y0willy0 All American 7863 Posts user info edit post |
Chapel Hill made the list-
http://www.cnn.com/2014/images/05/01/sex_assault.pdf 5/1/2014 9:53:42 PM |
EMCE balls deep 89873 Posts user info edit post |
I know about 5 women that told me they were raped while at chapel hill. 2 when I was still in school, 3 after we had all graduated.
A couple of them didn't really have favorable opinions about how it was handled / the school support network 5/1/2014 9:57:10 PM |
BlackJesus Suspended 13089 Posts user info edit post |
I know one girl from UNC that was in the process of getting raped before her roommate showed up. 5/1/2014 10:07:58 PM |
Mtan Man214 All American 2638 Posts user info edit post |
I don't think its a surprise that rape is rampant on any college campuses since its a huge population that lives in dense housing. I'm also not surprised that UNC is under investigation for mishandling investigations. The smug, self-entitled stink that everyone in that town bathes in probably makes it pretty hard to cope with the fact that someone from UNC could commit a crime. Its probably easier to just white wash it, call it a "boys will be boys and sluts will be sluts" deal and close the book. 5/1/2014 10:15:01 PM |
0EPII1 All American 42561 Posts user info edit post |
Many schools pretty much encourage sexual assault with the way they handle such cases.
This is what administrators have said about rapists and sexual offenders:
Quote : | ""why punish him he is about to graduate" "he admitted guilt that's punishment enough" "choose your punishment" "it isn't rape if he didn't orgasm"" |
And this is what happens if you get raped at Yale:
Quote : | "Given such daunting statistics, you might be shocked by a new report issued by Yale University, regarding how it handles sexual misconduct on campus. The report refers to rape as "nonconsensual sex," and indicates that the offense is punishable not by suspension or expulsion, but by "written reprimand."" |
And other prestigious schools are not much different:
Quote : | "Yale is hardly the first prestigious university to make the news because of its policies regarding sexual assault. Last year, Angie Epifano, an Amherst student, published an account of her experience as a victim of sexual assault in the Amherst Student, an independent college newspaper. Amherst dissuaded Epifano from receiving help, refused to change her room, forced her to enter a psychiatric ward, and prevented her from studying abroad, while the male student who assaulted her graduated with honors." |
What I don't understand is why the matter is handled by the schools? Shouldn't the police and the criminal justice system get involved? It is like the armed forces... sex assault cases are handled by the victims' superiors, well, first they decide if the incident warrants a case or not, in case they decide no because the perp is their friend, the doors of justice are forever closed on the victim, and it is not rare for that to happen. And if it does become a proper case, even then the victims usually don't get justice. The percentage of cases which make it to military court, and the % of those where the perp ends up being punished, are reprehensibly low. Seems like higher education is just another side of the same coin.
I guess that's what happens when old white men are in charge of centuries old institutions.5/1/2014 10:16:03 PM |
Mtan Man214 All American 2638 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " What I don't understand is why the matter is handled by the schools? Shouldn't the police and the criminal justice system get involved? " |
I got to sit in on the NCSU Citizen's Police academy in 2007 and they said a lot of the big shit was handed over to RPD because they were better trained, experienced and equipped to deal with things like murder, suicide, etc though they didn't mention rape.
I was surprised to hear in that case last year at UNC, if a male student rapes a female student, they go before a STUDENT COURT. No judge, no jury, just other students that get to decide the legitimacy of an accusation. Not to mention they were completely inept at dealing with something as sensitive as rape, they handled it pretty much like an issue of plagiarism.5/1/2014 10:28:34 PM |
puck_it All American 15446 Posts user info edit post |
^well, that's not entirely accurate. Going before student honor court would be harsher than the punishment for plagiarism, at UNC. 5/1/2014 10:30:43 PM |
Mtan Man214 All American 2638 Posts user info edit post |
The issue is not the punishment they would have handed out, it was the process. Not to mention for punishment they are limited in the extent to what they can dish out. I assume a student court can't send another student to a federal-pound-me-in-the-ass prison like they should for rape. 5/1/2014 10:36:36 PM |
EMCE balls deep 89873 Posts user info edit post |
I remember my girlfriend at the time went to UNC, and was a part of the service fraternity. Guys and girls in that frat, which is only really relevant to this conversation because there was a case of sexual harassment and assault one year that happened within the frat.
