and then some vague stuff about harming children with pictures of frowning babies and crying children.

The one that gets me most is the pictures of the doctors in an operating room lifting a yellow and blackened enlarged heart from someone's chest

But I still smoked every last one of those fucking cigarettes. And assholes are profiting off of every one of our illnesses, deaths and suicides, no matter which way you choose to go.

10/9/2013 1:55:30 PM

All American
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This is so old. I think the law was approved summer 2012 (Australia). It was international news for a while from the introduction of the bill to the voting to the acceptance, which took a couple of weeks at least. Some of you might be living in a cave.

10/9/2013 2:01:58 PM

311 Posts
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Or we don't pay attention to Australian legislation news because who the fuck cares?
We just wanna see gross shit.

10/9/2013 2:05:54 PM

All American
28597 Posts
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damn man, you sound super-hip and totally up-to-date!

10/9/2013 2:07:51 PM

All American
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It was international headline news, I already said that.

It was being read out (and posted on their websites) on international news channels alongside news about Syria and whatever else was going on.

10/9/2013 2:08:52 PM

All American
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The lung picture looks like some rustic head piece for a suit of armor from the game Skyrim...

10/9/2013 2:09:08 PM

All American
16764 Posts
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god damn double post

[Edited on October 9, 2013 at 2:09 PM. Reason : grrr]

10/9/2013 2:09:08 PM

311 Posts
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^^This is America. We have selective memory when it comes to anything irrelevant to us.

^Ha I was gonna say it looked like a nug of rotten schwag.

10/9/2013 2:16:34 PM

Save TWW
4213 Posts
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This was how all cigarette packs looked like when I lived there in 2008 (except I think they still had logos then). They had impotent men, blackened lungs, breathing tubes, and all types of nasty shit.

You also order cigarette packs based on how much nicotine is in them (you would ask for a pack of marlboro gold or marlboro silver instead of saying marlboro lights or ultralights). In the US I would think of light cigarettes mean less smoke per drag, not less nicotine. I guess less smoke would mean less nicotine/tar, but it is just presented differently there.

Another example is light beer. In the US light beer means light in calories, whereas in Australia is meant light in alcohol. Again, beer that is light in alcohol will probably mean less calories, but it is not always the case.

[Edited on October 9, 2013 at 2:22 PM. Reason : ]

10/9/2013 2:21:44 PM

All American
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Haha ok, fair enough!

But I just want to explain why it was big news. First, I was surprised why it was so important that it was making headline news. Then I realized it was because it was and is a big FUCK YOU to all the tobacco companies with respect to packaging. When small print warnings first made it onto boxes whatever number of decades ago, that was the first fuck you, but this Australian thing was the biggest fuck you to them because they can't put their logo or colors on the package, and most importantly, the warning is the main text, and the brand name has been reduced to small print. They fought back and objected, but lost.

I love it. And hope they do the same in all countries.

10/9/2013 2:24:50 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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Quote :
"Some of you might be living in a cave."

Oh come on dude, we've seen you post months old shit before.

10/9/2013 2:27:46 PM

All American
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Yeah when it is some story you find in the "weird news" section of a news site. And usually it is a few days or sometimes a couple of weeks old, and everybody jumps on me. This is international news and is a year+ old. There is a big difference.

In other news, Qatar won the World Cup bid for 2022.

10/9/2013 2:49:31 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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Quote :
"This is international news"

That's debatable.

Quote :
"and everybody jumps on me"

You must not mind since you do it to others.

10/9/2013 3:02:16 PM

All American
27283 Posts
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It's been like this in other countries for years.

10/9/2013 3:56:34 PM

All American
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^ which other countries have packaging like in Australia? None that I know of.

Remember, no logo, no colors, fixed font, just black and white, and a massive pic and warning at top.

I don't believe any country has it so stringent like that.

10/9/2013 4:54:56 PM

balls deep
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I saw some pretty blunt ads in cig packs when I was in Mexico last week

10/9/2013 5:11:08 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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I hardly think cigarette packaging is making many international news headlines.

10/9/2013 5:13:59 PM

4373 Posts
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Quote :
"You also order cigarette packs based on how much nicotine is in them (you would ask for a pack of marlboro gold or marlboro silver instead of saying marlboro lights or ultralights). "

They've implemented this here in the US, but everyone still says lights, ultralights etc.

10/9/2013 5:32:58 PM

148843 Posts
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packs of cigarettes in the US contain 20 cigarettes

you can get packs of cigarettes in Australia that contain 50 cigarettes

10/9/2013 6:10:41 PM

All American
1617 Posts
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so lick my butt and suck on my balls

10/10/2013 2:06:51 AM

All American
42565 Posts
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[Edited on October 10, 2013 at 2:39 AM. Reason : ]

10/10/2013 2:38:44 AM

25079 Posts
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the anti-smokings ads are much more intense as well - it's around $16/pack there

10/10/2013 10:31:56 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Australian Cigarettes Page [1]  
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