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 Message Boards » » Tell me how to get rid of my house. Page [1]  
207 Posts
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Just got a job offer in Richmond, VA and have to be onsite in two weeks and need to get rid of my house in Greenville, NC.

I purchased it for $94k and owe $82k are there any legitimate home buyers out there that would scoop up my house for what I owe on it? I'de rather not go through the process of trying to sell it and having it on the market for months.

I swear there are 1000 shows about flipping house, how do I find one of these people?

2/22/2014 3:44:47 PM

All American
23316 Posts
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flipping is finding them on the SUPER CHEAP and doing quick remodels and selling for a big profit that is still under market value.

If you are looking a quick sell you wont get anywhere near what your home is worth.

Your best bet is to list it and hope someone is interested in it for the right price.

Or start talking to buyers agents.

2/22/2014 3:57:04 PM

All American
8383 Posts
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Price it low enough and they'll find you

2/22/2014 4:02:11 PM

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2/22/2014 4:05:40 PM

Thots and Prayers
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He'll that mortgage can't be more than $700 a month. Should be easy rental income.

2/22/2014 4:44:17 PM

26632 Posts
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I bid $10k

2/22/2014 5:26:35 PM

All American
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2/22/2014 6:56:00 PM

Black and Proud
14179 Posts
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Quote :
"that mortgage can't be more than $700500 a month"

2/22/2014 8:15:57 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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Quote :
"I swear there are 1000 shows about flipping house"
that was sooo last decade

Remember the housing bust?

2/22/2014 9:28:18 PM

All American
22025 Posts
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nah, it still goes on all the time. But they're not going to find a "flipper" to buy a house near what it's worth unless it is currently actually appraising for much less $/ft² than the surrounding properties but just needs some work.

Seems like a great rental opportunity. Just find a local rental agency and let them handle it and take the cut.

[Edited on February 22, 2014 at 10:19 PM. Reason : ]

2/22/2014 10:18:40 PM

All American
11793 Posts
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A realtor's gonna cost you around $5,600 to sell. With your $12,000 in equity, you still come out on top.
Find a seller's agent you like and avoid some headache.

2/22/2014 10:28:09 PM

Douche Bag
Fcuk you
4865 Posts
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Where is it in Greenvile?

2/23/2014 9:22:37 AM

41759 Posts
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If its near campus make it a student rental, nothing can go wrong.

2/23/2014 10:03:45 AM

All American
9196 Posts
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just an idea:

2/23/2014 5:19:02 PM

207 Posts
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House payment is like $495 a month! I also have an assumable mortgage and am willing to let it go with all appliances (stove, dishwasher, fridge, washer, dryer). Perfect rental property, drive is 5 minutes to hospital 10 minutes to ECU.

I've put it up on Craigslist an have had no contact except scammers. I've left my info with relocation companies as well and no one has contacted me. I though getting rid of a house would be easy .

2/24/2014 8:34:33 AM

313 Posts
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It is easy. Like Kickstand said, get a realtor and pay them to do it for you. Don't do it by yourself unless you have a keen interest in digging through all the paperwork and can be there to meet people to show it and whatnot. It will cost you 6% of the sales price to sell through a realtor, plus some associated fees that will add up to another percent or two. A realtor can fill you in on the details. I recommend having three come see the house and tell you what they'd do. They'll each give you a written estimate of what they think the house will sell for and all the costs associated with it (though, not a valid appraisal, since they have a dog in the fight, so-to-speak). I do recommend paying for an appraisal (you'd go through another realtor, choose a fourth for the best impartiality). The appraisal will cost you money up front (I paid $300 for mine in 2011 in Delaware). If the appraisal is good news (equal to or more than you thought) it will be a good bargaining chip when you sell.

If you go through a realtor (and have moved, because you have your new job), you have to do nothing but move out and clean the house, and then sign a shitload of papers. The realtor does the showing, vets the people, deals with negotiations (with as much or as little input from you as you want).

I sold my house from 3 states away, did all the negotiation paperwork by email/electronic signature (offers and counteroffers need signatures), and probably could have closed via distance, but I had to pick up the last pieces from the house and patch a few things for the buyers.

[Edited on February 24, 2014 at 9:53 AM. Reason : words better now]

2/24/2014 9:53:19 AM

25083 Posts
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if you don't have luck doing it on your own you can get a management company to rent it out for you - if i were to ever move out of state i'd get one for my rental property

2/24/2014 9:59:07 AM

26632 Posts
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make sure your mortgage allows you to rent it, you might be required to live there

2/24/2014 10:09:27 AM

41759 Posts
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I hear there are these professionals that make a living selling homes for a percentage of the sales price and you only pay if they sell the home.

2/24/2014 10:34:15 AM

All American
31140 Posts
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^ I've heard of those people. They have this database of available properties and they use it to link people who want to buy homes with homes that are for sale.

2/24/2014 11:01:05 AM

 Message Boards » The Lounge » Tell me how to get rid of my house. Page [1]  
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