Handled entirely within the frat, and the guy was just given a reprimand or something. Boggled my mind, and I didn't understand why the guy wasn't reported to authorities. 5/1/2014 10:44:02 PM |
afripino All American 11455 Posts user info edit post |
^Probably because he was hot as fuck 5/1/2014 10:55:50 PM |
0EPII1 All American 42561 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I was surprised to hear in that case last year at UNC, if a male student rapes a female student, they go before a STUDENT COURT." |
What if the victim refuses and says s/he is going to the police? Will the police turn the victim away and tell them to go back to student court? If yes, that's one of the greatest injustices of all. If no, why don't all victims do that? And I don't see how the police can turn the victim away... regardless of what stage a person is in their life (student or not), sexual assault should be handled by the police. When you start working, is sexual assault at work handled by the company? Fuck no, and it shouldn't be.
Quote : | "Boggled my mind, and I didn't understand why the guy wasn't reported to authorities." |
Who stopped the victim from going to the authorities?
If girls let that happen, it will keep happening. Victims have to go to the authorities. Anything else is criminal, pun intended.
[Edited on May 1, 2014 at 11:10 PM. Reason : ]5/1/2014 11:07:13 PM |
puck_it All American 15446 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "The issue is not the punishment they would have handed out, it was the process. Not to mention for punishment they are limited in the extent to what they can dish out. I assume a student court can't send another student to a federal-pound-me-in-the-ass prison like they should for rape." |
You completely missed my point. It was sarcasm to underscore the fact that UNC as an institution has a well documented history of not appropriately responding to conduct violations.
[Edited on May 1, 2014 at 11:30 PM. Reason : conduct being inclusive of breaking the fucking law]5/1/2014 11:30:00 PM |
Mtan Man214 All American 2638 Posts user info edit post |
Gotcha. Sarcasm is not an easy method to convey a point through text only. 5/1/2014 11:43:13 PM |
Big4Country All American 11919 Posts user info edit post |
I'll take a dead bear over rape and academic fraud any day. 5/1/2014 11:57:56 PM |
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_in_Pakistan 5/2/2014 12:04:49 AM |
puck_it All American 15446 Posts user info edit post |
^^^its chitchat 5/2/2014 12:14:25 AM |
theDuke866 All American 52895 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "It is like the armed forces... sex assault cases are handled by the victims' superiors, well, first they decide if the incident warrants a case or not, in case they decide no because the perp is their friend, the doors of justice are forever closed on the victim, and it is not rare for that to happen. And if it does become a proper case, even then the victims usually don't get justice." |
That is not what I have seen at all, and additionally, the issue is paid much more attention in the military than elsewhere, from what I've seen.
Also, as far as I know, there is nothing to prevent rape victims in the military from going to civilian authorities. the military channels are in addition (in cases in the U.S., anyway). UCMJ plus civilian criminal charges is not double jeopardy.
* To the statistics about the percentages of cases that actually reach court-martial, understand that there is a provision within the UCMJ for "non-judicial punishment", which can be handled at several levels, with potential severity increasing. Most offenses of all kinds in the military are handled via NJP if they are either (a) not extremely serious or (b) the prosecution's legal case isn't solid. You can refuse NJP and force a court-martial, but you're upping the ante a lot in terms of potential punishment if you are found guilty...and with either NJP or court-martial, you would almost certainly be kicked out of the military afterwards (or after your incarceration, depending on how things played out).5/2/2014 12:42:29 AM |
Str8BacardiL ************ 41758 Posts user info edit post |
meh 5/2/2014 1:18:17 AM |
BlackJesus Suspended 13089 Posts user info edit post |
It can be said that if women/men would bypass the school and call 911 and say "I got raped" something would change. 5/2/2014 8:01:35 AM |
Sayer now with sarcasm 9841 Posts user info edit post |
If a girl under 21 was drinking/doing drugs, and subsequently gets raped by a guy she goes to school with, and she reports it, does she also risk getting expelled/punished for drinking under age or doing drugs?
Cause if so, I think I've found part of the problem.. 5/2/2014 8:08:29 AM |
Byrn Stuff backpacker 19058 Posts user info edit post |
^^Also, that's pretty close to victim blaming. The onus shouldn't be on the woman to seek police aid; it's should be SOP for the university.
