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 Message Boards » » Anyone taken NZT? Page [1]  
All American
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Been looking at things to help get my shit together and this looks like it might help. Has anyone used this? How did you get it? I can't find a link on the webpage. My bro says he has used it and he hasn't looked back since... he won't give me any details though.

8/8/2014 1:47:05 PM

All American
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Quote :
"This film is not yet rated"

Maybe the web developers should be taking it as well.

8/8/2014 2:17:10 PM

All American
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No, the clear pill is not real.

Ok so this is the actual book report on The Dark Fields which has since been renamed and released as a motion picture called Limitless by Alan Glynn
I have both read the book and watched the movie.
There is some basis in fact for the movie, in that there were historical efforts toward development of artificial psychotropic drugs to promote human intelligence.

Both the discovery of the helical structure of DNA and the iPhone are credited as two examples of major scientific developments resulting from use of LSD, as an example. Steve Jobs credits his iphone innovation to LSD and James Watson who discovered the double helical structure of DNA was a big LSD user.

So the theory is that the trigraph acronym drug LSD was actually just one version of an ongoing development, and the story explores the hypothetical scenario in which predecessor and subsequent laboratory drugs in the LSD lineage were released on the market - those that actually enhance human intelligent directly, as opposed to leading to psychedelic trips like LSD.

In the book, one such drug is MDT-48 which is used by Edie Mora, a failing writer, who ultimately becomes a huge success but also dependent upon the drug.

For the movie they called it NZT-48 (all three letter acronyms are of course, a play on the three letter acronym for LSD) and he ultimately becomes senator who develops his own lab to continue improving the drug.

Spoiler alert.

[Edited on August 8, 2014 at 2:44 PM. Reason : ]

8/8/2014 2:32:37 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Quote :
"PLEASE CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN OR OTHER QUALIFIED HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL BEFORE USING ANY PRODUCT DISCUSSED HERE OR WITHIN ANY OF OUR OTHER WEB SITES. Promptly see a qualified healthcare professional if you have or suspect that you have a medical condition. This site may contain information related to various health, medical and fitness conditions and how they might be best treated. It is not our intention or desire for that matter that you use the information contained herein either on this site or on some site that you think is ours as if it were some kind of medical gospel truth. Don’t go diagnosing yourself based on it. Don’t think you can suddenly treat yourself just because you can tap out the http to some web site. If you have or think you have an actual medical condition then pick up the phone and call your own doctor. Only a qualified healthcare professional can tell you whether or not you should use any medicine or other treatment. Except for NZT that is. In the case of NZT, you know what your situation is and what you want your situation to be. Only a qualified healthcare professional can determine if a product described here (other than NZT that is) or on any of our other websites would be appropriate for you to use. Get real. Grow up. Stop reading the boilerplate. Only your qualified healthcare professional is in the best position to discuss with you the risks and diagnostic of any treatment (excluding NZT unless they’re already onboard). This information is intended only for residents of the United States. The product information provided in this site is intended only for residents of the United States. The products discussed herein may have different product labeling in different countries. is a pharmaceutical company committed to helping people improve their lives by discovering and developing incredible new drugs such as NZT. Trust us – there’s not much in this world that NZT can’t solve. "

8/8/2014 3:53:42 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Anyone taken NZT? Page [1]  
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