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Burn it all down.
18410 Posts
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Have we moved on from Scentsy directly to Lululemon or was there something in between that I didn't catch?

3/6/2016 11:03:05 AM

26632 Posts
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not really snake oil, but i'm hijacking this thread to ask a question

who do rodon + fields reps plan on selling things to when every mom on facebook is a rodon + fields rep? now I even have dudes selling the stuff.

3/6/2016 11:04:54 AM

All American
48079 Posts
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how can workout clothes be snake oil? sure, they're overpriced, but it's not like they're advertising a health benefit that isn't there. they're pants.

[Edited on March 6, 2016 at 11:09 AM. Reason : 4]

3/6/2016 11:09:32 AM

Burn it all down.
18410 Posts
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Yes, lululemon isn't snake oil, but I felt it was an appropriate term. Many of my buddies who are still in the military have their wives pimp out things from diet products to the clothes.

This is pretty accurate.

3/6/2016 11:14:03 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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these folks are wacko. they vehemently defend their pyramid schemes.

3/6/2016 11:27:23 AM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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does donald trump count as snake oil?

3/6/2016 11:56:04 AM

Not an alcoholic
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One of my gf's friends won't stop texting her to be a R+F rep.. She said she might buy some stuff, but didn't want to "work" for them, but she won't stop asking her to sign up to sell it.. Like, in what world would you rather somebody work for your company than just buy your product?

3/6/2016 12:16:59 PM

All American
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Maybe Im lucky, but I never see these things in my feed. I had one friend who was in Zeek Rewards years ago, but thats it...and I have an ex from HS (who Im not friends with) that is pimping out Plexus...I occasionally look at her page for the laughs, because selling this shit while talking about how great God is seems ridiculous on so many levels.

3/6/2016 12:17:40 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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Quote :
"Like, in what world would you rather somebody work for your company than just buy your product?"

that's exactly what you want in a pyramid scheme. you will make more money getting folks under you on the pyramid than you will by actually selling that junk.

3/6/2016 12:19:38 PM

All American
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Does anyone want to buy some tommy copper?

3/6/2016 1:03:36 PM

All American
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My favorite is when they trash each other, as I saw with the diet shakes a while back. The Plexus vs Shakeology debates were quite funny as they both were repping for it and showing how much weight they had lost. Meanwhile most of them were stay at home moms who were exercising a ton, so they probably could have eaten anything and still lost weight.

But yes, lulemom seems to be the latest one sweeping my Facebook page.

[Edited on March 6, 2016 at 2:59 PM. Reason : ]

3/6/2016 2:58:59 PM

All American
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Thing is with pyramid schemes, the people that"work" there buy a ton of shit there to improve their stats or whatever. Then they pressure everyone they know to do the same. The people that work for these crooks are the real suckers. They have stiff parties and delude each other into thinking its a good idea. Go to a quixtar meeting if that shit still exists. It's insane.

3/6/2016 3:57:36 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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the Herbalife "nutrition clubs" are my favorite. it's scary how many folks fall for this shit.

3/6/2016 4:10:53 PM

All American
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Look this fucking powder works because my friend who significantly cut their calorie Intake a few weeks ago lost 5 pounds

3/6/2016 4:49:05 PM

All American
1356 Posts
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What is this thread abt

3/6/2016 5:21:22 PM

All American
42557 Posts
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^ Pants, Pimples, Pimps, and Powders

[Edited on March 6, 2016 at 5:38 PM. Reason : ]

3/6/2016 5:35:41 PM

All American
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On the guys side, my favorites are the guys who work at sales jobs. One does some prepaid legal thing and tries to pimp it quite often and talk shit about the competition. Couple of insurance agents as well. Also a guy who sells Nutrilite vitamins and talks about how much healthier he is, although again he started a workout regiment that I'm sure had almost no bearing! My favorite is the guy who does SEO (not named Gr3g H1er) and is always bragging about how working for yourself is the best way to go, his extravagant spending on stupid shit to prove how much he makes (buying the most expensive bottle of champagne in Las Vegas for example), and talking shit about people who work in office and cubicles, like they have to be so depressed. I really wish I could hit the SEO/Motivational speaking jackpot like Mr. Entrepreneur Man here.

3/6/2016 5:54:56 PM

All American
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I only fucc with pants

3/6/2016 6:40:20 PM

All American
12428 Posts
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Couple of my wife's friends sell "younique" which is an expensive as fuck makeup. This one friend "employs" the others. They all make like 8 Facebook posts per day basically begging people to buy their product or to sell the product so that they can get a free trip or some shit. It's really annoying

3/6/2016 7:23:28 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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i go ahead and hit the unfollow button for anyone involved in MLM

3/6/2016 7:27:01 PM

All American
2715 Posts
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my Facebook is a deluge of posts like these for "itworks!". the worst part is that the company's entire marketing campaign revolves around encouraging vendors to post about the products on Facebook nonstop. the gullibility of people buying into these kinds of schemes saddens me.

3/6/2016 7:28:14 PM

All American
18474 Posts
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I see Rodan and Fields and that essential oil bullshit the most. After that some advocare crap.

3/6/2016 7:31:48 PM

4373 Posts
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If I see this shit on my fb feed it's instant unfriend/follow, whichever option I happen upon first.

3/6/2016 8:55:06 PM

All American
3552 Posts
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Did op mean lularoe? I have seen a few people selling those leggings. How does lululemon fit into this?

3/6/2016 9:07:37 PM

Burn it all down.
18410 Posts
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idk, is there a difference between the two things?