[Edited on May 2, 2014 at 8:18 AM. Reason : carets] 5/2/2014 8:17:32 AM |
EMCE balls deep 89873 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Who stopped the victim from going to the authorities?" |
I don't know. I guess in a perfect world, the frat would be part of a support network for the victim that includes going to the police instead of trying to handle everything "in house"5/2/2014 9:40:02 AM |
BlackJesus Suspended 13089 Posts user info edit post |
Yea it should be SOP for the University. The main problem with rape is the rape shaming culture we have. "Oh you got raped, what were you doing to cause it?" The girl I know didn't report her attempted raping because she was scared of what her preacher dad would say. "Why was a guy in your dorm room? etc"
With that said I still want every person that gets raped/attempted rape etc, to just call the cops. Its a criminal activity that schools are not prepared to handle. 5/2/2014 9:54:11 AM |
0EPII1 All American 42561 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I guess in a perfect world, the frat would be part of a support network for the victim" |
Haha yeah, frats are closer to rape and sexual assault networks than to support networks, perfect world or not.
What SHOULD be a support network--even in this imperfect world--is the college itself, but as we have seen, colleges under-report sexual assault stats, dissuade victims from seeking help, punish rape victims, give written reprimands to rapists, fail to punish sexual offenders because they are close to graduation or because they admitted guilt so that's punishment enough, or even think that it is not rape if the rapist didn't orgasm
Fuck them all to hell.5/2/2014 10:27:04 AM |
Byrn Stuff backpacker 19058 Posts user info edit post |
^^Definitely agree.
[Edited on May 2, 2014 at 10:45 AM. Reason : .] 5/2/2014 10:45:06 AM |
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
I found out over Thanksgiving that I have a cousin that was raped at Chapel Hill. Was a very sad revelation. 5/2/2014 1:37:56 PM |
Flyin Ryan All American 8224 Posts user info edit post |
Speaking of which, anyone else get the crime warning from N.C. State police this morning of the sexual assault? The guy was caught by police later in the day and he gave them a fake name of "Deearl Creech". Think that's a new spelling for me.
Solution to the situation is simple: put the universities on probation and threaten to withhold federal education money if they don't comply with federal law. That's the only thing modern university education is about is maximizing their intake of money, if you cut off a part of that spigot - especially one connected to paying undergraduate tuition - college chancellors will jump on their heads and do the Macarena to stop it from happening.
(And for the record, Penn State is on the list of schools not properly handling sexual assault and rape cases.)
[Edited on May 2, 2014 at 5:19 PM. Reason : /] 5/2/2014 5:11:52 PM |
evlbuxmbetty All American 3633 Posts user info edit post |
I give the list two thumbs up 5/2/2014 5:16:13 PM |
Kurtis636 All American 14984 Posts user info edit post |
Interesting. Answers some of those why the fuck aren't people just going to the police questions.
Another reason to dislike title IX. 5/3/2014 7:55:12 PM |
marko Tom Joad 72852 Posts user info edit post |
What a strange headline. 5/3/2014 8:25:34 PM |
Kurtis636 All American 14984 Posts user info edit post |
Not really. When you legislate something out of law enforcement's hands and into the hands of not law enforcement is there really any reason to expect anything other than accusations of rape and sexual assault being mishandled, punishments being all over the board, victim blaming, etc.
Not really sure why this was ever considered a good idea. 5/3/2014 8:28:49 PM |
marko Tom Joad 72852 Posts user info edit post |
my issue wasn't with the things said... some very valid points
the headline is just odd to me 5/3/2014 8:36:27 PM |
The E Man Suspended 15268 Posts user info edit post |
i'm only just now finding out that if two people get drunk and have sex, the person who initiated the drinking is legally the rapist. 5/4/2014 4:06:24 AM |
BlackJesus Suspended 13089 Posts user info edit post |
ITT we find out UNC has a rape problem. 5/4/2014 6:51:12 AM |
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
In the age of smartphones, perpetrators have done more for rape awareness than any activist organization.
And it is hilarious. 5/4/2014 7:13:55 PM |
swoakley All American 1725 Posts user info edit post |
I know three girls who were raped at NCSU while I was there. None of them ever reported it.
How the schools handle the reported cases is only part of the problem. 5/6/2014 8:29:15 AM |
0EPII1 All American 42561 Posts user info edit post |
Young Women See Sexual Assault As Normal, Report Finds
Quote : | "How does a crime committed against nearly 238,000 women a year go unreported 60 percent of the time? According to a new report, many victims of sexual assault may not actually see themselves as victims.
