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All American
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Who playing?

1/27/2016 2:13:16 PM

5881 Posts
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Started download before work, cant wait to get home

1/27/2016 2:36:26 PM

All American
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Contains brilliant puzzle design and then proceeds to bash you over the head with the same puzzle concept to the point where you don't like the puzzle type any more.

1/27/2016 4:16:12 PM

All American
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The wife and I have been waiting for this game for years! She's a big Myst-like puzzle game person.

We played on Tuesday for a few hours and got our first laser beam shooting. Definitely a little tedious through the tutorial stage, but i really like how he ramped up the difficulty toward the end. Clever!

We've been busy so haven't played since, but hopefully tonight.

1/28/2016 6:28:21 PM

All American
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Solved 2 laser beams and, unrelated, just now got the biggest chunk of "story" I've seen.

I've been waiting for this game since it was announced, so I guess about 6 years? It's beautiful obviously. The puzzles design is constantly a mind fuck (more than you can imagine). I sometimes feel like things are repetitive, but since the puzzles are so quick to solve if you actually know what you're doing that they must not be that repetitive since I can't solve them that fast.

The biggest annoyance so far is that the voice overs for the most part seem super fucking pretentious. And I can already see that there's going to be even less of a backstory/explanation that I expected.

1/28/2016 9:27:21 PM

All American
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353 puzzles solved. I think I'm near the end, but not sure. My brain is totally fried.

1/30/2016 10:32:39 PM

All American
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Beat it, but I don't know if i want to 100% it. The thought of spending another 80+ hours in this game is not too appealing.

1/31/2016 6:07:24 PM

All American
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That's how I felt about Arkham Knight when I had beaten everything in the game except approximately 74,000 riddler trophies.

1/31/2016 7:59:11 PM

All American
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I am on my way to beating it at 390 +35 puzzles solved.

So far the game has been pretty brilliant; There's only been one puzzle I didn't like; not a puzzle 'type' but one single puzzle. Everything else so far has been quite rewarding to solve.

I have a feeling that much like the puzzles, the backstory of the island is going to take a lot of effort and environmental awareness to decipher. Some of the audio clips have been interesting to hear and I actually like the video clips a lot; I am hoping there is some Carl Sagan at some point.

Will your save game tell you if you've gotten all puzzles?

2/2/2016 9:15:42 AM

All American
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Supposedly the game has exactly 667 puzzles.

I'm not convinced there is any backstory. If there was, it's kind of a dick move to not include it by the endgame.

I'm toying around with playing it some more though. I'm somewhere around 415 I think. I'm curious if you can only complete the game by starting the game over (or not messing up early), because of a particular secret I found (but cannot get in my current save).

[Edited on February 2, 2016 at 10:21 AM. Reason : I'm reading that yes you can complete it]

2/2/2016 10:17:24 AM

 Message Boards » Entertainment » The Witness Page [1]  
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