3/6/2016 10:01:11 PM

All American
11730 Posts
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3/6/2016 10:04:40 PM

148806 Posts
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^She must be ignorant about pyramid schemes to refer to the people selling the bullshit as entrepreneurs who are making money.

3/6/2016 10:16:18 PM

All American
1356 Posts
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what kinda moron still uses facebook in this day and age

3/6/2016 10:18:50 PM

All American
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The other one I hate is the new mom whose family/hubby buys them a Canon Rebel and they are all of a sudden posting their photography page on FB and advertising 15 minute family photoshoots for $20. Of course their friends and family post how cute the kids are and they believe they are ready to hang a sign and start a business. Meanwhile if you try to critique their photography on FB your being a judgemental asshole.

You can avoid a lot of this shit by unfollowing any service members spouse as they are the worlds worst at all of this shit.

3/7/2016 3:18:05 AM

oh we back
25819 Posts
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i have maybe 2 facebook friends that keep posting pics of houses saying stuff like "wow great 3 BR in Chapel Hill. i'd be all over this if i didn't already have a place"...posting their listings on facebook and trying to sell that way just seems weird to me. it's not a scam or anything...but do other real estate agents use facebook like that to try and sell homes?

3/7/2016 7:52:35 AM

All American
3646 Posts
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Usborne Books is another one that's starting to pop up. It looks fairly innocent; they want you to buy fun little books for your kids, and then BAM....they relentlessly try to reel you in to be an "Uzzie Buddy."

3/7/2016 8:18:22 AM

All American
9828 Posts
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Quote :
".but do other real estate agents use facebook like that to try and sell homes?"

yep. It's just viewed as another avenue for marketing.

3/7/2016 8:34:03 AM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"Did op mean lularoe? I have seen a few people selling those leggings. How does lululemon fit into this?"

a ton of my sister's friend keep pestering her about luluroe and it shows up in my newsfeed

all their shit is fug

3/7/2016 8:48:00 AM

All American
19639 Posts
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So Lululemom is some overpriced exercise pants that can be bought in their stores.

Lularoe is some direct marketing company that sells similar products a slightly lower prices.

3/7/2016 3:13:43 PM

19447 Posts
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I hate MLMs. But LuLaRoe leggings are legit.

The business model is even shittier than other MLMs though. The reps don't get to choose what they sell, just quantities and sizes from what I understand, and the company sends them whatever patterns they feel like sending.

3/7/2016 3:21:15 PM

All American
10767 Posts
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the bernie bros talkin smack about the hildabeast crack me up. we know man, we know

3/7/2016 5:37:32 PM

26632 Posts
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^^ and the patterns are all terrible, especially on "thick" girls

3/7/2016 6:22:11 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
28395 Posts
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Quote :
" yep. It's just viewed as another avenue for marketing."

My real estate agent friends have separate pages for their business related stuff. Apparently y'all are just friends with assholes.

3/7/2016 8:00:25 PM

126 Posts
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Sister and law pushed visalus hard for a few months to the point she was getting the $300 credit towards a BMW. Bought the BMW and I'm guessing probably didn't keep the sales rate required to keep the $300 credit in as little as a few months later. She's now on the hook for the BMW they bought. Has started pushing Plexus in the past few weeks.

3/7/2016 8:27:03 PM

All American
8837 Posts
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300 dollars will maker brake your sister and law? that sucks.

3/7/2016 8:30:11 PM

Sup, B
53247 Posts
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elise aint gonna like this thread, broseph

3/7/2016 8:46:33 PM

All American
2732 Posts
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Quote :
"maker brake"

Oh I like that

3/7/2016 10:10:31 PM

All American
2303 Posts
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^^what does she sell?

3/7/2016 11:27:59 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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i'd never heard of lularoe until this thread and then it pops up on my facebook feed today. another unfollow.

3/8/2016 6:57:47 PM

Sup, B
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^^ just started scentsy two days ago

3/9/2016 12:56:43 AM

Dr Pepper
All American
3583 Posts
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Norwex cleaning products.

But I guess any reason for a woman to get excited about keeping the house clean could be viewed as a good thing.

3/9/2016 6:53:34 AM

Not an alcoholic
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I have a scentsy.. I didn't realize that was the same, since there's actually a product that people might want to buy

3/9/2016 7:15:34 AM

All American
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A lot of these have products they offer, although some are more of an MLM scam than others. My complaints in this thread dealt more with the kinds of people who spam their "friends" on Facebook and other social media trying to sell shit, force them to accept their parties, etc. I get enough ads from everything else in the world. When I get on Facebook I like to keep up with old friends and acquaintances and see what they are up to now, where they have been, how many kids they have now, etc. I don't need to know about your next great marketing opportunity or whatever shit you are trying to sell this month. I have several friends who started/own their own legitimate businesses (sign design, bakery, photography studios, etc.) who don't span my feed nearly as much as these other kinds of "momtrepeneurs" some of whom post daily about their bullshit.

In my opinion the best way to do this is start a business Facebook page. Whether you make wreathes, bake cakes, take photos, or try to scam people, just do a separate page and send out the link. That is the best way to deal with this stuff in my opinion. If folks opt in to your shit then great! If not, then no big deal.

[Edited on March 9, 2016 at 8:55 AM. Reason : ]

3/9/2016 8:35:43 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
28395 Posts
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Quote :
"I have a scentsy.."

they let men do it too??????????

3/9/2016 8:52:41 AM

All American
12297 Posts
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Facebook is the fucking worst.

3/9/2016 9:58:26 AM

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