Heather Hlavka, a sociologist at Marquette University, analyzed interviews with 100 girls between ages three and 17 who may have experienced sexual assault. Overwhelmingly, their accounts indicated that sexual violence had been normalized in their communities. They considered harassment an everyday part of life rather than a criminal act.
The study identifies several common reasons why girls do not report their assaults, including shame, fear of retribution and mistrust of authority. The most alarming conclusion, however, is that young women "regard sexual violence against them as normal." Moreover, the girls interviewed believed that men "can't help it" and perceived "everyday harassment and abuse as normal male behavior."
One participant -- only 13 years old -- said harassment is standard in her school: “They grab you, touch your butt and try to, like, touch you in the front, and run away, but it’s OK, I mean… I never think it’s a big thing because they do it to everyone.”
Obviously, that "they do it to everyone" does not make such behavior "OK," but those types of perceptions interact with other factors to diminish the likelihood that survivors of sexual violence will report their assaults, and that perpetrators of sexual assault will be held accountable.
Once sexual harassment is "normalized," reporting it becomes a "big thing" likely to be perceived as an overreaction. Hlavka also found that when young women expect adult men to act inappropriately, it leads to a community-wide distrust of male authority figures, such as police officers, to whom sexual assault should be reported.
The girls whose interviews Hlavka considered also assumed that other young women would regard them as "sluts" and "whores" if they disclosed that they were assaulted. This paints a grim picture of the state of sexual assault reduction in many American communities.
The report reminds us that parents and trusted authority figures must teach young girls (and boys) that sexual violence is not acceptable -- before media and community norms give the impression that it is. When it comes to sexual assault, the sooner we empower young women and men with agency and information, the better." |
5/6/2014 7:04:17 PM |
0EPII1 All American 42561 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "It can be said that if women/men would bypass the school and call 911 and say "I got raped" something would change." |
Something will probably change, but maybe not much
Turning College Sexual Assault Cases Over To Police May Not Mean More Convictions
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/25/college-sexual-assault-police_n_5213384.html5/6/2014 7:07:22 PM |
Sayer now with sarcasm 9841 Posts user info edit post |
I'm going to repost this because it's a serious question and I don't know the answer...
Quote : | "If a girl under 21 was drinking or doing drugs, and subsequently gets raped/sexually assaulted by a guy she goes to school with, and she reports it, does she also risk getting expelled/punished for drinking under age or doing drugs? " |
My hunch is yes, but I have no evidence to back this up.5/6/2014 7:22:43 PM |
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
Any half-aware university would not operate like that. That would be crazy.
At this point, any measure that focuses on the victims and their failure to report is silly. There's lots of awareness, plenty of victims are filing reports, but it's a very difficult crime to investigate and prosecute.
It may be time to focus on why perpetrators think it's normal and not so much on surveys of a bunch of teenage girls, as if their attitudes about assault are really the problem here. 5/6/2014 7:36:53 PM |
Sayer now with sarcasm 9841 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Any half-aware university would not operate like that. That would be crazy." |
Sure. But do you know for sure or are you just assuming?5/6/2014 8:35:02 PM |
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
Assuming, and then asserting that it doesn't matter anyway. A lack of reporting isn't the real problem. If they could actually handle and prosecute these crimes, you might see more reports. But they already can't manage what they have now. I guess they could at least database the alleged perpetrators and incidents?
But back to Chapel Hill...they really are the worst. 5/6/2014 8:52:19 PM |
0EPII1 All American 42561 Posts user info edit post |
http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Columns/2014/05/07/How-College-Sex-Became-Obama-s-War-Men 5/8/2014 10:49:24 PM |
marko Tom Joad 72852 Posts user info edit post |
And here I thought all wars were wars against men. 5/19/2014 7:59:34 AM |
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
we need more reporting on how many men are sexually assaulted so they feel more comfortable reporting it 5/19/2014 8:07:24 AM |
0EPII1 All American 42561 Posts user info edit post |
What do you guys think of this? (Glenn Beck rape skit)
http://www.policymic.com/articles/90149/it-s-impossible-to-choose-the-most-offensive-moment-of-this-video-on-rape-in-america 5/31/2014 5:48:56 PM |
BlackJesus Suspended 13089 Posts user info edit post |
5/31/2014 5:51:02 PM |