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 Message Boards » » stategrad100's workplace angst appreciation thread Page [1]  
All American
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(But bear with me, this is not regarding multilevel marketing of deworming agent)

regardless - let me begin:

Ok so some of us are like Old as Fuck at this point and have careers. I tried not to work and then realized that you quickly run out of money.

I have a skillset. I won't get into the specifics of the job, but it requires professional experience and licensing.

Why are experts buffered by bullshit people? Does customer service really matter?

I mean but think about all the professions with fluff people.
Like, being a pilot has a cohort, i.e., flight scheduler, flight attendants, etc. etc. the list goes on.

So you catch my drift that there are doers and then there are the bullshitters in the outer perimeter that shit on people.

So no matter your professions, the overarching theme is best asked as:

Why is the air traffic controller mean to the pilots?

Why is the head nurse a bitch to the doctors?

Why is the engineering project manager a bitch to the engineers?

Why are people who can't do something that the other person could (in theory) such assholes? Like, last time I checked ATCs are not pilots, nurses are not doctors, and project managers flunked math.

Carry on. Your comments would be welcome. Anecdotes or opinions appreciated.

4/18/2015 2:03:48 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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I, too, want a pilot to stop flying a plane in order to serve me beverages.

4/18/2015 10:51:35 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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I, too, want a pilot to stop flying a plane in order to serve me beverages.

[Edited on April 18, 2015 at 10:52 AM. Reason : I need someone to post on tww for me, obviously.]

4/18/2015 10:51:35 AM

Burn it all down.
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I'm confused at exactly what you think the relation between ATC and pilots is like. Are you considering them a fluff profession? Why do you think ATCs are 'mean' to pilots?

4/18/2015 10:52:23 AM

All American
15758 Posts
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My experience with project managers is that they advance by being a raging dick to everyone except management.

4/18/2015 11:09:01 AM

All American
9974 Posts
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People working on projects need someone to yell at them or nothing gets done.

4/18/2015 11:37:23 AM

All American
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4/19/2015 12:51:55 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » stategrad100's workplace angst appreciation thread Page [1]  
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