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 Message Boards » » People who put their sunglasses behind their neck Page [1]  
play so hard
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What do you think about those people?

What about people who wear their sunglasses on croakies around their neck?

Judge them.

3/28/2014 9:45:13 PM

Fuckwads SS '15
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Guy Fieri does that shit a lot

3/28/2014 9:46:35 PM

All American
23299 Posts
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I think they are probably hard working people that need their glasses because they primarily work outside. That's what they were made for...croakies anyways.

Yes, people do go outdoors tww.

3/28/2014 9:50:30 PM

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3/28/2014 9:51:41 PM

play so hard
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^^ I've never seen someone wearing croakies who looks like they work hard outside. Glasses on the back of the neck...maybe.

3/28/2014 10:01:40 PM

All American
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I love blanket statements...

3/28/2014 11:21:24 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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inorite? so fun.

3/28/2014 11:26:30 PM

All American
1121 Posts
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What about people who wear sunglasses indoors?

3/28/2014 11:34:19 PM

All American
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if that's how they want to wear their glasses that's up to them. it's very hard for me to criticize people for their fashion choices these days.

3/28/2014 11:34:25 PM

All American
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when I imagine somebody doing this, I don't picture a hard-working blue-collar guy

I picture a frat-boy type with a polo shirt and khaki shorts

accordingly, I don't like people who do this, I suppose

but probably frat-boy preps never wear sunglasses like this, and I'm just, I dunno, broadcasting my own insecurities and disgruntledness with my own social uselessness

3/28/2014 11:38:34 PM

play so hard
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^^ i usually assume they have a monster hangover.

3/28/2014 11:38:58 PM

All American
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My husband does this (behind the neck) and then he forgets where they are (just like people who wear them on top of their head). I've found many a pair in his clothes at the end of the day. This is one of the reasons buys cheap sunglasses in bulk.

He was in a frat and wears polo shirts. He also wears cargo shorts. Judge him. Judge him, tww.

3/29/2014 9:30:48 AM

All American
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what an asshole that guy is

and as a side note, I wear mine on my head, but I don't like them around the back of my neck. But I also can wear croakies. I typically do this when I am outside and need sunglasses and have walked somewhere that they are not necessarily needed, but will be needed again soon. Sorry for not running to my car or house to put them up in the mean time :-/

3/29/2014 9:47:47 AM

oh we back
25829 Posts
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Quote :
"Guy Fieri does that shit a lot"

lol, he was the first thing i thought of when i saw this thread title

3/29/2014 9:53:37 AM

All American
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Croakies aren't bad at all as they serve a practical purpose, especially when you own an expensive pair of glasses.

The chances of them being lost or broken goes way down when they are hanging around your neck.

3/29/2014 10:22:02 AM

All American
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^this. I used to think croakies were lame and pretty much the sign of a douche, but then I got some while on vacation and they're sorta wonderful. It's so fucking practical, but really gets judged as a fashion statement rather unfairly imo.

3/29/2014 12:24:58 PM

All American
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Quote :
"when I imagine somebody doing this, I don't picture a hard-working blue-collar guy
I picture a frat-boy type with a polo shirt and khaki shorts
accordingly, I don't like people who do this, I suppose"

I just assume they're kind of a poser who doesn't play real sports. They wouldn't last very long doing anything other than casually walking through campus or sitting in an auditorium.

Croakies are alright as a way to hang your glasses from your neck when you walk out of the sunlight and into a restaurant or something. They kind of hurt the top of my ears if I stretch them over a pair of glasses with big earpieces like Wayfarers. Speaking from experience, they will still disappear under the following conditions:
- 70 MPH in a Donzi. Got to the destination and the Croakies were just gone. The glasses stayed pinned to my face though.
- Diving off a diving board and forgetting your Maui Jims are still on. (But hey, at least the Croakies floated to the top for recovery,

[Edited on March 29, 2014 at 2:16 PM. Reason : l]

3/29/2014 2:15:25 PM

45912 Posts
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you people.

I don't care to wear croakies, but they are handy in many situations.

I will place my sunglasses where most convenient if I'm not wearing them. If I'm not leaning over a lot, and I'm taking them on and off often, I'll put them on my head, unless I'm working hard/sweating, and I'll drop them around the front of my neck. If I'm leaning over a lot, I'll put them on the back of my neck. If I'm going from outside to inside, I'll just slide them up or down (it varies).

3/29/2014 7:24:48 PM

148820 Posts
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i used to wear croakies

when i was on a boat or jet ski or some other situation where i didnt want my sunglasses to blow off my face

3/29/2014 7:36:32 PM

All American
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I wear my glasses on my fucking face, where they're supposed to go.

3/30/2014 10:21:24 AM

All American
41128 Posts
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but where do you fucking put them when the sun goes behind the clouds?

3/30/2014 10:35:16 AM

41758 Posts
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The problem with croakies is they get food inside your glasses.

3/30/2014 11:28:12 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » People who put their sunglasses behind their neck Page [1]  
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