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 Message Boards » » Wake County Animal Shelter to Euthanize on 7/10 Page [1]  
Sink the Flagship
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If you can adopt, now might be the time.

7/9/2015 5:50:28 PM

13089 Posts
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Most of the dogs are pits. A big problem with finding people that would adopt them is most places you rent from say no pits.

Damn shame since they are great dogs if properly cared for.

7/9/2015 6:27:18 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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damn they put down a lot of animals

at least the numbers are dropping though

7/9/2015 6:30:39 PM

13089 Posts
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^Yea, if you ever have a stray make sure you take it to a no kill shelter.

7/9/2015 6:34:43 PM

All American
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Well, here's the thing about no-kill shelters, in my experience with them after having a stowaway cat on a cross-country move:

They're all full and won't take any more animals in.

7/9/2015 9:55:53 PM

All American
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Today's the day they murder hundreds of puppies.

7/10/2015 7:49:25 AM

Sink the Flagship
9818 Posts
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sadly it's the senior dogs that will probably go first.

7/10/2015 11:27:35 AM

All American
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Not that the death of any of the dogs is a good thing, but why is it sadder that the senior dogs would get put down first? At least they've lived a long (hopefully happy) life. The pups have just started theirs.

7/10/2015 1:13:27 PM

soup du hier
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I want to speak to this but shouldn't...

They put down the dogs that are in quarantine first for being diseased or dangerous to other dogs or humans.

Also, no kill shelters and rescues save the good dogs and leave the blood one someone else's hands.

It is a sad thing but it's not as horrifying as one would think it would be.... and yet it is... in some regards because dead dogs are a very sad thing to me.

7/10/2015 2:48:54 PM

Sink the Flagship
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^^it's sadder to me because you have dogs that were brought up by somebody until they for whatever reason lost or could not take care of them. puppies are sad too, don't get me wrong, but are seemingly less aware and less bonded with humans.

7/10/2015 3:27:01 PM

13089 Posts
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RIP lil homies. Just remember all dogs go to heaven.

7/10/2015 3:39:04 PM

All American
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If homeowners insurance knows you have pits, or rots, or even german shepards, they can (and have done to my friend) charged a higher rate.

I don't like pits, but I understand that if they're raised right, they're no different than any other dog. Having said that, no way in hell I'd adopt a pit not knowing its history. We've adopted two beagles from the local beagle rescue, and they've been great dogs, but there are times I wonder what happened in their history to give them the personality they have.

7/10/2015 3:40:05 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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almost every dog at the shelter will have a little pit in them in the next 5 years i bet.

Sadly they are the most likely dogs to be released due to the demographic that has such a love hate relationship with them.

7/10/2015 3:42:09 PM

13089 Posts
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^^This, I love pits and would never adopt one just based off the demographic most likely to own them. Not to mention that A LOT of breeders have no clue what they are doing.

7/12/2015 6:53:05 AM

All American
10768 Posts
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Quote :
"Just remember all dogs go to heaven"

this is true. Cats do not go to heaven however i believe. they go hell. which is the same place as dog heaven

7/12/2015 7:04:43 AM

41758 Posts
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I am supposedly getting a Great Dane to foster tomorrow.

Hope its well behaved, it supposedly had an owner that loved it but he was living in a hotel and got evicted. The dog ended up in the shelter and the the man that could not keep it convinced the rescue I work for to pull it from the shelter. Hopefully it does not have any crazy behavior issues.

Anyone know anything about this breed? I have an entire room it can have free reign of including furniture. I know they need lots of exercise. I don't have a fence but am on a weight loss binge so I don't mind walking it. Can take it to dog parks for runs and socialization.

7/15/2015 4:45:21 PM

Sink the Flagship
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danes are usually pretty chill dogs

7/15/2015 5:11:16 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Wake County Animal Shelter to Euthanize on 7/10 Page [1]  
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