lewisje All American 9196 Posts user info edit post |
Johnson Wilson Taylor Jackson Adams Carter Hayes Ford Harrison Kennedy Washington Pierce Grant Bush Buchanan Tyler Hoover Monroe Jefferson Nixon Harding Cleveland Madison Polk Arthur McKinley Lincoln Clinton Reagan Taft van Buren Truman Fillmore Coolidge Eisenhower Roosevelt Obama 9/28/2014 7:29:17 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148801 Posts user info edit post |
alphabetical 9/28/2014 7:36:01 PM
Førte All American 23525 Posts user info edit post |
faggyness 9/28/2014 7:38:27 PM
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
How white they are, descending 9/28/2014 7:40:06 PM
rjrumfel All American 23067 Posts user info edit post |
Given the person that posted it, I'd say it is probably some BS like most liberal. 9/28/2014 7:46:42 PM
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
where they stand on some obscure RGB color space or some retarded obscure shit like that 9/28/2014 7:48:10 PM
Wolfman Tim All American 9654 Posts user info edit post |
How cisnormative they are 9/28/2014 7:50:02 PM
ncstatetke All American 41128 Posts user info edit post |
the first half looks like a halfway decent fantasy football team 9/28/2014 8:00:04 PM
Kurtis636 All American 14984 Posts user info edit post |
best to worst on civil rights? 9/28/2014 8:11:27 PM
synapse play so hard 60940 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "How white they are, descending" |
Clinton isn't second to last. 9/28/2014 8:12:59 PM
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28394 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "best to worst on civil rights?" |
Because Andrew Jackson was a great civil rights leader/Indian killer/slave owner. 9/28/2014 8:34:33 PM
ncstatetke All American 41128 Posts user info edit post |
I only see one Bush 9/28/2014 8:44:04 PM
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
and one roosevelt 9/28/2014 8:48:11 PM
ncstatetke All American 41128 Posts user info edit post |
and one Adams 9/28/2014 8:52:22 PM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
and one Taft 9/28/2014 9:01:23 PM
Kurtis636 All American 14984 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Because Andrew Jackson was a great civil rights leader/Indian killer/slave owner." |
And had amazing hair! 9/28/2014 9:06:44 PM
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
These are the Presidents who think those comics are retarded 9/28/2014 11:13:36 PM
0EPII1 All American 42557 Posts user info edit post |
iq, descending order 9/28/2014 11:37:55 PM
synapse play so hard 60940 Posts user info edit post |
hahahahaha this underwear sniffer thinks Andrew Johnson was our smartest president and Barack Obama was our dumbest. 9/28/2014 11:57:02 PM
lewisje All American 9196 Posts user info edit post |
The answer is how common their surnames were in the United States as of the 2000 Census; below is a table of their ranks in 2000 and 1990. |2000| 1990|SURNAME |----|-----|---------- | 2| 2|Johnson | 10| 8|Wilson | 13| 10|Taylor | 18| 13|Jackson | 39| 36|Adams | 46| 40|Carter | 117| 100|Hayes | 124| 102|Ford | 128| 115|Harrison | 130| 137|Kennedy | 138| 90|Washington | 186| 167|Pierce | 192| 154|Grant | 346| 304|Bush | 471| 443|Buchanan | 477| 415|Tyler | 532| 571|Hoover | 567| 523|Monroe | 594| 460|Jefferson | 877| 661|Nixon | 823| 724|Harding |1056| 907|Cleveland |1209| 1094|Madison |1270| 1062|Polk |1172| 1227|Arthur |1410| 1325|McKinley |2068| 2129|Lincoln |2118| 1706|Clinton |2122| 2000|Reagan |3787| 3099|Taft |5521| 4463|van Buren |5807| 5293|Truman |7373| 5790|Fillmore 10253| 9723|Coolidge 22403|16178|Eisenhower 24406|15060|Roosevelt over 100000|Obama "Obama" was not on either the 1990 list of surnames or the 2000 list, because there were fewer than 100 people with that surname in the US; there are probably fewer than 100 in the whole world, because the surname started with the President's patrilineal great-grandfather, who was named just "Obama" and used that as the surname for all of his children, and there were probably three Obamas in the US in 2000, one in 1990, and four now.
