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 Message Boards » » 1ft Universal Power Cord in White Page [1]  
All American
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Does anyone know anywhere locally where I can get a 1ft long universal power cord in white? Monoprice and tons of other sites have them in black but I can't find a white one. I'd even be willing to buy some cable in white if someone locally could strip and crimp the connectors on to make a custom length cable. I have a ceiling mounted projector on a white ceiling and I installed an outlet on the ceiling about a foot away so I need a cable just long enough to go from the projector to the outlet without having so much extra slack that I have to zip tie it.

2/1/2014 6:11:33 PM

All American
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2/1/2014 8:05:08 PM

All American
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Thanks but that's 11 feet, it's the 1 foot cord I'm having trouble with

2/1/2014 10:49:52 PM

All American
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Fuck-I didn't see the ' symbol on my phone

2/1/2014 11:04:47 PM

All American
4770 Posts
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Easiest thing to do is go ahead get a white universal cable ( I saw some 3' ones for sale ) and a plug like the one shown here... [link]http://[/link]

Cut and assemble

2/1/2014 11:51:21 PM

148898 Posts
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paint it white

2/2/2014 3:15:44 PM

All American
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Does it really have to be white? I get that the ceiling is white, but you can exactly hide the projector. I don't think anyone's going to look at it and be like, "they really should have used a white cable on this projector sticking out of the ceiling."

2/2/2014 3:36:31 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Spray painting exposed sections of a black one is not that bad of an idea. If the cord isn't going to be flexed a lot, it should hold up fine.

2/2/2014 4:28:51 PM

26632 Posts
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use a regular extension cord, then wrap it in white cable wrap with the other cables, basically something similar to this:

you can find it at a local auto parts store

2/2/2014 5:58:02 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Does it really have to be white? I get that the ceiling is white, but you can exactly hide the projector. I don't think anyone's going to look at it and be like, "they really should have used a white cable on this projector sticking out of the ceiling.""

I have OCD when it comes to cords and exposed wires. I can't stand them and if they absolutely can't be totally hidden from view they have be as unobtrusive as possible. Besides, the HDMI is white and even if the ceiling contrast weren't an issue, which it is, I can't have two different color cords.

I think I'm going to go with buying a 1' black cord and painting it white with flexible vinyl spray paint. Strange that these cord a dime a dozen in black but nowhere to be found in white. Thanks.

2/3/2014 10:57:08 AM

All American
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2/3/2014 11:28:19 AM

All American
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^That's an extension cord, it has to be a standard PC power cord like this:

I just ordered that one and am going to spray it with flexible white paint

2/3/2014 1:33:23 PM

All American
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For your reference, it's an IEC cable. I don't know of any available in white that are shorter than 3'.

2/3/2014 5:39:21 PM

All American
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They have one for 1' 6"

Also, you can design a cord..

Select the nema 5-15p in white first, then the IEC c13 in white.

[Edited on February 3, 2014 at 7:20 PM. Reason : .]

2/3/2014 7:18:42 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » 1ft Universal Power Cord in White Page [1]  
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