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All American
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So Sprint's comeback is "weve been working on our network and saying its construction related".

So I hear that when I call their business support. I call their consumer support, dont hear crap.

How about making up if you know you have issues and drop your pricing or offer incentives??

I forsee a large sprint customer drop soon...

11/21/2013 2:04:08 PM

41758 Posts
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The only people that still have sprint cant afford the deposits for ATT or Verzion...or have bad accounts there.

That is the only reason to have spring. The unlimited data thing is a farce since it DOESN'T FUCKING WORK.

11/21/2013 2:10:04 PM

All American
7323 Posts
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I do have some minor 3g connectivity issues from time to time, and an occasional dropped call. However, i'm glad i don't worry about my data usage since I pretty much use my phone 24/7.

[Edited on November 21, 2013 at 2:15 PM. Reason : .]

11/21/2013 2:15:32 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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I've never had real problems with them. Data will drop out maybe once a year for a day or so, but considering I get a 27% discount through my work I won't complain too much.

11/21/2013 2:25:38 PM

All American
11472 Posts
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My wife uses Sprint and I hate it. She says she stays with them because her mom and sister are on Sprint and they are the people she talks to the most. She gets no service in many, many places whereas I usually get service everywhere with Verizon. I wish some other company would just buy Sprint and merge them into their network.

11/21/2013 2:49:27 PM

oh we back
25854 Posts
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My personal cell is Sprint. My work cell is Verizon. I don't notice a huge difference in terms of service between than two. There are spots where I know my Sprint service will be shitty. But there are also spots where I have better Sprint service than Verizon. My work cell (Verizon) is generally more consistent with it's service. But I haven't had huge issues with Sprint overall.

11/21/2013 2:50:12 PM

All American
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I have Sprint. Never had an issue with connectivity, even when I only have like 1 bar. I have one dropped call every now and then but I could say the same about every provider I've had since my first cell phone. My sister in law works for them though, so I get a crazy discount.

11/21/2013 3:13:17 PM

All American
3887 Posts
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I have Sprint through Ting, they're not as good as Verizon, but 98% of the time they're fine.

11/21/2013 8:11:54 PM

All American
15758 Posts
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I have Sprint for my personal phone and Verizon for work. For 3g data (neither have 4g LTE and WiMax is useless) the Verizon phone is notably faster. Also better coverage (there are places where I know Sprint will drop reliably).

The reason I keep it is my bill is only $55/month. Yes, the data is way to slow to actually use "Unlimited" but it's nice not to have to worry about it. Not interested in my bill doubling if I switch to Verizon or ATT.

11/22/2013 2:49:26 AM

All American
27283 Posts
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^Your data is too slow, even with 3G? I've never even had to buffer a youtube video or Pandora or anything. Pandora doesn't even skip a beat when I'm driving.

11/22/2013 9:18:54 AM

All American
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I have Sprint. They give a good corporate discount and when I first got my smartphone I was able to tether my laptop to it without paying for a hotspot. Plus I had no idea how much data I'd actually use and was worried about Verizon's 2GB data plan not being sufficient. Now that tethering is disabled and I can tell that I never go over 2GB of data I'll take another look at Verizon, but I suspect they still have me priced out due to the difference in corporate discounts.

11/22/2013 9:30:47 AM

All American
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I've never had a problem with Sprint that was not resolved. I powered through the 56k 3g this year and now have LTE coverage at home and work. I don't think they're making excuses or lying to anyone. There's a clear roadmap for their Network Vision phase and you can tell when a city is undergoing upgrades and also when they're finished.

11/22/2013 12:16:58 PM

All American
31140 Posts
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Quote :
"Sprint has landed at the bottom of Consumer Reports' annual ranking of cellphone service providers, dropping from the No. 2 spot last year."

I didn't realize the first time I read this thread that Sprint performed so well last year. What would cause them to drop from #2 last year to #DeadLast this year? Did their service get that much worse in one year or did the competitors get that much better? Or is the test just being administered differently?

11/24/2013 11:00:21 AM

All American
3626 Posts
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Service mostly. As they said in the article, theyve been doing service upgrades, which come at the cost of lack of coverage while they work.

11/24/2013 4:45:42 PM

All American
1966 Posts
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uh oh

11/24/2013 5:07:53 PM

balls deep
89878 Posts
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I've had sprint since I was a freshman in college

Never really had a problem to speak of. I've had coverage every place that I've lived. The past few times I've upgraded my phone, they even waive the activation fee when I say "hey, I've been a customer for xx years.... Can you do this for me?". I especially like their unlimited data.

If there is one qualm I have with them, it's the fact that since they betted on the wrong 4G horse, (WiMAX) they were slow getting their LTE network up and running compared to competitors. But now, that is in most places, I'm good again.

11/24/2013 5:11:52 PM

play so hard
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I had Sprint and hated it, mostly because my phone would often say I had data coverage when it didn't, on multiple phones. Sure it was cheap, but the service sucked so badly I didn't mind paying more for Verizon.

Now I've moved on to Straight Talk which at <=$45/month for AT&T's service (with up to 2.5GB of LTE data), can't be beat.

I'd rather have 2.5GB of data through a fat pipe versus unlimited data through a cocktail straw, but maybe that's just me

11/24/2013 5:15:00 PM

All American
3339 Posts
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I had verizon for about 5 years. Service was good, i had more problems with the phones and slow software patches/updates.

I actually recently switch to Republic (which uses Sprint when not connected to Wifi). I dont really notice any difference with calling/texting. Data is slower, but since i spend 80% of my average day connected to Wifi, I barely notice it. I should get my Moto X this week, so i'm interested to try out the 4G here in Raleigh.

Verizon has better service, but being on republic is totally worth paying less than 1/4th of the price I was paying

11/24/2013 5:26:31 PM

45208 Posts
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I've always had issues

11/24/2013 5:52:08 PM

All American
10829 Posts
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^4 That's me exactly. Back then Sprint was pretty much the only shop in town if you wanted a flagship phone. To me it was worth the hit in coverage to have something other than the indestructable Nokia candybar or that Motorola flip thing.

The WiMax was frustrating, sometimes getting there first isn't all that matters I guess. I thought I read somewhere that even this current iteration of LTE is truly "4G" anyway, but it has more capacity than WiMax would ever have for sure.

A lot of people forget that Sprint has the entire 800MHz iDEN band that it decommissioned and I think they'll start running LTE on it if they haven't already so I'm gonna ride it out. I like having the clout that comes with a 10 year old account. Amongst other A++ employee contacts who shall remain nameless.

11/25/2013 5:22:06 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Sprint Sucks (news post) Page [1]  
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