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play so hard
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It's coming!

Quote :
"After years of speculations and rumors, Tim Burton is reportedly ready to start shooting "Beetlejuice 2" movie this year.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly Seth Grahame-Smith candidly said that things are really gearing up for the project.


7/14/2015 11:45:45 AM

All American
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Holy Fuck! When will all this shit stop!

7/14/2015 12:05:37 PM

All American
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If Michael Keaton is involved, I'm game. Loved the first one.

7/14/2015 12:15:36 PM

All American
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7/14/2015 12:33:45 PM

All American
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If Tim Burton is involved, I'm game (and Michael Keaton)

7/14/2015 1:35:23 PM

All American
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Jeez please just stop with the remakes and unnecessary sequels. At this rate I just know there is going to be an awful Back to the Future 4 movie in the next few years. With Tim Burton and Michael Keaton I guess this could be good but I feel like it is just gonna be a rehash.

7/14/2015 1:48:21 PM

All American
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^nope... bttf reboot/remake/etc will only happen (literally) over Robert Zemeckis's's dead body.

7/15/2015 12:07:43 AM

All American
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^Yeah they have said that over and over again. THANK GOD!!!!!!!!! With that being said, July 3, 2015 was the 30th anniversary of BTTF. So far this year we have had the release of Hot Tub Time Machine 2 and some other random time travel movie that I can't remember the name of. Everyone is just itching to do a BTTF remake. Hopefully everybody involved in the creation of BTTF lives to be about 400 years old.

7/15/2015 12:53:45 AM

All American
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or make sure their estates can prevent it after death.

7/15/2015 12:58:46 AM

All American
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^That would be nice if people in the movie industry prevented shitty sequels and remakes from being done after they die.

7/15/2015 1:02:56 AM

All American
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[Edited on July 15, 2015 at 1:41 AM. Reason : .]

7/15/2015 1:39:08 AM

All American
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Although Christopher Lloyd looks exactly the same, I think due to his Parkinson's, Michael J. Fox isn't really able to do a full length movie. I've seen him in cameos and stuff lately but that's it. A BttF movie without Michael J. Fox wouldn't work.

7/15/2015 1:49:18 PM

The Stubby
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fox could play a side role as the older dad/granddad to shia lebouf. see, no problem.

[Edited on July 15, 2015 at 2:30 PM. Reason : ]

7/15/2015 2:30:34 PM

148898 Posts
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Well this is getting delayed again. Apparently Winona Ryder stole the script.

7/15/2015 3:07:05 PM

All American
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7/17/2015 12:08:20 AM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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Quote :
"The script is in. Michael Keaton and Winona Ryder are on board. The movie has been greenlit. So all the long-threatened Beetlejuice 2 has to do is finally start filming.

Or so Tim Burton says after being cornered by Showbiz Spy. The director gave them the following update:

The film is a go and has been approved by the Warner Bros. team, we have talked with the cast members we wanted for the film and they are all on board, this includes both Winona and Michael. We have the script in hand everything is in place all we need to do now is get ready to start filming.
I know plenty of people are excited by the idea of returning to the world of Beetlejuice, but I say “long-threatened” because I am pretty sure we will not be pleased with the results. Yes, it’s great that Keaton and Ryder are back, and I actually have faith in Seth Grahame-Smith’s script. It’s Burton I’m worried about.

Guys, Tim Burton is no longer Tim Burton. He hasn’t been Tim Burton in a long time. His last four films were Big Eyes, Frankenweenie, Alice in Wonderland, and Dark Shadows. His last really good films—which also happen to be in that sweet spot of macabre with bits of comedy as opposed to obnoxiously, sinisterly quirky—were The Corpse Bride and Sweeney Todd, both a decade ago. Before that little flurry of excellence, his IMDB lists Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Big Fish, and his unforgivable Planet of the Apes reboot.

Maybe a return to the world of Beetlejuice is exactly what Burton needs. Maybe it’s a project that’s just built into his DNA. But there are very few 20-or-more-years later sequels that live up to their originals. If Steven Spielberg has trouble, I am not optimistic about Tim Burton."

3/11/2016 12:59:37 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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Don't like how that writer inferred that Big Fish wasn't incredible..which of course it was.

3/12/2016 11:06:42 AM

All American
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Nope (thank god)

Quote :
"Update: Well, whether you thought the Beetlejuice sequel finally happening was too good to be true or not, it’s not true. The source that claimed to speak to Burton is a lying liar, as confirmed by MTV, meaning the sequel continues to languish is cinematic purgatory. As my original article postulated, maybe this is for the best"

3/12/2016 1:57:46 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"“This is the thing, it’s something that I’m interested in, but there’s so many stories [online], dumping Michael Keaton for Johnny Depp and this or that, and I’ve talked to these people and they didn’t wanna hear this so they just made up a story. But the fact of it is I have talked to Michael and I have talked to Winona, I’ve talked to a few people. It’s something that I really would like to do in the right circumstances, but it’s one of those films where it has to be right. It’s not a kind of a movie that cries out [for a sequel], it’s not the Beetlejuice trilogy. So it’s something that if the elements are right—because I do love the character and Michael’s amazing as that character, so yeah we’ll see. But there’s nothing concrete yet.”"

5/12/2016 1:39:40 PM

8131 Posts
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Oh we back. Coulda been better, but was good enough for me. I bet funeral scene was dad who in real life molested kids or something.

It can be pg-13 and say f word once. Hope they pull it off

3/23/2024 11:16:28 PM

All American
8853 Posts
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Will they need to adapt the screenplay to avoid Alex Baldwin from handling a firearm?

3/24/2024 8:34:44 AM

All American
28661 Posts
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It's happening

7/3/2024 10:33:19 AM

8131 Posts
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Any thoughts on this? I'm on my 2nd attempt. So far I think pretty crappy. 29 minutes in already pausing it debating on whether to fight through it and just hope it gets better

12/4/2024 8:19:08 PM

All American
23091 Posts
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I thought it was ok. I was expecting some major fan service there at the end with them somehow bringing Gena Davis and Alec Baldwin back, but thankfully that didn’t happen.

I mean I guess it could have been worse. Still love Keaton in just about anything though.

12/5/2024 8:24:45 AM

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