I was surprised to see that "Truman" and "Roosevelt" were so rare, because I thought that the former was a reasonably common name ("true man" or trustworthy man) and the latter was a distinctly English name of prestige (it is actually of Dutch origin, "rose-field").
Also, it's curious that the original German name "Eisenhauer" (German for "iron-worker") is much more common than "Eisenhower" in the US (ranked 10234 in 2000 and 10509 in 1990).
[Edited on September 29, 2014 at 12:17 AM. Reason : ^now now now he could have been thinking of Lyndon Johnson 9/28/2014 11:59:42 PM
lewisje All American 9196 Posts user info edit post |
This is a similar list for the Vice Presidents; it's longer because there are 47 (as opposed to 43 Presidents), no two of whom share a surname. |2000| 1990|SURNAME |----|-----|---------- | 2| 2|Johnson | 10| 8|Wilson | 35| 30|King | 39| 36|Adams | 113| 106|Wallace | 124| 102|Ford | 125| 119|Marshall | 223| 208|Wheeler | 280| 270|Curtis | 346| 304|Bush | 395| 345|Stevenson | 403| 350|Garner | 422| 420|Sherman | 477| 415|Tyler | 509| 462|Morton | 594| 460|Jefferson | 655| 599|Humphrey | 749| 776|Hendricks | 757| 592|Calhoun | 877| 661|Nixon |1172| 1227|Arthur |1326| 1111|Gore |1385| 1506|Tompkins |2031| 1625|Hamlin |2118| 1706|Clinton |2253| 1824|Burr |2563| 2346|Cheney |2573| 2584|Barkley |3398| 3657|Agnew |3650| 3226|Fairbanks |3698| 3285|Dallas |5255| 5278|Dawes |5521| 4463|van Buren |5807| 5293|Truman |7373| 5790|Fillmore |9678| 7968|Hobart |9768| 9333|Gerry 10253| 9723|Coolidge 17652|13179|Quayle 20111|-----|Rockefeller 24406|15060|Roosevelt 99214|-----|Breckinridge 106477-----|Colfax 114852-----|Biden over 100000|Mondale I was surprised to see how relatively common Calhoun is and how rare Colfax, Biden, and Mondale are; also, the alternative spelling "Breckenridge" was much more common, 6651st in 2000 and 5966th in 1990.
In case you're curious about the president (Jefferson F. Davis) and vice president (Alexander Hamilton Stephens) of the CSA, Davis was 7th in 2000 and 6th in 1990, and Stephens was 181st in 2000 and 165th in 1990 (with the alternative spelling Stevens being 122nd in 2000 and 127th in 1990). 9/29/2014 1:24:40 AM
lewisje All American 9196 Posts user info edit post |
As a minor update, Pence was 2882nd and Trump was 8608th in 1990, and Kaine did not show up, but Kaines was 83189th; in 2000, Pence was 2769th, Trump was 8357th, and Kaine was 39617th.
I also learned that surname data were finally released for 2010 (on 27 December 2016), and I might bother to update the table to reflect that year; Obama finally showed up, ranked 110825th with 159 people (also, Kaine was 37735th, Davis was 8th, Stephens was 190th, Stevens was 135th, and there were 29312001 people with surnames that fewer than 100 people shared): https://www.census.gov/topics/population/genealogy/data/2010_surnames.html 6/29/2017 1:57:28 AM
BubbleBobble EUPHALO.COM RIP JK 114577 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I was surprised to see that "Truman" and "Roosevelt" were so rare" |
I've never met or even heard of anyone with those last names within circles of friends/family in my life, have you? ![](images/tongue.gif) 6/29/2017 4:03:48 AM
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28394 Posts user info edit post |
Dick size 6/29/2017 9:53:43 AM
kdogg(c) All American 3494 Posts user info edit post |
Why is Kaine mentioned?
