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 Message Boards » » FF: Baratza Maestro Solis coffee grinder Page [1]  
All American
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I'm giving away this Maestro Solis coffee grinder by Baratza. It's a "prosumer"-type grinder that can do a coarse grind for French press, a slightly finer grind for drip, and even dial in espresso grinds all the way down to really fine grinds for Turkish coffee. You can read a review of a similar model from Baratza here:

And here is a pic:

I used this grinder on a daily basis for a few years to prepare coffee for myself and a few teammates at work. This grinder was the centerpiece. We used an electric kettle to heat up the water, bought whole-bean coffee from the coffee shop nearby, and ground what we needed every day. The noise is actually much quieter than most consumer grinders, and the conical burr mechanism produces a much more even grind than blade grinders, which gives you a much more consistent product. You could seriously step up the coffee game in your dorm or office.

I'm giving it away to anyone who wants to pick it up, because there's one defect I'm just too lazy to fix. Take a look at the burr:

Basically, one of the little clips has broken off of the collar that holds the ring burr. Here's a close-up:

The burr still makes contact, but you have to hold the hopper down a little bit to really get a grind, and it's just a little bit of a pain. The good news is that you can buy relatively cheap replacement parts from Baratza, but I'm just not invested enough to make the repair myself:

This is a dynamite bargain if you like coffee and don't like spending money.

I've cleaned the hopper and bin, but the burr's just gonna be dirty. Use a steel brush to clean it if you want. Also, I'm not interested in helping you fix the thing. If I had the motivation to fix it, I wouldn't be giving it away to you.

Hit me up with a PM if you're interested.

9/22/2014 2:20:18 PM

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Can I use it for weed or does it grind it into too fine a consistency?

9/22/2014 9:16:49 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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This is by far the most involved FF thread I've ever seen.

[Edited on September 22, 2014 at 11:23 PM. Reason : also can i put my weed in there?]

9/22/2014 11:22:57 PM

All American
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Also! No clue on grinding weed. You could certainly store your weed in it, though.

9/23/2014 8:10:26 AM

Agent 0
All American
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9/23/2014 10:55:33 AM

 Message Boards » Classifieds » FF: Baratza Maestro Solis coffee grinder Page [1]  
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