DUDE LOST =\ NOT VP 6/29/2017 1:22:37 PM
stevedude hello 4763 Posts user info edit post |
IT'S OVER 100000!!!!!!!! 6/29/2017 6:04:00 PM
The Coz Tempus Fugitive 26554 Posts user info edit post |
^That's what I thought of! 6/29/2017 8:38:25 PM
lewisje All American 9196 Posts user info edit post |
^^^I just thought the name was interesting, but I could well compile similar lists of major Presidential and VP nominees whose surnames were not the surnames of actual Presidents or Vice Presidents.
With that said, here's the revised list of Presidential surnames:
| 2010| 2000| 1990|SURNAME |-----|-----|-----|---------- | 2| 2| 2|Johnson | 14| 10| 8|Wilson | 17| 13| 10|Taylor | 19| 18| 13|Jackson | 42| 39| 36|Adams | 49| 46| 40|Carter | 127| 117| 100|Hayes | 137| 124| 102|Ford | 141| 128| 115|Harrison | 145| 138| 90|Washington | 146| 130| 137|Kennedy | 196| 192| 154|Grant | 202| 186| 167|Pierce | 372| 346| 304|Bush | 503| 471| 443|Buchanan | 509| 477| 415|Tyler | 580| 532| 571|Hoover | 615| 594| 460|Jefferson | 617| 567| 523|Monroe | 871| 823| 724|Harding | 907| 877| 661|Nixon | 1127| 1056| 907|Cleveland | 1241| 1209| 1094|Madison | 1247| 1172| 1227|Arthur | 1296| 1270| 1062|Polk | 1489| 1410| 1325|McKinley | 2207| 2122| 2000|Reagan | 2209| 2068| 2129|Lincoln | 2242| 2118| 1706|Clinton | 3933| 3787| 3099|Taft | 5874| 5521| 4463|van Buren | 6195| 5807| 5293|Truman | 7473| 7373| 5790|Fillmore | 8484| 8357| 8608|Trump |10782|10253| 9723|Coolidge |23634|22403|16178|Eisenhower |24822|24406|15060|Roosevelt 110825|over 100000|Obama
My suspicion is that most of the 159 recorded Obamas had changed their surnames from something else, inspired by the Senator, and later President.
This is a revised list of the Vice Presidents, this time removing any Presidential surnames:
| 2010| 2000| 1990|SURNAME |------|------|-----|---------- | 34| 35| 30|King | 123| 113| 106|Wallace | 139| 125| 119|Marshall | 243| 223| 208|Wheeler | 309| 280| 270|Curtis | 432| 395| 345|Stevenson | 442| 403| 350|Garner | 469| 422| 420|Sherman | 568| 509| 462|Morton | 705| 655| 599|Humphrey | 802| 749| 776|Hendricks | 803| 757| 592|Calhoun | 1378| 1326| 1111|Gore | 1485| 1385| 1506|Tompkins | 2150| 2031| 1625|Hamlin | 2323| 2253| 1824|Burr | 2655| 2563| 2346|Cheney | 2764| 2573| 2584|Barkley | 2965| 2769| 2882|Pence | 3602| 3398| 3657|Agnew | 3743| 3650| 3226|Fairbanks | 3761| 3698| 3285|Dallas | 5452| 5255| 5278|Dawes | 10298| 9678| 7968|Hobart | 11229| 9768| 9333|Gerry | 18098| 17652|13179|Quayle | 20449| 20111|-----|Rockefeller | 99845|106477|-----|Colfax |110825|114852|-----|Biden >161000| 99214|-----|Breckinridge >161000| over 100000|Mondale
The only change in the VP name rankings is that Breckinridge has become much less common; also, there were as many Bidens as Obamas in the US in 2010.
[Edited on June 30, 2017 at 3:27 PM. Reason : The Presidential name rankings swapped around several places. 6/30/2017 3:20:22 PM
kdogg(c) All American 3494 Posts user info edit post |
What about Soetoro? 7/1/2017 3:26:17 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148801 Posts user info edit post |
are there more Obamas or Dukakis' 7/1/2017 3:33:52 PM
BanjoMan All American 9609 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Also, it's curious that the original German name "Eisenhauer" (German for "iron-worker") is much more common than "Eisenhower"" |
Where did you get that translation? Just curious because Eisenhauer literally means iron hitter, (or beater, puncher, etc..) 7/1/2017 4:01:57 PM